Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2019 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal).

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    Andrea Lupian almost 4 years ago

    My name is Andrea and this is my first year at Lodestar. It's a good school for me because i feel like i talk a little more in this school than the others,they actually make me feel like i am in family.All of the teachers gives us a vibe that makes us feel comfortable to talk in class and ask questions.I feel like in this school i do better than in my other schools because I talk more hear,i ask questions,and the teachers explain a lot of the work for us to understand the work.So i feel like this school does a lot for us is a great school because they make us feel like we are in family,and more important they help me with work until i understand the work they help me a lot everyday and at whatever time.

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    Cody Le almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar is an amazing school because of it's strong and loving community. I have been so fortunate to be welcomed into the community and my experience working with both staff and students has been wonderful. I visited the school many times last year as a substitute teacher and Lodestar always stuck out to me because of how much the staff cared about their positive relationships with students and their families. I have been lucky enough to return this year as their 6th grade Humanities teacher and I have learned so much about building a community for students even given our current situation with distance learning. I really hope to see Lodestar continue to flourish as a pillar in the Oakland community in the years to come.

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    Robert bland almost 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Robert Bland and I am a 7th grader at Lodestar. I am a new to this school also to online learning but my teachers have made it a fun experience. We have been learning a lot this year honestly a lot more than I expected to be learning. Also we been learning the importance of voting and heath ect. So I strongly believe that this school has it's charter renewed.

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    melanie ochoa almost 4 years ago

    hi im melanie im in 3rd garde i like lodestar becuas my techers can help me wen i am stuk

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    Ebony Lewis almost 4 years ago

    My first grader has been doing excellent at Lodestar since Kenny garden she has shown very much improvement and I plan on sending my preschooler there next year for Kenny garden I will really be upset if I had to find a place For my kids and they couldn’t go to the same school And another thing I love the way the school go from kindergarten to 12th grade is more of a family oriented school community-based school the school is involved in your child’s life for their whole education until they go to college I really love that about Lodestar

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    Prudence Gibney almost 4 years ago

    I love my school because I get to learn a lot of new things and the teachers support me alot. There is a community of people who have all different backgrounds like me.

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    Qusus Facen almost 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Qusus I love lodestar because I made a lot of friends and I do good 6there and I like my teachers and I love to spend just one day there and I can do better in real school.

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    kevin bradley almost 4 years ago

    hi im kevin

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    Daniela Reyes almost 4 years ago

    My name is Daniela Reyes and I’m a 7th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I love my school and I’m writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal .I love Lodestar because the chemistry in Lodestar is strong.The relationships between my teachers are loving and fun. Our community is a big loving community. My friends are like my second family. I plan to graduate from Lodestar High School in 2026 and going to college.Please renew Lodestar Charter. I value my school and my future.Thank You!!

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    Katia Escobedo almost 4 years ago

    Hola mi nombre es Katia, soy estudiante de Lodestar. Amo a Lodestar porque todos los maestros se preocupan en que los estudiantes aprendan. Yo llevo dos años en Lodestar todos somos como una familia, me llevo una buena relación con todos los maestros y amigos, realmente siento que Lodestar es como una familia para mi porque siempre estan para mi cuando los necesito y quiero que esta familia siga creciendo.

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    Allison Acosta almost 4 years ago

    My name is Allison and Lodestar has given me big opportunities to learn well and to learn why BLACK LIVES MATTER and why every life matters too. I'm a 7th grade proud of my learning and my teachers because they gave me privileges to learn more about myself and more about my teachers at LODESTAR!!!. These are some reasons why Lodestar Charter School should be renewed. They have a great school. Lodestar support everyone with everything and not just the students but the parents too!!!.

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    Cassandra Salazar almost 4 years ago

    Hello I'm here commenting to support my school .I really do not want lodestar to close because lodestar has been my school since 1st grade. I have noticed that it's really hard to find a school that can provide excellent strategies and great teachers and that's exactly what lodestar has. That's why I support lodestar to stay open for many years to come.

