Meeting Time: March 24, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

M.-1 21-0194 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0037 - Reparations for Black Students (Revised).

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    Pamela Schwartz almost 4 years ago

    Please vote yes on the Reparations for Black students Resolution.

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    Ember Kraus almost 4 years ago

    Please VOTE YES on the Reparations for Black Students Resolution - to repair the harm caused by decades of disinvestment - and to reinvest in Black students, families, schools, and staff in OUSD.

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    Divya Farias almost 4 years ago

    I am a special ed teacher in district 6. I support the Resolution for reparations as it was brought in February because we must put a stop to the Blueprint plan which is an attempt to hand our schools over to the privatizers and disenfranchise and destabilize Black and working class communities. This is a material struggle and we cannot budge an inch with regards to our schools. Already thousands of Black and Brown students have been displaced by school board decisions funded by billionaires. Public education is a civil right. This year, we managed to fight off Prop 39 colocations. Approve the original resolution language so that we have a base upon which to fight off co-locations not just locally but at the state level.

    The original language was for schools that were 30% or more Black in 2019-20 to be protected from school closures forever. Let's stick to that language. Eng, Gonzalez, Yee, and Thompson's refusal to do right by working people is deplorable!

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    Kathryn Gilje almost 4 years ago

    I am writing to strongly urge you to please VOTE YES on the Reparations for Black Students Resolution. As an active person of faith in Oakland, as someone who has taught within OUSD, and a resident of North Oakland for years, I believe this is a critically important and necessary resolution – kept completely intact as introduced – brought forward by Black families and students to begin to rectify and to repair harm caused by decades of disinvestment and racism. Passing this Resolution intact is sorely needed to as a critical step to name and repair systemic harm and wrongs, and to invest in Black students, families, schools, and staff in OUSD! Let this be a moment of repair, healing, and change!

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    amy neumuth almost 4 years ago

    Please VOTE YES on The Reparations for Black Students Resolution. This is only a small step in undoing the harm that OUSD and schools nationwide have caused to Balck children, their families, and their communities. But it’s a step in the right direction. Nothing will repair the harm done by decades of violence and horrific neglect done in the name of education. Please, let’s reinvest in our Black students, our Black communities, and And the anti-black school closure policy.

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    Brandon Dawkins almost 4 years ago

    As a labor leader, and a father of 3 OUSD children, it is imperative that this resolution gets passed TONIGHT, WITH NO AMENDMENTS. OUSD has historically failed Black children, helping fast track a good number of Black students through the school to prison pipeline. While OUSD cannot make up for it's past failures, TONIGHT, OUSD has the unique opportunity to do the right thing going forward by passing the REPARATIONS FOR BLACK STUDENTS resolution, to ensure that there is equity and equality for ALL students, and our Black children gets the same opportunities as their counterparts, and that schools in predominately Black neighborhoods will have the same access to public education as the students in the Oakland Hills. It's time to do the right thing OUSD. Our children deserve the very best, but that cannot happen if you are leaving Black students behind. EVERY school board member should support this resolution in it's entirety. #ReparationsForBlackStudents #NoSchoolClosures #WeAreOUSD

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    Amaya Lin almost 4 years ago

    I’m a D6 parent, writing to encourage you to please VOTE YES on the Reparations for Black Students Resolution - to repair the harm caused by decades of disinvestment - and to reinvest in Black students, families, schools, and staff in OUSD. Thank you. Amaya Jennifer Lin

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    Alea Luken almost 4 years ago


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    susan townsend almost 4 years ago

    COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted the Black community due to disparities across health, housing and education caused by anti-Black racism. This resolution is a part of the Black New Deal - a city-wide effort to address those disparities. This resolution addresses those realities by including emergency resources for Black families with housing instability.

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    Rita Childs almost 4 years ago

    Please VOTE YES on the Reparations for Black Students Resolution - to repair the harm caused by decades of disinvestment - and to reinvest in Black students, families, schools, and staff in OUSD.

    Please reject any amendments and vote yes on the resolution as is. The Black students in Oakland deserve a fighting chance.

