Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2019 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal).

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    Martin Lee almost 4 years ago

    Board members,

    I support the two year renewal for Lodestar because of the service provided to the local community. This is not just a school this is a welcoming environment for students to learn, grow, and commit to bettering their community. Knowing the importance of their work, I strongly urge you to renew Lodestar, as I find the school to be an important part in providing our community with a safer, brighter future. Do the right thing. Support Lodestar and support the future of our neighborhoods.

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    Gennessis davila almost 4 years ago

    I support lodestar because they are doing very good job of this is teaching kids and they really help other kids.

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    Ronan Arevalo almost 4 years ago

    I am a 9th grade student and I really like the way the school works and the teachers seem like they like teaching I can't wait till I can go back to school and see the new high school building.

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    Jared Kushida almost 4 years ago

    I urge the board to renew Lodestar's charter. This school does right by kids and their families by putting in the work, real work, of dutifully and lovingly supporting everyone in their community. No one is left behind and no one feels marginalized in this community, as everyone on the team lives their values not only in front of students but at all times. This is a truly talented staff as well, with the wisdom and experience to lead in difficult times. Their relentless commitment to equity and justice can be proven by just looking at any unit, lesson, or activity. The heart and soul of this community is so evident and powerful to everyone lucky enough to be a part of it. Lastly, importantly, Lodestar is rooted in Oakland and is dedicated to serving Oakland - not as saviors, not as interlopers, not as a giant CMO fueled by a desire to expand - but as a true community based school.

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    rigoberto zavala almost 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Rigoberto we need our school open so kids can go to school to learn .

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    Robert Jordan almost 4 years ago

    I support lodestar because it's a different way of learning and it helps the city of Oakland.

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    Claudia Torres almost 4 years ago

    My name is Claudia Torres and I am an Alder resident at Lodestar. I am extremely grateful to do my residency at Lodestar. I have had two amazing mentors who have contributed to my growth both as a person and teacher. I am glad to be at a school that values and centers students' voices and needs. Lodestar teachers, administrators, and staff are working hard on a daily basis to better serve the students. I strongly support this charter renewal and have hope of becoming a teacher at Lodestar. Lodestar is not just any school, it feels like a huge family!

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    Bladimir Zavala almost 4 years ago

    Mi nombre es Bladimir Zavala necesitamos más ayuda de la ciudad de Oakland también que está escuela se mantenga abierta porque está escuela enseña muy bien a los niños

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    Kristine Ilochi almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar is a fantastic school with amazingly supportive teachers and staff. They deserve their renewal whole heartedly.

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    Cassandra Salazar almost 4 years ago

    Hello I'm Cassandra here commenting to support my school.I really don't want Loadstart to close because Lodestar has been my school since first grade.I know that it's really hard to find a school that provides good strategys,excellent education and great teachers and that is exactly what loadstar has.That's why I support Lodestar to stay open for many years to come.

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    Laura Islas almost 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Laura, I’m a mom of 2 students in Lodestar, Lodestar is a good school, my kids have learned a lot , I like it how the teachers always help the students, and I like they communicate with the parents, it is one of the best schools, and that is why and way more reasons why we don’t want to let the school close, we want a better future, I want to see my kids graduate from Lodestar.

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    Reginald Harris almost 4 years ago

    please do not close this school.

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    Izabel Mena almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar came to this community for a better change. My kids have improve soo much in their academic work and I couldn't be anymore happy with their improvement. Thanks Lodestar!

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    Emilee Leon almost 4 years ago

    Deanr OUSD board members,I'm in support of the two year renewal for our school Lodestar because of all that it represents.This place is not just a school this is our community the place our kids learn,grow, and are care for from the staff and teachers who are invested to do all in their power to uplift their learning. As a parent of 2 founding highschoolers who access wrap-around services through their IEP, I have found that the school is invested in all of thier students individually.The fact that they will go to this lenght to support our students making it easy for my daughters not to get single out for their learning differences. Lodestar values parents input and is always working hard to make us parents a part of our students school life. Lodestar is providing learning accessable even during this hard times and for sure during in person by reaching out and funding for excursion that help our student learn by doing and experiencing in real time. I thank you for your consideration

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    Maria Hernandez almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar es una escuela que vino a cambiar nuestra comunidad y familias tiene grandes maestros y directores todos ellos hacen sentir seguros y apoyados a nuestros hijos porfavor no les quiten estas oportunidades que tienen nuestros niños que es su educación

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    Ana Nevarez almost 4 years ago

    #Lodestar es una escuela muy buena.

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    Becky Frank almost 4 years ago

    This is a school with dedicated teachers who are deeply passionate about the success of their students. Please vote to renew Lodestar’s charter!

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    Tara Smith almost 4 years ago

    Lodestar is great school. Very hands on with kids in helping achieve goals. Please keep Lodestar open

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    Victoria Perez almost 4 years ago

    This is an amazing school i want to continue to bring my kids here

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    Tasha Pura almost 4 years ago

    I was part of the founding teaching staff at Lodestar in 2016 and taught 2nd-4th grades there until 2019. So happy to see many of my former students commenting! I now support a new pipeline of teachers to join the profession. My experience as a Lodestar teacher continues to stay with me and inspire my current work. I chose to became an educator 10 years ago because I knew then how powerful of a role high quality education can play in our children's lives. I knew that as endemic as racism and other forms of systemic oppression are in U.S. education, schools always have a choice: to be sites that perpetuate further harm and inequality or to build toward liberation and justice. Lodestar was the first school I taught in where the core values, professional learning community, and school design deeply pushed and expanded my vision as a teacher for equity and justice. Its students, families and teachers deserve the opportunity to keep building on this journey.