Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2019 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal).

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    Njr Rogers almost 4 years ago

    My daughter is a 7th grader at Lodestar and I really am glad I enrolled her in this school. My daughter has improved so much in her learning thanks to the teamwork and great communication of the teachers and the principal and rest of the staff. We need this school to continue to strive our kids can be the best they can be. I plan to have my daughter stay with this school until she graduates high school. Right now the world is going through a tough time and school is being taught via computers but the teachers at Lodestar are doing a great job at keeping the kids educated and focused on school and I’m greatly appreciate them for that.

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    Maria Carrillo almost 4 years ago

    Mi sobrina va a esta escuela desde que ella entró aquí está feliz le gusto su escuela sus maestros son excelentes . Yo he ido por ella,el personal de la oficina son muy amables

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    Gustavo Martin almost 4 years ago

    Estamos muy contentos por el apoyo que brindan a los estudiantes y a pesar de lo que estamos pasando todos por covid 19 hacen mucho esfuerzo por mantener alos estudiantes con sus clases y muy buenos maestros .

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    Andrea Alva almost 4 years ago

    Tengo 2 hijos en Lodestar me parece una escuela muy buena con muchos valores para enseñar y con muchos apoyos para las familias y comunidad

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    Enrique Hernandez almost 4 years ago

    I strongly SUPPORT
    LODESTAR renewal.
    This is a great shool they have nothing but commitment with students, families and the neiborhood.
    Our LODESTAR school values are based love, respectivamente, integrity, and the compromise with students and the commuty comunity of Oakland.

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    Rebeca Franco almost 4 years ago

    My daughter is new in Lodestar she choose this school because she believes is a better opportunity for her to grow academically and supportive, that would help her to succeed in college.! please remind Lodestar open ! My daughter can't wait to meet her teacher's in person. I SUPPORT

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    Luis Gonzalez almost 4 years ago

    Esta escuela trabaja muy bien se mira en las ganas que tiene mi sobrina Nathaly , le encanta ir a la escuela, y se mira el amor por ella, me gusta que estudie mucho y quiero que siga así, felicidades sobrina , y buen trabajo a estos maestros.

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    Erika Lopez almost 4 years ago

    my niece has improve a lot at this school she loves going there school should stay open this is what we need in this neighborhood

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    Irma Cisneros almost 4 years ago

    Mi hija es estudiante de lodestar esta escuela para mi es la mejor opción porque brinda a los estudiantes educación de calidad además les enseña valores como respeto, solidaridad, ayuda comunitaria, mucho más los maestros son lo mejor porque siempre se preocupan por sus estudiantes y sus familias lodestar simplemente es la mejor

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    Leticia Lopes almost 4 years ago

    My daughter has been in Lodestar’s since 1st grade . They have went through so many “temporary” school locations and FINALLY they have a home. A beautiful home where it’s finally looking like a real school. This is exactly what we need in East Oakland. All the teachers and staff are very kind and are always checking in in the well being of the students and families. We completely support Lodestar and would love to see it up and running for generations to come.

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    Manuel Garcia almost 4 years ago

    Yo apoyo a Lodestar para que continue en mi vecindario come padre de 3 hijas preocupado por una buena education personalmente Lidestar nos a apoyado academicente y personal mente espesialmente durante esta pandemic y apoyo a que siga siendo una escuela de calidad en mi vecindario apoyandonos espesialmente a nuestros estudiantes.

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    Sandra Lee almost 4 years ago daugher is a student at Lodestar middle. I am writing in support of charter renewal for Lodestar. Living in Oakland and raising children here is an everyday struggle. But since enrolling my daughter in Lodestar I can rest assured she will be cared for by the amazing teachers and principal in this school. I know that she is protected and thriving amidst all the craziness around us that we call home. Lodestar is preparing her for an amazing college future as I'm sure it is doing for all the other students.

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    Ana Torres almost 4 years ago

    I support a charter renewal for Lodestar because this is highly needed school in the community of East Oakland. The school staff, students, and parents/caregivers have close relationships and work together in support of students' success. It would be a terrible loss to have the school that everyone loves close down, especially during these difficult times. I am new to Lodestar but have been teaching for 7 years and I was welcomed with open arms into this community. I would love to continue supporting students with rigorous mathematics so that students can one day return to their Lodestar community and lead the way.

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    Javier Alvarez almost 4 years ago

    Apoyamos ala escuela que sigue adelante porque la escuela da la ayuda a los niños que necesitan a salir a adelante.

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    Jennifer Terrazas almost 4 years ago

    I support lighthouse public charter schools to remain open. My daughter is in 1st grade and loves her teacher and classmates. I don’t see my child going anywhere else.

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    Gloria Aguilar almost 4 years ago

    We need loadster charter school open we love our teachers and staff

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    Dillesha Oliver almost 4 years ago

    My child needs the support of the Charter school !!!

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    Nathaniel Gibson almost 4 years ago

    I’m out of state but my kids love lodestar and the teachers. I hope that the state will approve their charter. Thank you

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    Glenda Torres almost 4 years ago

    I support lodestar staying open

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    Lourdes Davila almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar hace que mi niña se sienta segura de si misma siempre le dan el apoyo que necesita . Ella no es solo un estudiante más es parte de la comunidad.