    Please vote NO against school closures in predominately Black neighborhoods. My daughters elementary school closed a few years back and it caused complete chaos to the students in that neighborhood just for the school to reopen for student's in emeryville whose demographics are quite different from the students that lived in that neighborhood. School closures are a part of the gentrification process. Our students deserve better.

    Thank you

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    Sara Ketcham almost 4 years ago

    The reparations for black students needs to be approved as is. Do not ignore the voices of students, family, and the community by changing it and weakening it.

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    Lakenda Wallace almost 4 years ago

    I support and strongly urge you to pass black students reparations and put the funds and the staff behind its implementation. Black parents want their children to succeed. Kids want to succeed until teachers and the system take away opportunities for growth and learning. Part of this is teacher support, so teachers have the time to support students, instead of giving assignments designed to keep the kids occupied so teachers can do other necessary work. I have to fight for equity in everything from passing PE, which one would think would be a color blind activity. It was not. I have seen our 501 ignored and had to fight for that. We need a CLEAR ACTION PLAN for black students. All students will benefit if classmates are on task to learn, instead of called troublemakers for asking questions or poorly marked because they offered creative solutions to assignments and are dismissed out of hand. TALK TO STUDENTS. We need more from you.

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    Edgar Sanchez almost 4 years ago

    I strongly urge the Board to vote YES on the Reparations for Black Students resolution, and especially to reject any amendment that removes school closures from the demands and keeps it as the original motion that was presented in February.

    I stand with the Black Community, Community Organizations and OEA to demand a reparations fund to address the historical institutional oppression in the field of education faced by Black students and families.

    The realities of Institutional oppressions and the level of Anti-Black racism faced by Black students needs to be at the forefront of a much needed change in our schools.

    Explicit hiring of more Black teachers, the increase in direct resources to Black students, the support of Black families, Anti-racism training for OUSD board members, staff, admin, and educators and the uplifting of the Black communities voices are some of the first crucial steps.


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    Mary Forte almost 4 years ago

    Board of Directors: Please pass this resolution this evening, no further delays. Reparations for black students will provide funding to help close the education gap for black students. It is time to do the right thing, OUSD has failed black children for decades.
    Black students in OUSD have been undereducated too long, please do not let black children continue to suffer because you are not willing to do the right thing and pass this resolution. Why would you not vote for this? What are you afraid of?

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    Louis Michael almost 4 years ago

    As someone who went through the public school system and who will have kids that will go through the public school system, I believe that this resolution is essential in ensuring that our Black children have a safe and hopeful future. Saying no to this resolution is simply remaining complicit in white supremacy. Speak out against racist policies andVOTE YES on the Reparations for Black Students Resolution - to repair the harm caused by decades of disinvestment - and to reinvest in Black students, families, schools, and end the anti-Black school closure policy.

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    Ron Frede almost 4 years ago

    Reparations are overdue in this country and it's led to systemic racism in all American institutions. Especially in the education field. These funds are am opportunity to invest in the community of of the next generation of black kids. I'm in support of this movement.

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    Leila Rad almost 4 years ago

    Please VOTE YES on the Reparations for Black Students Resolution - to repair the harm caused by decades of disinvestment - and to reinvest in Black students, families, schools, and staff in OUSD.

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    Talmera Richardson almost 4 years ago

    Support Yes! On Reparations for Black students! It’s time to invest and support our Black students. ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽

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    Danielle Mahones almost 4 years ago

    I am a parent of a 4th grade student at Manzanita SEED. Our school community: educators, staff and parents strongly support the district taking concrete steps to remedy the historic harm and neglect that Black students have experienced for decades in our district. It is well past time to start investing in Black students and educators to ensure that students feel supported, and engaged and that they belong. VOTE YES! Black parents, family members, educators and students spent a lot of time developing this resolution and it is the right direction for our students. Do not water it down, the time for a bold vision is now.

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    OUSD Parent almost 4 years ago

    I support Reparations for Black Students and encourage all of our board members to vote yes.