Meeting Time: February 14, 2024 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

O.-1 24-0235 Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - February 14, 2024.

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    Normal Human 12 months ago

    I forgot to say that, we shouldn’t ever be Team this or Team that AND always stand together on Team Humanity!

    Pass a ceasefire resolution and tell ALL your student’s that they are worthy of humanity! Team Good Human!

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    Fernanda CabreraFlores 12 months ago

    We demand that President Davis adhere himself to the bylaw of the OUSD board, and AGENDIZE THE CEASEFIRE RESOLUTION that a majority of the board supports. During his first month in office, President Davis has illegally silenced the ceasefire resolution, which a majority of the board wants to agendize (OUSD Bylaw 9322). Arab, Muslim and Palestinian students do not feel safe at school because of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the silence in their schools, and the censorship around talking about Palestine. This is causing a significant drop in attendance from our Arab students. President Davis is responsible for representing OUSD students and following our democratic processes to address school district concerns. This resolution process has included countless meetings with board members and community members who are responding to the impact of this humanitarian crisis on our students. President Davis - Stop silencing community voices and agendize Resolution No. 2324-0159 for a vote.

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    Normal Human 12 months ago

    Can we all stop approaching this as some type of sport, where it is race vs. race, religion vs. religion, and ethnicity vs. ethnicity? These are backwards steps that are antithetical to the American vision. If you see things strictly in terms of Team Palestine or Team Israel, then please take some time to reflect on how you are the problem in our local community. There are a bunch of people that are uniquely suffering right now in that part of the world. Picking a "Team" just causes more suffering. Can't you all see that???

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    Stephanie Mamane 12 months ago

    Once again, a potential opportunity for the OUSD Board meeting to be derailed and disrupted by an unnecessary and irrelevant "ceasefire resolution". This will nothing to bring about peace in the middle east and instead further sows division among our students. Just read through these comments and the hate being spewed. As a Jewish parent with family in Israel (and a person of color), I shudder to think what my 14 year old would have felt like being forced to come on this forum to post about Palestine and to regurgitate the lies and falsehoods being pushed by the teacher. It's shameful that UPA teachers are forcing their students to comment on here with what is clearly a one-sided narrative. OUSD - get your schools and teachers in order!! There is clearly a one-sided indoctrination happening to kids. A ceasefire resolution does nothing to protect and further the education for our OAKLAND students. Enough wasting our time with this, move on and let the school board do their job!

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    Sarita Concernedmom 12 months ago

    I am one of very few folks willing to put myself out there who are really appreciative that my school board has not put a ceasefire resolution to vote. I am incredibly pained by what is happening in the middle east, and I want ALL our students to feel safe. Arab students, Muslim students, AND Jewish and Israeli students. Even if a ceasefire resolution included a demand for Hamas to immediately return all hostages (dead and alive), leave Gaza or change their charter to allow for a 2 state solution and take out the part that demands the elimination of Israel and the death of all Jews, as well as demanding Netanyahu step down and remove settlements from the West Bank, I still don't think that a school board voting for a ceasefire will make change in the war. Instead, I see so much hate and pain here at home. I want us to work towards repair, and our teachers to teach celebration of ALL peoples and understanding of all, to make us all safe. And for the board focus locally on our district.

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    Emily Ochoa 12 months ago

    Let’s be real, if this were happening to white or Jewish people you would have passed a resolution a long time ago. Stop disenfranchising an entire OUSD community by ignoring their loss & grief! How dehumanizing! These people are mourning TENS OF THOUSANDS of SLAUGHTERED BABIES and you make their students walk around school acting like nothing is wrong! Shame on you.

    Pass a resolution! Pass a resolution!

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    John Hurchins 12 months ago

    I hope you are never put into a position where you have to ask your leaders to consider you, human! Please stand with all OUSD communities and pass the ceasefire resolution! Your constituents have spoken; you must represent them, as is your job and the right thing to do.

    Pass a ceasefire resolution immediately!!

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    Isabella Gonzalez 12 months ago

    Hello, my name is Isabella Gonzalez. I am 14 years old and I am in 8th grade. I believe there should be a ceasefire in Palestine because what's happening there is horrible genocide. This issue impacts Palestine and Israel because they are both the ones in the conflict but I also think it impacts people all over the world who might have friends or family living in the Middle East. It impacts my life in Oakland because so many people don't care or think we shouldn't be learning about it even though thousands of people have died. I am a Mexican Palestinian American. My experience influences my point of view because even if I've never experienced war, it is scary to see how Palestinians are being treated and how America still chooses to side with Israel. I hope you as adults, parents, and educators, can see that your voices have the power to change things and stop the conflict with a ceasefire. Please vote yes on a permanent ceasefire resolution.

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    Allison Garcia 12 months ago

    Hello, my name is Allison Garcia M. I am a student in OUSD and I'm in 8th grade. I believe in a Free Palestine because I believe people in Gaza should be able to live their life without the fear of getting killed or loosing loved ones due to genocide. In Palestine I see many people getting killed or very badly injured. I see people scared and traumatized from what's happening and I see people losing their loved ones, and homes and having to go days with minimal to no food. Kids at my school want to see a permanent ceasefire. This issue impacts people in Palestine, people who know people in Palestine and Palestinians who don't live in Palestine. When it comes to solidarity, we need to respect each other and help out people, especially in gaza. I am a student in Oakland and this affects me knowing that there's kids in Gaza dying and suffering. I hope you as adults, parents, and educators can see how much a cease fire is needed for Palestine. Please vote yes on a permanent ceasefire.

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    Jasmine Guizar 12 months ago

    Hello my name is Jasmine, I am in 8th grade and I am in 8th grade. I live in district 5 represented by Director Lerma. I believe in free Palestine because, kids are getting hurt and houses are being bombed and this issue needs to stop. Please vote yes on a permanent ceasefire resolution.

