Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2019 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal).

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    Keidy Ginzalez almost 4 years ago

    My nieces and nephew attend this school. I am very involved in their life and I could see they feel at home and are learning a lot on a daily basis. I do not see them feeling out of place instead there part of a community that cares for their needs individually.

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    Emiliano ParedesOrtiz almost 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Emiliano I am in 5th grade and I am here to share why I support Lodestar’s renewal. I like Lodestar because Lodestar is built on 5 core values of Community, Agency, Integrity, Love and Social Justice. Lodestar has helped me to grow my Agency. One example of my agency is sharing an answer or idea to help others learn, like when a teacher explains something new and challenging, we share ideas and work together so it’s easier for everyone to understand the concept. I used to be more shy to speak up in class and now I have the courage to speak up and share my ideas and questions, especially for the important things in life, like this public speaking day to support Lodestar's renewal.

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    Lauren Camarillo almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar provides much more than an education to the students and families it serves. As a community school, it provides wraparound services that support students academically, socially, and emotionally. As the needs of our country's students are exacerbated by inequities in the education system, Lodestar has pushed beyond any limitations to ensure every student is connected, engaged, and supported. As a family member of Lodestar administration, I have been inspired by the personal connections the teachers and staff have made with students' families, truly lifting them up in some of the most challenging times of their lives. The administrators support teachers (who then support students) in a way that empowers them and makes learning meaningful and personalized. The relentless efforts of administration and staff to reach some of the most vulnerable student populations in California are exemplary, and serve as a model for other charter organizations.

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    Dana Paredes almost 4 years ago

    Four years ago, our family made a transition from home schooling to public school. We were looking for a school with social justice values and that held a core belief that learning was infinite. We vetted a lot of Oakland public schools and landed on Lodestar. We were impressed with its education approach that led with collaborative, inquiry-based learning and offered making, arts and design as a pathway to deepen understanding of core subjects while engaging in experiential learning. We were also compelled by its strong leadership and its agile approach to try new things (and thereby quickly let go of the things that don't work). We believe Lodestar's educational approach, strong leadership and agile stance present the essential qualities for a dynamic public education. When OUSD votes in support of Lodestar's renewal, you will be casting a vote for a most compelling model of education and for a strong public option - which we in Oakland deserve. ~Resident of 24 yrs and counting

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    Andrea Lemus almost 4 years ago

    I love the school because we as a community can work to help students get to collage and it’s also a safe area for students who have been with upsetting pasts in their old school. There’s no other school that is as better as Lodestar and supports their casts and students for a brighter future. With all this support we can work to inspire students to never give up in their hopes and dreams.

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    Alex VillanuevaCastillo almost 4 years ago

    My name is Alex and I am a 6th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I love my school and I am writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal. I appreciate the relationships I have with my teachers and how much they support me in my classes. We have a loving community at Lodestar. I feel connected to my friends and it feels like a family. I want to go back to school so I can show my new friends my soccer skills. I plan on graduating from Lodestar High School in 2027 and going to college. Please renew Lodestar’s charter. I value my school and my future. Thank you!

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    Paula Franco almost 4 years ago

    Tengo 3 niños e la escuela por lo tanto estoy agradecida de que esten alli por el apollo que le dan los maestros y porque no tengo que andar preocupandome en andar buscando para la high school ya que alli esta el edificio de la high school

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    Greg Camarillo almost 4 years ago

    I am a family member of the school's principal and I wish to voice my support for their charter renewal. I have personally witnessed the amount of energy and passion that the school's leadership and teachers have poured into making Lodestar an exceptional learning environment. They work tirelessly to engage the community and create a partnership that is mutually beneficial for the students and the community members. I have participated in zoom sessions aimed at creating young leaders at school and in the community. As an educator myself, I can attest to Lodestar's model of inspiring and empowering students to do well in school while striving to go to college and achieve their dreams. I believe renewing Lodestar's charter is a great move for the Oakland community.

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    Patricia Ramos almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar has been a great school for my 5th grade student. He’s been attending since 1st grade. Wonderful an very attentive staff. Please keep the school open for the benefit of all students and parents.

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    Cristina Vazquez almost 4 years ago

    Hi my two boys are in lodestar I have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader. I love the communication of lodestar also they make me feel like a family.

