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Agenda Item

R.-1 23-0668 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2223-0211 District's Capital (Facilities) Program - Amendment No. 2, Measure Y Spending Plan - May 2023.

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    Janiece E over 1 year ago

    I currently have a family member that's attends Havenscourt School and I believe that she as well as all the other students' learning environment plays a crucial role in their overall academic development and well-being. Among the various factors that contribute to an ideal learning environment, the comfort and safety of the building are of high importance. A well-maintained building that adheres to safety standards positively impacts students' academic performance, physical and mental well-being, overall learning atmosphere, health, attendance, and sense of belonging. Educational institutions should prioritize providing students with a supportive environment that facilitates their growth and maximizes their potential. By investing in comfortable and safe buildings, we invest in the future of our students and empower them to achieve success in their educational journey.
    Thank you for time

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    Amy Carozza over 1 year ago

    Good evening. My name is Amy Carozza. I am the principal of CCPA.

    In 2018, when CCPA agreed to expand, we wrote a detailed expansion plan to outline our needs and goals. We carefully thought through what our growth would mean. We were very clear and communicated that we would not have the space in our existing buildings to double in size. In August of 2024, CCPA will no longer fit into our existing space. We absolutely need a new building with a minimum of 8 classrooms.

    We were also clear that we require high school facilities including a gym and access to the field attached to our school for sports and classes. I can’t convey the complexity of our expansion here. Put simply, there are many variables, and we need space to make that happen.

    The task of expanding CCPA and maintaining the quality of a small school has been incredibly challenging. Despite difficulty, we are doing our part and need the school board to do their part to support this work for our children.

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    Ray Corona over 1 year ago

    How does the money for foster youth who are homeless being supported for. Why would we take that away if it has worked and help. Please help fund covenant house California. They have helped many foster youth and have given me mentorship.

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    Branden Landry over 1 year ago

    Hello all, I'm commenting in support of the CTE Hub. The CTE Hub is a program/project that we so desperately need. The CTE Hub offers various services in one place that can and will impact the community’s youth's ability to overcome challenges related to education, employment, housing and mental health. For some time I have been working directly with the CTE Hub and have been amazed at the opportunity’s that it has given many people. The CTE Hub team has made so much progress on this program and needs to continue working on this project moving forward and the Measure Y funds can make it happen. I encourage you to keep the Measure Y funding in place for the CTE Hub. This program will help our future leaders, innovators, and more.

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    Steven Addison over 1 year ago

    I’m Steven J. Addison and I work with transitional-aged youth (TAY) at Civicorps, the East Bay’s local conservation corps. Our mission is to reengage with TAY through our two social enterprises. I have been involved in conservation work and youth development for 20+ years, mostly in the East Bay. The agencies (EBMUD, ACFC, EBRPD,…etc) we partner with are currently in need of a skilled workforce because the services they provide are high-demand careers. I am here to support the CTE Hub remaining in the Measure Y spending plan because the CTE Hub would provide housing, wrap-around services and access to potential jobs and training programs. What we at Civicorps have learned over the years is TAY with stable housing, support, and education have higher rates of successful outcomes. The CTE Hub would provide this in one central location that is easily accessible for potential clients and agencies that support them. Please continue to support the CTE Hub within Measure Y. Thank you.

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    Leana Rosetti over 1 year ago

    As a parent of students at MLA, I am disappointed about the $13 million cut in funds for the obvious reason that our campuses are in great need of renovation and not even the original allotment would have covered the basics. However I accept that this decision is up to the district and that it has its process for making it. I do not accept the complete lack of transparency with the parents and community that are part of MLA's project advisory committee for the Measure Y project. While we were being told that our input and feedback mattered, decisions were being made that completely conflicted with the choices we were being presented with. Our time was wasted and our trust broken. I ask that, at the very least, the decision on how to spend the reduced amount being left for MLA (both campuses) be made in true consultation with the project advisory committee using a transparent decision making matrix, and facilitated by someone trained in doing so.

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    nasira parris over 1 year ago

    hi my name is nasira from lockwood and my parker and thay need money ccpa does need it reely

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    Sahra Nawabi over 1 year ago

    Hello School Board Directors, Superintendent, & community. I am the Youth Lead for the Alameda County's Youth Advisory Board that seeks to prevent and end youth homelessness. I am here in support of the CTE TAY Hub remaining in the Measure Y spending plan. In April 2022, we helped to coordinate the Youth Homelessness Hearing for the City of Oakland, that engagement led to the City of Oakland allocating $350K for strategic planning for the CTE TAY HUB. The plans for the CTE TAY HUB include TAY housing on-site that was cultivated from lived experience of homelessnesses. As a youth independently living in this community, I know youth and young adults severely need housing, having access to educational opportunities, and wrap around services in THE CITY OF OAKLAND that is FOR YOUTH BY YOUTH. I demand that CTE TAY HUB remains in the Y spending plan because If there is no intervention today, 50% of OUSD's graduates are vulnerable to becoming our unhoused or displaced adults tomorrow!

