Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2019 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal).

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    lawrence stansberry almost 4 years ago

    I love Lodestar! I have been here for three years. Please renew our school charter.

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    xanaii williams almost 4 years ago

    My name is xanaii and I am a 7th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I love my school and I am writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal. I appreciate the relationships I have with my teachers and how much they support me in my classes. We have a loving community at Lodestar. I feel connected to my friends and it feels like a family. I plan on graduating from Lodestar High School in 2026 and going to college. Please renew Lodestar’s Charter. I value my school and my future. Thank you!

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    Eideliz pablo almost 4 years ago

    My name is Eideliz and i am a 7th grader at Lodestar Middle School and I am writing in support of the Lodestar Charter renewal. Something I really enjoy about lodestar is all the amazing and sweet teachers. I also just reunited with my childhood friend and would hate to lose her again. We have a loving community at lodestar,Please renew Lodestars Charter. I value my school and my future. Thank you!

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    Ana rose almost 4 years ago

    My name is Ana and i am a 7th grader at Lodestar Middle school. I love my school not as much as mom .. I am writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal.I appreciate the relationships i have with my teachers and how much they support me kinda in classes,We have a loving community at Lodestar i feel connected to my friends and it kinda feels like a family.Please renew Lodestar's Charter. Thank you.

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    Jonathan avila almost 4 years ago

    My name is Jonathan avila and I am a 7th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I love my school and I am writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal. I appreciate the relationships I have with my teachers and how much they support me in my classes. We have a loving community at Lodestar. I feel connected to my friends and it feels like a family. I plan on graduating from Lodestar High School in 2026 and going to college. Please renew Lodestar’s Charter. I value my school and my future. Thank you!

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    Andrea Lemus almost 4 years ago

    We love lodestar! We won't give up on it

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    andrea medrano almost 4 years ago

    lodestar is like a home for students shutting it down is like taking our homes.

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    Cesar M almost 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Cesar Medrano. I’m a 7th grader here at lodestar charter and i think you should leave my school alone and keep it open. A lot of people want lodestar open like all of us students and teachers here at lodestar.

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    Jocelyn Carrillo almost 4 years ago

    My name is Jocelyn and I am a 7th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I love my school and I am writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal. I appreciate the relationships I have with my teachers and how much they support me in my classes. We have a loving community at Lodestar. I feel connected to my friends and it feels like a family. I plan on graduating from Lodestar High School in 2026 and going to college. Please renew Lodestar’s Charter. I value my school and my future. Thank you!

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    Jamara Church almost 4 years ago

    don’t close lodestar👍🏽

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    Jaxson Camarillo almost 4 years ago

    I LOVE Lodestar...I love my Lodestar Kinder! When my little brother, Jayce gets older, I want him to come to Lodestar with me! Please save Lodestar!

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    Jennifer Tran almost 4 years ago

    Dear OUSD Board Members,

    I am commenting in support of Lodestar's charter renewal. This is an organization that has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to quality education and community engagement. I have seen firsthand how teachers and administration put into practice their school's core values. The earnest enthusiasm of the staff, students, and their families to foster a supportive learning environment is genuine and inspiring.

    Please renew Lodestar's charter. It is a much needed and highly-valued option for Oakland. EVERY child is worthy of high-quality, public education.

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    Belen Orozco almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar has brought light to our Brookfield neighborhood, the dedication and academic support they provide our students is remarkable. Our teachers and leadership have done an amazing job with our students and building community in a new neighborhood. Please let us continue to have great schools like Lodestar in our neighborhood.

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    Laura Islas almost 4 years ago

    Need School

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    Aida Benites almost 4 years ago

    I love lodestard is a great school my son is really happy to study with nice teachers and friendly friends

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    Veronica Haro almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar is a school that deeply cares about its students and families. This is my fourth year teaching here at Lodestar and my eighth year with the organization and I am proud to call this home. I have seen Lodestar continue to be innovative in its model to support students' brilliance based on a model of love, agency, and social justice. There is a joy that is palpable when you step on campus or in a Zoom room that highlights the deep sense of community that has nourished here. Taking that away would be a complete disservice to the students, families, and community and I urge you to vote yes on Lodestar's charter.

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    Ana Jimenez almost 4 years ago

    Hi, I am a parent of a 9th grade student at Lodestar. I am happy to say that I really like this school. Here at this school, my son has learned to be responsible, he’s been staying on top of his work and I’ve also noticed him more excited about joining class. I feel that this school is going to give my son the opportunity to become a leader in his community. The effort and attention that the staff and the principal give our children is something he didn’t receive at his schools in the past. I have seen growth in so many areas of my son this school year, that I would hate to see him loose a great opportunity and school. I am really happy with Lodestar.

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    Vi Le almost 4 years ago

    I am a proud founding Lodestar staff and Lodestar parent to a 4th grader (Class of 2029) and Kindergartener (Class of 2033). As a child and grandchild of immigrants and refugees, I grew up being told success in school meant assimilating and that to be different, i.e. to be your authentic self, wasn't acceptable as a person of color. At Lodestar, our students explore and celebrate their identities, use agency to guide their learning, and reflect on integrity. I know this first hand with my own children who love who they are and who they may become, love their friends, and truly love their teachers. We know there is still much work to do to ensure every child has the opportunity to pursue college and a career of THEIR CHOICE, to be CHANGEMAKERS in our world that is in dire need of change. Without a doubt, Lodestar has proven we deserve the opportunity to continue this important work.

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    Lillian Ortiz almost 4 years ago

    I've lived in Oakland for 26 years and it resembles the beloved community I grew up in Los Angeles. I always knew that I would be teaching at a school that reflected the people and community that I am from. I've been a teacher at Lodestar for 4 years and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. My passion to learn and teach has only been strengthened by the wonderful students, their invested families, and my brilliant co-workers/administration. Additionally, my son is in 5th grade at Lodestar and loves it! I have witnessed him flourish academically and thrive. He has a deep trust in his teachers and loves his community of friends. He embodies a sense of belonging at Lodestar that has exceeded my hopes. Lodestar is a gift to so many families in Oakland; and we need it to continue. Vote in support of the Lodestar renewal!

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    SusanAl Camarillo almost 4 years ago

    To the OUSD School Board Members:
    We respectfully submit our strong support for the Lodestar Charter. We are family of the principal and we are both educators with 40+ years experience in education. We know Lodestar to be a truly special learning environment where students, teachers, parents and school leaders are dedicated to working together with a 100% commitment to excellence. The opportunity that Lodestar provides its students is inspirational. The level of engagement between the families and the school community is exceptional. The teachers and school leaders are highly experienced, energetic and fully devoted to their mission. We are also grandparents of a Lodestar kindergartener. And, nothing makes us happier than hearing him start his school day with his beautiful “Morning Promise” and enjoy his learning so much that he told his teacher, “I love you.”
    For all these reasons and more, we appreciate, value, and support the Lodestar charter.