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    Carmen Jimenez 12 months ago

    Hello, my name is Carmen Jimenez. I am 14 years old and I am in 8th grade. I am a student in OUSD. I believe that Palestine should be free. In the world we see and experience a lot of bad things that should stop. We should all know about these things to learn what's right and wrong and learn from our mistakes. Kids at my school want a permanent ceasefire. We want to learn about Palestine and we want to be aware of what is going on around us. When it comes to solidarity, we need to respect other people's feelings and hear their voices. We should think about how other people may feel about our decisions and how much it could affect them. As someone who was raised in Oakland, it does not affect me personally, but I have learned that it's causing a lot of problems and many people are losing their family. I hope you as adults, parents, and educators can see how important this is and how a ceasefire will affect us in a better way. Please vote yes on a permanent ceasefire resolution.

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    Jose Figueroa 12 months ago

    Hello, my name is Jose Figueroa Jeronimo. I am 14 years old and I am in 8th grade. I live in district 5, represented by Director Lerma. I believe that the world is where people should not suffer. I believe that the world we live in should have no violence. Kids in my school want a permanent ceasefire. We want to learn more about what is happening in Palestine. When it comes to Solidarity we need to accept others and respect them and their feelings and their decisions. Solidarity is showing respect to others. This affects me knowing that kids my age or younger are dying and going through much stuff and what is happening in palestine. Please vote yes on a permanent ceasefire resolution.

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    J D 12 months ago

    Hello, my name is J.D. I am 13 years old and I am in 8th grade and OUSD student. I believe in a free palestine because innocent people are dying everyday for no reason. Kids at my school want to see a permanent ceasefire because people are dying and putting their lives in danger. When it comes to solidarity, it's important to show it to Palestine so they know that we support them. As I was born in Oakland this affects us here because we are able to have education while the kids from Palestine can’t. I hope you as adults, parents, and educators, can see the value in a ceasefire resolution coming from oakland. Please vote yes on a permanent ceasefire resolution.

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    d l 12 months ago

    Hello my name is dreshawn lee i am 13 years old and i am in the 8th grade i live in district 5 represented by director jorge lerma i believe that there is no reason for war and the death of innocent family to die in the crossfire of this war in palestine there are a lot of family losing home and live of other people they now of it is teribol with what is happening today a lot of people talk about palestine and not russia and ukraine they are losing a lot of family's and it is still going to today

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    Santiago Doval 12 months ago

    Hello,my name is Santiago, I am 13 years old and I am in the 8th grade. I am a student in OUSD .I believe in feering Palestine because they want to not be stuck in the Gaza strip and they want to be in other places without being in danger and without being traumatized. Students at my school want a permanent ceasefire because it is messed up that they are in a war because Palestine wants to be freed from israel. Israel doesn't free gaze because of religion and other differences such as looks. As a student in Oakland this impacts my life because of the prices of human necessities which impacts me because some people can't afford it and I see many people struggling to have these necessities. As a child who used to be an immigrant I can relate to the people that want to go to different places for education and safety because it is not safe. I hope as adults, parents and educators you can see the importance of voting yes on the ceasefire.

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    Ismael D 12 months ago

    Hello, my name is Mauro I am 14 years old and I am in 8 grade I live in District 5 represented by director Jorge Lerma, I believe Palestine to be free and have a word in the world and community,
    Kids at my school want the same as me a free Palestine. As a student in Oakland, my opinion about Palestine is that they can talk by themselves self. I think they need to have someone who can represent Palestine and Israel doesn't do it for them they need to talk by themself

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    Corrie Hong 12 months ago

    Hello, my name is Corrie Hong. I am 13 years old, and I am an 8th grade student of OUSD. I believe in a permanent and sustained ceasefire in Palestine, and the aid of all living in Gaza. This war is impacting everyone around the world looking for peace, especially people who live in a country/state where their government does not support a ceasefire. The war affects those who simply want to live their lives without seeing hate and violence going on throughout our world. When it comes to solidarity, it's increasingly necessary to be aware of what is happening in Palestine and stand with those who are suffering. I am only 13, and seeing the death rates of children my age and younger makes me feel disappointed in the fact that our government supports it. I believe that as kids and teenagers, we should not be forced to live in a world of war and genocide. I hope that you all understand the severity of what is happening in Palestine. Please vote yes on a permanent ceasefire resolution.

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    Kareem Soriano 12 months ago

    Hello my name is K.S i am 13 years old i am in 8th grade . i am a ousd student. and i wanna ask a question why must we always fight why must people try to make the world a bad place for everyone black white trans straight it makes me angry that people are always trying to make the world a bad place for everyone genoicide doesn't need to happen we can all live in peace not everyone has to fight please vote yes for a permanent ceasefire thank you.

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    Katherine Estrada 12 months ago

    Hello, my name is Katherine Estrada, I am 14 years old and I'm in 8th grade. I'm a student in OUSD. I believe in freeing whoever is still trapped in Palestine and stopping all war going on in Palestine. Kids at my school want to know what is going on in the world, they want people to stop getting hurt and killed every minute. This issue impacts students, teachers, and staff who just want peace. It's disturbing to know that thousands of children are dying while we're going about our day. As a student in Oakland, it angers me how students are being suspended/expelled and teachers are being threatened to get fired if they speak about something relating to Palestine. I hope you as adults, parents, and educators can understand that you can help out too, all you gotta do is speak up and fight to make things right. Please vote yes on a permanent ceasefire resolution

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    ChelseAmoy Steele 12 months ago

    I support the demand that OUSD vote on Ceasefire Resolution!