Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2019 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal).

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    Maria Romero almost 4 years ago

    We support the school we need for are kids I have 3 kids there...

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    Erika Rodriguez almost 4 years ago

    Soy mama de 2 en lodestar esta escuela charter es muy buena estoy en apoyo que siga abierta por mucho tiempo quiero llegar a ver a mis hijos graduarse de lodestar me gusta porq mis hijos an mejorado mucho sus grados aquí.. mas q la otra escuela

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    Kristy Zhen almost 4 years ago

    My name is Kristy Zhen and I am a counselor at Lodestar. I'm very grateful to work at a school that values students' voice, empowers students to step into their greatness, supports families and caregivers, on top of working hard to make sure students are college and career-ready. Lodestar teachers, administrators, and staff go above and beyond and that is evident in these comments written by Lodestar students and family members. Please listen to East Oakland families and keep Lodestar open for the long haul.

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    Luis Garcia almost 4 years ago

    Hola mi nombre es Jose luis
    Soy padre de 3 niñas en lodestar, nos gustaría que nos den la renovación para mucho tiempo más nuestra comunidad los nesecita adelante Lodestar

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    Leonor Rebollo almost 4 years ago

    Hola, soy madre de 4 hijoss cuando cambiamos a escuelas charter todo fue mejor la educacion mejoro muchisimo y cuando los otros hijos empezaron la escuela mi enfoque fue en escuela charter por que desde kinder estan enfocados a la universidad,esa es la meta los motivan a ser mejores personas aparte la atencion y el interes de los maestros para los ninos es inmejorable el ambiente es mas cercano, es mas familiar, con respeto y diciplina, cuando entras a la escuela todos se saludan, el ambiente es cordial, amistoso y la ensenanza y los valores de Lodstar es fundamental esta enfocado en lo academico pero tambien en lo social en la cominidad manteniendo el respeto hacia todos a tu al rededor porfavor apoyenos a seguir guiando a nuestros estudiantes atravez de la educacion que reciben en Lodstar manteniendo nuestra escuela ABIERTA POR MUCHOS ANOS MAS.

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    Meilin Lu almost 4 years ago

    My name is Meilin Lu, and I am a new science teacher at Lodestar Middle School. I am writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal. Even during distance learning, there is a strong, loving community at Lodestar where teachers, parents, and admins work together to support students' learning. Students are held to high standards and are challenged daily by rigorous instructions in their classes. As a teacher, I feel fortunate to be a part of this community and be supported by my coworkers and mentors as I grow as an educator. Please renew Lodestar’s Charter. These trusting relationships we've developed with our families will be difficult to replace. Our students deserve to learn in a place where they feel seen and valued! Thank you.

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    Noemi Montano almost 4 years ago

    Both of my young children have been attending Lodestar for the past 3 years. The core values that are imparted to the students and their families have such a positive impact in our communities. This past weekend my children sat with their father to fill out his election ballot. Seeing their interest in changing our future was quite impactful. Their interest is supported by the core value of Social Justice that Lodestar imparts in all their students. Not only are the kids learning to be better citizens but they are encouraged by their school and teachers to effect change. Any school can teach reading, writing and math but not every school has the passion that we celebrate at Lodestar.

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    Flor Orellana almost 4 years ago

    Soy madre de un estudiante de Lodestar y creo que es una escuela muy buena ya que ayudado ami hijo en su confianza y les enseñan buenos valores para la vida nesesitamoa más escuelas como Lodestar

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    Olivia Reyes almost 4 years ago

    My family really loves how this school works it’s really reassuring to know we have our kids come here

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    Gustavo Marquez almost 4 years ago

    It’s a really good school with teachers that actually go out there way to make sure the students are engaged. We need schools like these in Oakland

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    Jennifer Gaspar almost 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Jennifer Gaspar and I am a Math teacher at Lodestar Middle School. Lodestar has a loving community, and I am writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal. I appreciate the relationships I have with my students and the support the school provides them. Lodestar is building the next world leader's and students should be given the opportunity to learn and grow with their current teachers and peers. Please renew Lodestar's charter. Let's allow students to continue to grow! Thank you!