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    Romelia Perez almost 4 years ago

    Hi I am Current lodestar parent my daughter is in the 8th grade and son In 1st grade. I love lodestar because i don’t have to pick up kids 2 separate schools. I feel safe there both enrolled together. Both of my children are very happy at Lodestar. My daughter currently on her second year had attend a different school in 6th. I was currently worried because I felt she was not academically at her grade level. When I first heard of lodestar I found out how dedicated the teachers are and committed. Since day one that my daughter attended I had communicated my worries to her teachers and principal. There response were positive and committed to help. My daughter is now on her second year In lodestar and am just astounded how much she has been able to catch up on work studies and now where she needs to be academically. Thanks to the dedication of the teachers and help she got. Am very grateful to Lodestar staff and its communication they have. It will be sad to loose a great school.

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    Aidil Zaragoza almost 4 years ago

    My name is Aidil Zaragoza and I am a 7th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I love my school and I’m writing this to support my school. I appreciate my teachers for supporting us and taking out time to make sure we are doing okay. I love my friends and I think that Lodestar is a loving community. I plan on graduating from Lodestar highschool 2026. Please renew Lodestar Charter.

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    Josiah Powell almost 4 years ago

    My name is Josiah Powell. I'm a 7th grader at Lodestar charter school.I support our school renewal because lodestar has been such a great place to learn things from peers and teachers that I haven’t learned in previous years in school. I think our school should get renewed because I was once a shy kid and Lodestar got me to talk to people who I might want to make friends with. I was a person who would always let people come to me instead of me taking a risk with new people not anymore. Lodestar brought me closer to my friends and showed me how to help and care for others in my community.

    Thank You.
    Josiah Powell

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    tommy caravantes almost 4 years ago

    hi my name is tommy i am a 9th grader at lodestar,i love lodestar because of all the support we get from our classmates and teachers,i have never been in a school like lodestar, lodestar give us so much help in everything,when i came to this school there was a change in me because i usually got bad grades and stuff like that but now i get better grades,lodestar is just an amazing school

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    Carlos Cabana almost 4 years ago

    As a 29-year veteran teacher in public schools, including OUSD for the last 8, I am well aware of the many ways in which charters have negatively impacted schools. Nevertheless, I chose to join the Lodestar High school team and teach at a charter for the first time because Lodestar is different, and a powerful place. The shared commitment to serve students and families is extraordinary. Every adult believes in kids, values families, and takes responsibility for providing a real education to our students. There is a shared moral obligation to do right by our community, honoring the sacrifices and aspirations of families. This is exactly the sort of school every charter should aspire to be.

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    Helen Lopez almost 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Helen lopez i'm a 9th grader at lodestar and to me lodestar is a really great school, i have learned so many things in the little bit of time i've been there.I met so many great people as well as the teachers who are always there for me and have helped me in my learning so much.
    Before i got to lodestar thing we're really hard for me and i didn't want to be there but with all the love that i got from everyone there, it made me change my mind.I have made so many great memories there and i really hope i get to make many more.

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    Jessica Berdak almost 4 years ago

    Family choice of school is such an important component of freedom and autonomy. Many families choose Lodestar because of the strong community of families, the importance of student voice, and emphasis on restorative justice. Our families have fought for self-determination and now we are asking you to renew our charter so that families may continue to utilize their self-determination. Lighthouse highschool has remarkably high rates of students who finish with all A-G requirements and enroll in universities after graduation. Most importantly, they have strong senses of purpose and direction because their families have empowered them to follow the path of their choice. Granted the renewal of our charter, Lodestar will continue the LCPS tradition of preparing students in the way that is best for their experience to prepare them for college and a career of their selection. At Lodestar, we believe every single one of our students has the power to change our world for the better.

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    Denandra Lolagi almost 4 years ago

    My name is Denandra and i'm a 6th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I was one of the founding students of Lodestar,meaning i was at Lodestar when they first opened. I have made so many friends here and i have lots of wonderful memories that started right here. I have a strong connection with my teachers as well,as if they were my guardians who took care of me and watched me grow. Lodestar is my home and i would be devastated if it got shut down. Save Lodestar!!