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    Sameerah Karim over 1 year ago

    Give the schools the money

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    Marcus McCree over 1 year ago

    The children of Havenscourt school deserve to have a facility that is comfortable for them to learn in

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    Alia Phelps over 1 year ago

    Children deserve to learn in safe schools with buildings that support their growth! Don’t use this as an excuse to close more schools!!! Do the right thing!

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    andrea dawson over 1 year ago

    Making this decision is extremely difficult. There are $3 billion plus facilities deficiencies in OUSD Schools and only $745million bond dollars to address facilities needs. Construction costs have risen 25% in the last 2 years. Using data from the 2020 Master Plan, Measure Y Bond pledge to the voters and prioritizing low income neighborhoods and safety and compliance (as stated in BP 7112) is the only equitable and prudent way for the Board to approve the changes as presented to the Measure Y spending plan.
    As Chair of the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee I am in full support of Measure Y- Amendment #2.
    Board unity; passing this resolution now is critical. This information is a key component for Bond Issuances; the background information and the mandate statement are key narratives in OUSD’s Bond Sale Official Statement to investors.
    Andrea Dawson

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    Rebecca Ruiz over 1 year ago

    The kids on mcclymonds & ccpa deserve a building that is conducive to education—one that is equipped to learn comfortably in

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    Rochelle Jenkins over 1 year ago

    It’s only right for these schools to have better facilities, better curriculums, and the means to support learning and education. Ccpa and Mclymonds are in need of theses things and you “ the school district “ have the power to do this. It’s a shame to base which district and school get funding according to the neighborhoods. In this case it’s the schools that in the “low income poverty” neighborhoods get neglected. No child should have to sit in a shabby structurally falling apart building with limited resources and programs for educational purposes. Schools are the cornerstone of making our neighborhoods better. So please do the right thing and give these schools the buildings and funding they need to excel and thrive in their educational journey. Thank you.

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    Jeremiah Clark over 1 year ago

    Hey my name is Jeremiah clark my niece goes to CCPA the school is over crowded and the gym as well needs to be updated urgently

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    Naomi Montenegro over 1 year ago

    Hi. I graduated from CCPA in 2017. Last year, I made the decision to return to CCPA to serve as a College and Career Readiness specialist. I don't find it nostalgic to be supporting students in the portables that I was once a student in. Since then, water continues to enter when there's heavy rain. The heating and air conditioning system in portables is noisy and distracting but needed for temperature control. Portables don't make students feel prioritized. How can we hold students to such high standards when they're learning in such flawed conditions? Point is, CCPA needs 8 classrooms. There was a request made to expand and CCPA followed-through. The allowance of resources needs to match the request. Those 8 classrooms are the bare minimum. As a former OUSD student, I was taught to be ambitious and to contribute to the fight for equity. Accordingly, I ask that more than the bare minimum be done to eliminate the need for portables.

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    Alex V over 1 year ago

    My name is Alex and I am a current middle schooler at CCPA, I think CCPA needs more classrooms to be able to fit all the students that are here. I also want to be able to experience being able to play on our own soccer field. The current field that is at the school causes a bunch of injuries with anyone that plays on it. Me personally, I have sprained my ankle playing on the grass field here. The gym also gets really stuffy when everyone is in there for PE.

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    Jonathan R over 1 year ago

    My name is Jonathan and I am a current middle schooler at CCPA (spiderman) I think the school needs more buildings because we can't fit all the kids into the buildings so we need more buildings. And in the gym i'm always sweating and outside i'm always falling and getting hurt on the block top. We don't have a field to play soccer so we have to on the very bad field or the cement, so we should get one.

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    Emily Novick over 1 year ago

    Hello! I’m Emily Novick and I am a teacher and soccer coach at CCPA. CCPA has been expanding since 2019-20 at the request of OUSD. CCPA needs 8 classrooms to accommodate all of the classes needed for the expanded size. CCPA also needs a gym and field to function and provide needed services for high school students. For each of my 7 years coaching soccer at CCPA, we have had to travel to fields around Oakland (mostly Chavez and sometimes as far as McClymonds) for both practices and games. This is a significant safety and time burden on both players and coaches. Additionally, Chavez is a heavily utilized space. We have had issues with overlapping permit times with other soccer organizations and reduced field space during our scheduled permit time. Please give CCPA the same field facilities as every other high school in Oakland

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    Carina Ibarra over 1 year ago

    My name is Carina Ibarra and I am a teacher at CCPA. CCPA needs the additional classrooms. We expanded at the Districts request and without these additional classrooms there will not be enough classrooms for students. In addition, it is imperative that CCPA get access to a gym and sports field appropriate for a high school. One of my roles at CCPA has been middle school girls soccer coach and every year girls who played middle school soccer do not play high school soccer because they can not get rides to Cesar Chavez. It is unfair that our female athletes have to face these barriers to access to sport. OUSD needs to do better.