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    Maricruz Martinez almost 4 years ago

    I started at Lodestar 3 years ago as a new teacher, and I have loved the journey. I grew up in East Oakland and went to both OUSD and Charter schools in Oakland. I grew up in many neighborhoods, and one them is Sobrante Park, where our school is located. Lodestar is important for our students, who are Brown and Black families, because it allows our community to choose the type of education they want their student to access. For many students, it is the only school they have known, the only teacher relationships they have formed. Students I had in Kinder are now in my third grade class, and that opportunity is important for our students and their parents. Lodestar is an amazing community school that was formed by the community, for the community. Let us continue to teach our beloved students by renewing our Charter.

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    Teagan Fors almost 4 years ago

    My name is Teagan and I am a second year teacher. Lodestar is a place that students and families can call home. We are focused on the wholelistic education of our students and work toward building a homeplace in and out of the classroom. Our family engagement is high as families and teachers work together to educate their students. Teachers continuously work to bring our East Oakland community into the classroom and bring our students into their community. Our students engage in rigorous instruction focused on culturally relavent content in all their classes. Lodestar is a place where students and families can feel seen, heard, and valued for who they are and what they bring to our community.

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    Gloria Gallardo almost 4 years ago

    Apoyo a Lodestar por que ofrecen una buena educación a mis hijos conforme a sus necesidades, además de aportar valores fundamentales para ellos.

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    Maya Buten almost 4 years ago

    I am writing strongly in support of charter renewal for both Lighthouse and Lodestar. These schools have consistently put their students first, and provided a safe and joyful learning environment in East Oakland. At LCPS, teachers utilize a highly rigorous and research-backed curriculum to drive student achievement, and they are constantly working to improve their practice in service of students. In addition, the organization as a whole works to build strong community partnerships and lasting relationships with students, faculty, and staff. Lastly, in a time of uncertainty throughout a global pandemic, Lighthouse and Lodestar teachers and staff have worked tirelessly to provide a viable learning program for students and families through virtual school. With a strong lens of social justice and educational equity, Lighthouse and Lodestar are working to provide an exceptional learning experience for all students.

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    Jesly Cortez almost 4 years ago

    Student at lodestar, I enjoy the time I’ve spent so far and have been welcomed nicely by the staff and kids. A lot of kids look like me or are different and I accept that. Lodestar helps and teaches all kinds of kids no matter what and meet their needs. Lodestar is not a waste of space and have shown their worthy of been renewed again this year. I support the renewal.

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    Rafael Cortez almost 4 years ago

    I have 2 daughters attending, they have increased their learning a lot from their attendance at lodestar, they look very happy there the campus is the best I’ve seen so far and the staff is so nice and care about the children’s needs and I really like that the school also stands for values that teach kids lesson for when their older. I value their learning and want the best for them and lodestar is the best option, I support the charter renewal.

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    R U almost 4 years ago

    Mi hijo es estudiante lodestar es una escuela muy buena les da muchas seguridad a los estudiantes les da una educación de calidad por eso mismo debe seguir por muchos años más. Aquí con nosotros para seguir ayudando a nuestros estudiantes.

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    Stephanie Joseph almost 4 years ago

    For most children growing up in an urban neighborhood, school is often not a safe haven. Lodestar is school where everyone feels like family. Lodestar is committed to serving the community and producing future leaders. Children at Lodestar demonstrate integrity, perseverance, and resilience. Lodestar gives students the opportunity to make a change in their communities and become successful adults. Let’s take a look at the education system, which has especially failed students of color. “Our system” has failed our communities, creating a separation between student that have the ability to learn and those that suffer from trauma. We need to continue to bridge these gaps and provide better opportunities for students. What do you stand for? Change takes times and five years is not enough to evaluate a school that has been impacted generational traumatic experiences. How can test measure self-progress, hope, or determination? What are we doing as leaders to eliminate social injustice?

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    Gloria Ramos almost 4 years ago

    I have 2 daughters attending to Lodestar and their learning froth has skyrocketed so much. They have fun everyday and I notice how the teachers are still putting in effort dispute being in online school. The school staff really cares about their students and their growth they also make sure to add the parents and keep us updated with everything. The new campus is stunning and would be a shame to be shut down, but I care more about my daughters learning and growth which is why I don’t want it to shut down