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    Michael DeSousa almost 4 years ago

    Four years ago we moved to Oakland to be part of the Lodestar community. Since it's inception the school has lived it's values and committed itself to partnering with families to provide students the academic and social opportunities that will allow our children to thrive. We are a founding family who has stuck with Lodestar through its transitions and feel as confident as ever in our decision to move back to Oakland to be part of this special community. We intend to have both our children (current K and 4th grader) graduate as seniors from the Lodestar.

    Please do not let the political rhetoric about charter schools cloud your judgement. Lodestar is a high quality community school committed to serving ALL students. It is led by a team of passionate educators who are almost entirely educators of color. Please support our school. We are true community partner that are committed to closing the opportunity gap for Oakland youth.

    Thank you for your consideration,

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    Rosa DeSousa almost 4 years ago

    Hi, I am a founding student at Lodestar and am now in 4th grade, my mom works at Lodestar, and my brother is in kindergarten at Lodestar too! I support Lodestar’s charter renewal because Lodestar helps students learn community, love, agency, social justice, and integrity. These are the core values at Lodestar. These core values help us support each other to do our best!

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    Alejandra Moreno almost 4 years ago

    I support Lodestar school. Because it’s an excelent school, and my girl goes to this school. She really enjoyed her clases and her teachers . And We worries about the situation. I support the school.

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    Erik Zwerling almost 4 years ago

    I have two boys at Lodestar - one in sixth grade and one in eighth grade. This is their third year at Lodestar. Before we found Lodestar, we were looking at private schools or moving out of Oakland because their learning needs were not being met at our neighborhood OUSD schools, one of our kids has a 504 plan that I begged for at our OUSD school but that fell on deaf ears. We have been thrilled that there is a local public school that is teaching our kids using different teaching methods - meeting them where they are for their learning, working with the community to make learning holistic, and empowering kids to own their learning. We did not find any other public schools in the area that had these innovative learning methods. The boys are happy, engaged, learning, and growing. Please renew Lodestar.

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    Griselda Salcido almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar is the best my son is a 7th grader at lodestar I’m happy with the school the staff , love the how the teachers and principals are involved in the kids education

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    German Fong almost 4 years ago

    Hola mi nombre es German y tengo dos hijos en lodestar Josias de 5to y Jeremias de 3er grado, Yo apoyo la renovación de lodestar por que es una buena escuela que apoya las necesidades de mis hijos en su aprendizaje y también les enseñan valores que les ayudan a ser mejores personas, puedo ver que sus maestros son personas muy responsables y les enseñan con mucho cariño y amor y brindan a cada uno de mis hijos lo que ellos necesitan respecto a su aprendizaje

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    Nadia Pena almost 4 years ago

    Hi ! My name is Nadia Pena and i'm a 6th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I love my school and I really hope it stays opened. Lodestar has a really amazing atmosphere all around the school that you couldn't get in any other public schools. The teacher's here are really inspiring and supportive. I love a lot of Lodestar traditions but I especially like the community meetings. They use these meetings to alert students/parents about events and any special announcements. I hope my school stays opened so I can have many more community meetings. I support Lodestar Charter Renewal. Keep my school open !

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    Andrea Garcia almost 4 years ago

    My name is Andrea Garcia and i am in 6th grader at Lodestar middle school .i love my school,i would like to finish my middle school and my high school here at Lodestar and i support Lodestars charter renewal. I appreciate the relationships I have with my teachers and how much they support me in my classes.i really want to go to college. I value my school and my future. Thank you!

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    Aubrey Patrick almost 4 years ago

    This is my first year teaching at Lodestar and I could not imagine a more supportive and dedicated school community than this one. Lodestar is a school that truly lives into its core values of love, community, integrity, agency, and social justice on a daily basis. This is a place that consistently prioritizes student and family voice. I strongly support this charter renewal.

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    Miriam Garcia almost 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Miriam Garcia and I am a student at lodestar, and I really like lodestar, it's a really amazing school I like the core value, LOVE because I like to show love to others it's a really nice thing to do , and I really don't want the school to close because I love the school and all the teachers and, I have been on lodestar for 5 years now and I don't want them to shut the school down I like how we put our hand to our heart because no other school does that, and we also line up in two lines that's why I like lodestar , GO LODESTAR !