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Agenda Item

R.-1 23-0668 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2223-0211 District's Capital (Facilities) Program - Amendment No. 2, Measure Y Spending Plan - May 2023.

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    Maria Einaudi over 1 year ago

    My name is Maria Einaudi and I work in support of students age 18 and older at Oakland Adult and Career Education. Please keep the measure Y money in place for CTE TAY Hub at 1025 2nd Avenue. Continue to support the new and vital CTE HUB for TAY to be located at 1025 2nd Ave. The vision for the CTE HUB came directly from TAY (transitional age youth) who were students at Camp Sweeneys Freedom School. The vision came about to change systemic injustices the youth at Sweeney had experienced. It is a vision that includes transitional housing and warp around supports for TAY in all aspects of education and job training available. While at the CTE HUB, TAY will experience what it is like to have a reliable, steady place to return day after day. In this way, they will gain a sense of place, a foundation of belonging in our community and build upon skills for careers that will place them on the path toward independence.

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    Aaron Foster over 1 year ago

    My name is Samira and I go to CCPA now. Im going there because Parker closed. I think my school needs extra money because the building is not big enough for all the students. I am always hot in PE class in the gym and I dont like running because im not comfortable. We have really good teachers and students but we dont have a good building.

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    Sophia Hesseltine over 1 year ago

    My name is Sophia and I serve at-large on the Oakland Youth Commission. I am in support of the CTE Hub at 1025 2nd Avenue remaining in the Measure Y spending plan.

    The CTE Hub is essential to support Oakland LGBTQ youth, as it will provide them with safe transitional housing and an inclusive community. LGBTQ youth have a 120% increased risk of experiencing homelessness compared to youth who identify as cisgender or heterosexual, which can largely be attributed to unsupportive families who would rather push their children to the streets than accept their identities. As an LGBTQ youth, I can speak to the importance of the CTE hub, as having an inclusive space where one can be free to pursue their goals without judgment is essential to success in life. Transitional housing is an issue of survival, and without it we will be leaving LGBTQ youth to starve and be exploited on the streets. So I urge you to keep the CTE Hub plan in Measure Y, as the vitality of LGBTQ youth depends on it.

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    Laura Ochoa over 1 year ago

    Mi nombre es Laura Ochoa Mama de Antonio Gonzalez que asiste ala escuela ccpa y quiero apollar el prollecto de construir mas salones para los estudiantes tengan el espacio que ocupan para sus clasese .

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    Maria Tovar over 1 year ago

    Hola mi nombre es Maria Tovar soy madre de un estudiante en CCPA. Soy madre de 2 estudiantes graduados de CCPA y muy orgullosa de la escuela, mis hijos han salido con buenos grados y ahora estoy empezando con mi hijo pequeño. Desde que empezó mi hija asistir a esta escuela estoy escuchando este tema de construir un gimnasio, una cancha de fútbol y más salones de clase y desde 2013 hasta esta fecha no se ha construido nada y creo que ya es tiempo de ver algún proyecto para esta escuela. Por favor no más excusas . Att: Maria Tovar

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    LOUISE ANDERSON over 1 year ago

    I'm commenting in support of the allocation of Measure Y funds to the CTE Hub. The CTE Hub at 1025 2nd is a project we desperately need. The concept of offering services in one place that can directly impact our youth's ability to overcome challenges related to education, employment, housing and mental health was an idea that originated with our TAY (transitional age youth) and the planning process has included and centered their needs. I have direct experience working with systems involved youth as a Commissioner with the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Commission and as a facilitator for online college courses at the Juvenile Justice Center. Amazing progress has been made by the CTE Hub team to keep this project moving forward and the Measure Y funds can make it happen. I urge you to keep the Measure Y funding in place for the CTE Hub.

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    Ngoc Ta over 1 year ago

    Hello, I am a student of CCPA's Class of 2023. CCPA has helped me both as an individual and as a scholar, but if I had the additional facilities CCPA is currently requesting, I would have felt more support. One of OUSD's values is equity. Every other school has a field except CCPA, and that's not what equity looks like. Our classes are crowded and will continue to increase in size as the school is doubling. The needs CCPA has listed is the bare minimum, and I hope OUSD upholds their value of equity.

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    Brassey Again over 1 year ago

    The lack of playing fields and a regulation H.S. gym at CCPA leads to our student athletes leaving campus earlier to travel further to soccer games and practices at Chavez field (30 blocks from CCPA) or at McClymonds H.S. in West Oakland, 22-min drive when traffic is moving and kids get into cars on time (and there are enough vehicles to move them safely). Student athletes miss more instructional time, and they spend mental energy coordinating transport (texting during class) and worrying about missing vans, buses, and carpools. It bothers me that these trips also risk kids' safety by putting them on the road, away from home neighborhoods, and in public parks instead of our campus where we actively keep them safe. But when we ask kids to spend time and energy bridging a facilities gap, they can fall behind in learning, which undermines success in C.S. These kids bear the cost of our facilities deficit as our student pop doubles on the old Havenscourt Middle School campus.

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    Mx Brassey over 1 year ago

    As a computer science teacher at CCPA, I feel the impact of our gym space shortage. CCPA students' days can be long, challenging, and complex. Our kids need PE classes so they can play and take a break from the grind. We can't offer enough PE classes because our middle school gym and blacktop are too limited. Some kids are taking PE now during summer, which lengthens their school year, and moves an energetic and joyous activity out of the regular school year (when students can need it most). When my H.S. students don't get exercise and time to play, the physical constraints of being in classrooms all day affect them mentally and emotionally. Imagine learning a difficult programming language when your endorphins tank is low! PE supports the focus and patience required for learning computer science. Kids need accessible (on campus) spaces to scream and shout, play, and oxygenate their brains and bodies so they can persist in programming and solve problems with creativity and adventure.

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    Dom Brassey over 1 year ago

    Hello! I’m a computer science teacher at CCPA and I support the proposal. CCPA has been expanding since 2019-20 at the request of OUSD. We seriously need more classrooms to accommodate all of the classes needed for the expanded size. Students from grades 6 thru 12 are crammed into our middle school facilities, and as the school grows we feel the impact with louder hallways during passing periods and more complexity when we try to coordinate flexible support spaces for kids to do catchup work outside of official class times. We end up juggling academic support in various transient locations (like hallways) which can be challenging for students who need more tranquil and stable spaces to limit distractions and support focus. (To support a strong academic culture, we need fewer students in hallways during class, not more.)

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    Amy Boyle over 1 year ago

    I’m commenting in support of an increased allocation for CCPA in the Measure Y spending plan. For years we have been at the forefront of quality educational outcomes for low income students. We have consistently been ahead of work on A-G graduation rates, decreasing dropout rates, restorative justice, full service community schools, and SpEd inclusion (to name a few). Despite this, we have been repeatedly passed over when we ask for what we need to sustain our work. We are asking for an additional building to accommodate our need for increased classroom space due to expansion, a gym that can meet the needs of 900+ students and a fully engaged athletics program, and a field to have 4 season on campus access to outdoor practice space. These are requests that we have watched other schools and communities get over the last 15 years, and it is the bare minimum to sustain our program. Thank you.