Meeting Time: February 18, 2022 at 6:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

22-0243A Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0030A - School Consolidations for 2022-23 and 2023-24.

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    Shira Bannerman about 3 years ago

    I am a teacher in OUSD standing up in solidarity with the schools tagged for closure and consolidation. Please vote to POSTPONE school closures. The community is crying out. Represent us and work for change that does not disrupt students and families for minuscule savings. You voted on an amendment that community members and board members did not have a chance to read and didn’t even have numbers or reasons attached to it. Do the right thing and take time to present your research and reasons if you truly believe in it. Protect students during this pandemic and POSTPONE school closures.

    Who do you think you're representing?

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    Luca Jurich about 3 years ago

    I support this amendment to postpone the proposed school consolidations. In solidarity with my community, I demand that:

    1. OUSD move forward with an Equity Impact Analysis of the final, amended list of closures
    2. OUSD conduct a fiscal analysis of the revised plans for closures and truncations

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    Michael Pangelina about 3 years ago


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    Paulina Tarr about 3 years ago

    Schools are important community centers - especially small ones! Do not close school! Invest better in them to properly serve all students!

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    Vernetta Woods about 3 years ago

    Take our kids out of OUSD

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    Heath Madom about 3 years ago

    Instead of closing schools, let's demand more funding from the State and actually invest in our schools.

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    Yippee Yee about 3 years ago

    Yippee Yee says Board President Yee on crack! Ya’ll gotta vote him out of board cause he’s TERRIBLE! Fire him and the other dum-asses now!

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    Malinda Morales about 3 years ago

    The solution to low enrollment is not school closures. Low enrollment is a direct reflection of your failure to provide for these schools. Your failure to fight the perception of low achievement. Your failure to retain teachers. Your failure to stop the expansion of charters. Your failure to disrupt the school to prison pipeline. Your failure to address segregation and invest in building community schools in neighborhoods. And to Kyla Johnson Trammell Your failure meet the hopes and expectations to do better than the corrupt leadership of Antwone Wilson.

    What these schools need is for you to pour into them the same way you pour money into your pockets. The same way you pour into your own children. The same way Libby Schaff pours into the coffers of Head Royce private school. The same way you pour into gentrification.

    Stop stealing from our pockets and then asking why we're broke. Stop these closures tonight and stop the continued oppression of our black and brown students.

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    Rachel M about 3 years ago

    I wish I were voting to support no more school closures in Oakland forever, and I support the resolution to postpone and reverse the most recent decision this board made to close schools.

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    Christina Tinsley about 3 years ago

    There is NO data that shows closing schools saves money. The financial analysis presented at the 1/31 board meeting was faulty at best.

    There is NO data that shows closing schools improves student outcomes.

    There is NO data that shows a correlation between closing schools and improving teacher’s salaries.

    The schools slated for closure serve majority black and brown students, low-income students, and a high population of SPED students. This is shameful. Families and children who are disproportionately bearing the brunt of COVID, dealing with learning loss from the year of remote school, and living with long-standing racial and socioeconomic inequities, will lose their communities, lose their teachers and support staff, and face unrealistic commutes to “welcoming schools” 2, 3, 5 miles away. Closing schools will NOT solve the long-standing issues in OUSD. We have seen school after school closed–yet nothing has improved. Why should we believe this will be different? -OUSD Parent

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    Sylvie Jensen about 3 years ago

    I support the postponement and further cancellation of closing schools. Please consider other paths to take.

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    Talmera Richardson about 3 years ago

    I’m saying No! On school consolidations ! I’m saying No to whatever the school board is trying to do that goes against the schools, students, Teachers and families! Let’s be clear Oakland is a Historical city that has transitioned into a community that No one can afford to live in! Most of our schools have been transition into Charter schools! It’s unfortunate that every time the community try’s to build that trust with board members it comes back to bite us in the …… this is perpetuss! All $$$ isn’t good money. I believe it’s safe to say that the undermining games that board members Yee, Thompson, Gonzalze, Eng, and Davis are playing is getting stale! It’s old the gig is up! You guys don’t care! It isn’t your families being effected or your children/ grandchildren. Your actions plainly stated you don’t care! Unfortunately the decision you make result in consequences! Not only for our families/ teachers and communities. If school’s consolidate/ close Oakland will No longer be ! #RECALL

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    R Dunning about 3 years ago

    Delay the closures, for now, then stop them altogether!

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    Julie L about 3 years ago

    I support the resolution to postpone the closures. Do your due diligence, conduct an equity analysis.

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    Valeria Tinoco about 3 years ago

    I support the amendment to postpone school closures.I am opposed to closing majority black schools in Oakland! The children are advocating to keep their schools.

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    Alyssa Kang about 3 years ago

    I support BP22-0243A, I support the hunger strikers, and oppose OUSD’s plan to close Black majority schools. Please listen to the students, parents, community and prioritize the education of our young people. Don’t contribute to the further gentrification of Oakland.

    I’m listening to the meeting right now and multiple students are talking about going on hunger strike. If I was a board member hearing this, I could not in good conscience take action that would result in young people putting their own health at risk. Do the right and just thing and listen to the students, educators, and community.

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    Julius Hampton about 3 years ago

    This is unacceptable. No closures!

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    G S about 3 years ago

    I support the amendment to postpone the closures of Parker Elementary and Community Day!! Why would you take schools away from Oakland kids? It's very clear what areas of the city the Board of Education cares about. LISTEN to the people you were elected to serve!

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    Michelle Deiro about 3 years ago

    I implore every Board member to vote to STOP all school closures and not just postpone the closure until next year. Your lack of community engagement, equity analysis, and humanity in your actions is deplorable and sickening. Your actions have impacted students, families and our community and the lack of process you went through shows your disregard and disrespect for the lives of black and brown students and families. Teachers, families, school leaders and staff work tirelessly, with love, to teach our students, and within one week's time, you stepped all over that without care or humanity.

    You must vote to end school closures.

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    Robert LiuTrujillo about 3 years ago

    I oppose the closure of schools and this rushed process. I support the inclusion of Oakland students, parents, teachers, and community members in the strategic planning of a different way to serve students.