Meeting Time: October 27, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

P.-1 21-2514 Superintendent's Report - October 27, 2021: Highlights from Schools ? Stories from schools Covid Safety Protocols ? Testing Implementation ? Vaccine Implementation Sojourner Truth Distance Learning Update ? Attendance & Services Enrollment & Attendance ? Enrollment Counts ? Attendance Numbers Black Students Thriving Data ? Academic and Social Emotional Data

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    Andrea Maoki over 3 years ago

    As a mother and teacher, I am grateful for the recent shift to regular group testing. I hope that the district will support increased COVID-19 testing, more indoor ventilation in communal spaces, and heavy-duty outdoor tents or other structures. Implementation of safety protocols varies from school to school, and we need to ensure that all students and staff have the safest learning environments possible.