Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2019 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal).

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    Valisha Owens almost 4 years ago

    I support Lodestar 100% because my child started Kindergarten here and now in the third grade. The love and support we’ve received over the past years is amazing.

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    santiago r almost 4 years ago

    i want lodestar to stay

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    Jenny Horowitz almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar has worked very hard to create a great and supportive learning environment for children. As a pediatrician I take care of children and families who attend lodestar and they tell me that is a great learning environment!

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    Arturo Barajas almost 4 years ago

    one thing about lodestar is that lodestar is a loving community we love this community you can make friends you have a good time you would have connections with your teachers.And thats what I have I have connections with my teachers and staff and principal at lodestar ad one special thing about lodestar we are not just no regular school we are more like family a loving community.and that"s all we do here at lodestar is to love learn and make friends here .And get are equcation and have a good life.And in lodestar we are a family we love are knew people who move to east oakland and come to our school we give them all that lodestar so we love our community and if you come here you will to we are a loving community we love every here at lodestar so we will love more students coming to this school we love all of our lodestar students or should I say family cause we are more like a family then a regular school.We love each and every one of us that are in this love community of lodestar love

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    Brian V almost 4 years ago

    Hello my name is brian and i am a 5th grader and i support lodestar because they teach things you need more help on.

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    brianna aldana almost 4 years ago

    I support lodestar because it bing here for so long and i have been learning a lot from teachers and hey be teaching a lot either way if there is a pandemic i really love how the teacher take there time to explain something when we don't get it they make you feel loved and safe in conclusion i believe lodestar should not be shut down!

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    iyanna harding almost 4 years ago

    I support lodestar because

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    Abishai Rodriguez almost 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Abishai I am 7th grader at lodestar middle school I love my school because they encourage you to try your best. Why I love Lodestar is my teachers support by helping me on something I am stuck on also they help you when you don't understand. I feel connected to my friends and teachers because they feel like family.

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    Marcy Hernandez almost 4 years ago

    I left a school that I worked for my entire career (5 years at the time) to come to Lodestar. The vision, action, and love that existed in this community was unprecedented. This is my second year at the school and I never regret the decision to come here. I plan to work at Lodestar for many years to come. I have never seen a school collectively work as hard as I have seen the teachers, admin, families, and students at Lodestar work. I understand that not all charter schools are fulfilling their promises and that there can be a problematic and even corrupt nature to the very existence of charter schools. But I am certain that Lodestar provides the highest quality educational experience a school can provide regardless of whether or not we are a charter. We have so many data points to celebrate and so much growth to continue. Please renew our charter. Our babies deserve us and we deserve them. We are effectively serving each other and deserve the opportunity to continue.

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    Jazlyn RamirezGonzalez almost 4 years ago

    My name is Jazlyn and I am a 7th grader at Lodestar Middle School. I love my school because of the teachers and our school is very diverse and I am writing in support of the Lodestar charter renewal. I appreciate all the teachers that take their time to explain and help everyone. All the teachers are very supportive,they make you feel wanted and safe. I plan on graduating from Lodestar High School in 2026 and going to college. Please renew Lodestar’s charter. I value my school and my future. Thank you!

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    Irving Garcia almost 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Irving I love lodestar because the teachers are great at teaching us. It’s important to me that Lodestar stays open because it’s a great school. I’m asking you to renew our schools charter because if are school closes we are going to have to move to a new school that I would not feel as safe at.

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    Mickella Delgado almost 4 years ago

    I support Lodestar because lodestar has a great education. My evidence is Lodestar isn't very easy to get into meaning that many students are in the waiting list and since Lodestar is such a greatschool.In conclusion I believe lodestar should not be get shut down.

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    Julie Hardin almost 4 years ago

    As a Seneca employee I work directly with Senecan students, and can see the impact that we make daily in the lives of our students. We need to continue to do this positive, important work to support our future leaders. Cheers to many more years to come!

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    Diamond Griggs almost 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Diamond and lodestar has given opportunities to learn about a lot of things i never knew like why voting is important and more things about black lives matter and other things about culture, I'm in the 7th grade and i have been learning about lots of things,And im proud of my grades when i go to office hours my teachers have been really helping me,and this is my reason why i support lodestar.

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    Ernesto ReyesPerez almost 4 years ago

    My name Ernesto I don't want Lodestar to change.

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    jesus heywhydoyouwantmylastname almost 4 years ago

    hi my name is Jesus I've been in lodestar for 5 years now and I grow with the teachers and I agree lodestar should never close and we're not giving up without a fight

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    Micah Rogers almost 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Micah i am in 7th grade at lodestar Middle School. I love this school and I am writing in support of the lodestar charter renew. I feel safe at school at all times and my teachers are fun. I made a lot of friends here so please renew lodestar middle school.

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    Yadira Trujillo almost 4 years ago

    Hi, I am a 7th grader at Lodestar. Reasons why I think you should let Lodestar have its charter renewed is because I feel safe at the school because people are nice and help you when you need it. Another reason is mostly everyone is your friend and we're like a family. The last thing I will like to say is that this school is that they make you feel prepared. Also it's easy to understand our classes better and they think about your future and sometimes is hard to think about that.

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    elayjah walker almost 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Elayjah Walker and I am in 7th grade at loadstar middle school. I love my school. They have taught me so much, and I have had the best times at Lodestar. So don't shut down the school, it means too much to us .

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    Mia Guzman almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar should stay open because this school has supported me for 4 years and they have worked hard every day to give us good education to give us a good future.