Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2019 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal).

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    Vanina DoceMood almost 4 years ago

    I am a staff a Lodestar for 4 years now and I support the renewal of the school. East Oakland deserves schools that can provide the best education to each and every single student. Lodestar is a relationship based school where teachers, families and leadership know each other and work in patternship towards the success of all students, especially for those of low income families. We've created a beautiful community where everyone feels safe, seen and heard. The teachers and leadership are committed to excellence in education and creating a path that will take the students directly to College.

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    Jeanette Hernandez almost 4 years ago

    Creo que se debería mantener las escuelas charter abiertas, para seguir ayúdanos a nuestros hijos (alumnos) a seguir aprendiendo y se que las escuelas charter son muy buenas y altas en estadística para ayudar a los estudiantes a seguir aprendiendo y también en motivarlos en seguir adelante.

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    Angelica Maciel almost 4 years ago

    As a parent of a student who has attended Lodestar since Kindergarten I feel it is very necessary to keep Lodestar renewed. It has always been a school to support as necessary as well as demonstrate they’re vision with the students and families through their core values.

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    Eneida Martinez almost 4 years ago

    La existencia de estas escuelas son importantes menos alumnos más aprendizaje necesitamos tener escuelas lodestar.Todos mi descendencia sobrinos han estado en escuelas chárter se han graduado de escuelas chárter han ido a la universidad necesitamos seguir con estas escuelas las apoyo💯👌🙏🏻

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    Rebeca Ramos almost 4 years ago

    Necesito esta escuela tengo dos estudiantes en lodestar está escuela le está ayudando mucho a mi hijo ahora con aprendizaje a distancia los maestros les ayudan mucho es una muy buena escuela en esta comunidad

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    Guadalupe Rodriguez almost 4 years ago

    Yo necesito esta escuela en mi vecindario por qué mi hijo acude a esa escuela, él se puede transporta fácil mente el va bien en sus materias, él tiene muy buena relación con sus maestros y con él principal. YO NECESITO LA ESCUELA LODESTAR CHARTER.. yo me ciento Felisa con esta escuela.... y también por la comunidad a traído muchos beneficios a la comunidad...

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    Octavia Maynard almost 4 years ago

    This is another school that Oakland needs. Please do not close Lodestar. These teachers and administrators are also dedicated to student success and need our support in continuing to make Oakland the great city it is.

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    Kimberly Cooke almost 4 years ago

    My grandson has attended Lodestar since kindergarten and is now in fourth grade. Lodestar has afforded him an environment in which he is excelling not only academically but socially as well. The staff is attentive to his abilities and provides challenges and opportunities for academic growth, social and leadership development. Lodestar also communicates well with my grandson's parents creating confidence in their ability to meet his needs. Therefore, I support the renewal of Lodestar.

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    Roxana Rodriguez almost 4 years ago

    I'm a staff at Lodestar, we all need this renewal. Our community depends on schools like this with a better vision with ALL these commitments: LOVE, Community, Agency, and much respect for all our community members.

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    Orlando Marquez almost 4 years ago

    Necitamos esta escuela abierta por muchos años para el bien de nuestros hijos es el tercer año de my hijo en esta escuela y a sido una experiencia verdaderamente buena para toda la familia pedimos que se mantenga abierta y que reciba más ayuda por parte de la ciudad de Oakland

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    Tunisia Adams almost 4 years ago

    Before my children start attending Lodestar, I though I would have to homeschool all of them. Then two of my family members told me about Lodestar and how much the school help there child. I have two children with IEP. Many schools don't have the resources to service them. The staff at Lodestar have been so attentive and supportive during the 4 years that we have been with the school. Especially, since the start of the pandemic. They have listened to us parents concerns and voices. Giving us a platform, to be included in our children day to day education. My children are able to lead there learning at Lodestar. Which will create our future leadership.

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    Eliana Estrada almost 4 years ago

    As a parent of a Lodestar student I have seen the positive growth in my child's learning and overall educational growth. Since he started with Lodestar 3 years ago if has felt very positive with the amazing support and love teachers show towards all children. The passion, love, commitment, and communication the staff shows to students and parents is amazing. They are very well organized especially during Covid and have helped show responsibilities to all children starting at a young age which is crucial in the adult world.

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    Tamu BrownLopez almost 4 years ago

    Hi, I live in the area and work directly across from Lodestar where my coworkers are parents of students at the school. Lodestar has been extremely instrumental in successfully preparing their students with the tools needed to exceed the expectations of most OUSD schools around. I have checked their scorecard. Plus. the students are always nice, respectful and seem to be engaged in what is happening in their school. As an employer of over 40 employees, the school is conveniently located and keeps the parents from having to travel to schools in other districts for similar education. I support the renewal of Lodestar.

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    Nisha Srinivasa almost 4 years ago

    My name is Nisha Srinivasa, and I have been an education specialist at Lodestar since 2018. Since then, I have always felt and known Lodestar to be a school that centers families and students, concentrates on holistic wellness and service, and celebrates and uplifts community members in deep and powerful ways. I have seen my students-both with and without IEPs-flourish and blossom in the classroom over the past 3 years because of the caring, learner-centered environment Lodestar has been committed to fostering. I am so grateful for Lodestar's powerful. bright, brilliant students and family members who continuously inspire me to stand up for equity and justice every single day. I love my amazing students and their families. I love my coworkers, who not only make teaching and learning feel collaborative and joyful, but who also provide everyone in our community with endless love and support. Lodestar to me is not just a school. It is a learning space. It is a family. It is a home.

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    Shadeema Mcdonald almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar Upper is a good school with lots of potential to grow. I'm the mom of a 6th grader. While there are things I don't agree with they are better than most OUSD schools that a lot of us parents left to attend Lodestar.

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    Racheal Pavkovic almost 4 years ago

    My children went to Lodestar for three years and our family had a wonderful experience. The staff is dedicated, extremely knowledgeable, and at the forefront of innovative educational models. Schools like Lodestar are a necessity for communities, like East Oakland, that are in dire need of great schools that focus on teaching the "whole child" through inventive modalities with love and care for all students.

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    Julia Ruiz almost 4 years ago

    I support the renewal of Lodestar. My family and I are very grateful for the great education my daughter is receiving.

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    Maria Ortiz almost 4 years ago

    Soy una abuela que apoya la escuela Lodestar para que continúe ya que a sido una escuela que a apoyado a mis nietos académica y personal mente mes editamos escuelas de calidad en nuestro vecindario mis nietas se movieron de escuela de distrito a charter por qué no tenían el apoyo que necesitaban y ahora que lo están teniendo no nos gustaría perder esta maravillosa escuela y regresar a batallar con todas las barreras de escuelas que no son charter.
    APOYO 💯 a Lodestar y Lighthouse!!!

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    Gabriela Pena almost 4 years ago

    Sin duda alguna Lodestar ha sido la mejor decision que tome para mi hija. La escuela es muy Buena y el personal excelente. Lodestar tienen mucha dedicacion, amor y respeto hacia su comunidad. Lodestar ha demostrado ante esta pandemia su gran apoyo a nuestras familias.

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    Lanette Buffin almost 4 years ago

    My daughter's a 9th grader and she love that this school gives her a future.