Meeting Time: October 27, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C1.-1 21-2538 Public Comment On Closed Session Items - October 27, 2021.

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    Vivian Yen over 3 years ago

    It is critical that we extend the COVID leave for school teachers to ensure everyone’s safety. It isn’t acceptable to arbitrarily end COVID leave on Monday, when we are still living through a pandemic. If we truly care about the safety about our teachers, students, families, and communities, we MUST make it feasible for people to get tested when they have symptoms or when they test positive. Without COVID leave, teachers are unlikely to take their own sick days (which are very limited) to go get COVID tested, which could likely result in COVID spread if a teacher becomes infected. If a teacher has COVID, recovery or quarantine time will likely take longer than just 10 days. In short, it would be sentencing a teacher to use up all of their sick days in one go, and leave them with no options for if they get sick anytime during the rest of the year.

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    Carhenna delaCruz over 3 years ago

    I support OUSD renewing multi-year lease of Community School for Creative Education on 2111 International 2022-2026 with option to renew pending charter renewal.

    It is important that CSCE does not move location because its location on 2111 International allows students and their families to be close to school. Students at CSCE come from families facing many socio-economic challenges. CSCE is an asset to the community providing not only education but also community safety and social supports that can significantly affect the well being of students. Let's take care of the children and youth at CSCE and let CSCE serve them close to their homes. CSCE is an anchor for children, youth and their families! Please don't take this anchor away. Waldorf education is alignment of head, heart, and hands. I encourage you, decision makers, to please listen to the youth, parents, and guardians speaking from the CSCE community, and to listen with head, heart, and hands in alignment. Thank you

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    Kimi Kean over 3 years ago

    Greetings, I join the CSCE community in asking for your support of renewing their lease at 2111 International. CSCE is a vital part of the San Antonio neighborhood, fostering a breadth of community and civic connections in their community school. When I was a Region 3 REXO, I remember CSCE sharing a facility at Howard at great hardship for their parent community which is based in the San Antonio and Fruitvale neighborhoods. As our communities emerge from a massive pandemic it is extraordinarily important to maintain the stability of school location for students and families. Thank you for fulfilling your responsibility to share public facilities with charter school communities and to the families of CSCE.

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    Emma Paullino over 3 years ago

    I'm asking our Board of Directors to please allow Community School for Creative Education to stay at the facility where the school is located now. It will be devastating for the community, not only the families to see the school leaving the community. I hope this data would help you understand how important is this school for the community

    Who We Serve: Oakland's Most Vulnerable

    ● We serve the most vulnerable and achieve significant academic results and growth:

    - 87% FRPL;

    - 63% English Learners;

    - 17% Students with Disabilities;

    - 18% African American;

    - 64% Latinx.

    Our results on the 2019 State Tests –

    -CSCE African American Students showed highest test results across all of Oakland public schools, district and charter alike in ELA and Math.

    - CSCE Latino Middle Schoolers won the ‘high growth award”

    - CSCE English Language Learners outperformed the district for five years.,

    - CSCE Students with Disabilities outperformed the district for five years,

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    ida oberman over 3 years ago

    I support OUSD renewing multi-year lease of Community School for Creative Education on 2111 International 2022-2026 with option to renew pending charter renewal This school belongs to this community. This school belongs to the families in this community. Do not uproot

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    Carol Delton over 3 years ago

    Hello, DIrectors,
    You have received many comments requesting renewal of CCSE's lease for multiple years. Please weigh the costs and benefits to OUSD in considering this request: Does it tie up property for which OUSD might have another use? Does it include additional consideration for the stability which CCSE is seeking? Has CCSE made any move to participate in the OUSD SELPA or otherwise expand its services to Students with Disabilities, a group which has tended to be disproprortionately underserved by the charter section. I hope you will examine these questions carefully in coming up with an arrangement which is of benefit to the OUSD students to whom you owe your fiduciary duty as well as the charter school coming before you to ask for a benefit. I ask that you similarly consider these questions on your other property item this evening. Thank you for your attention.

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    Yenis Epifanio over 3 years ago

    Mi nombre es yenis les pido de la Manera mas respetosa ke renueven el contrado de arendamiendo de la Escuela comunitaria de education creativa es una Escuela ke ayuda mucho a las necesidades de la comunidad y es muy inportante manternerla en dicha direccion ya ke esta asesible a muchas familia te antemado estaremos agradecidos de ke de renueven en contrado de arendamiento por mas timpo

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    Ingrid Garcia over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because my daurgther love this school.

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    Blanca Ramos over 3 years ago

    Estoy a favor de que OUSD renueve el contrato de arrendamiento de varios años de Community School for Creative Education hasta 2026 con una opción para renovar la renovación pendiente de la carta en nuestra ubicación en 2111 International Blvd.

    Para mí es importante que la CSCE no cambie de ubicación porque mi hiho viene a esta escuela y esta cerca de mi trabajo.

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    evelyn tejada over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because
    its close to my job and my son love this school.

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    Elliana pek over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because
    it is a reliable location for my family.

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    leticia ramriez over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because it's close to the freeway and to the buss stop

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    David Tran over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because it is close to my house. The school teaches and helps kids.

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    Tichelle Thomas over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because there are so many memories in this building. The sense of community built at this location is irreplaceable. There is a deep community connection.

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    Phenicia Robinson over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because it's convenient and close. My daughter loves the culture, support, and community.

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    Emily Lopez over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because I have been at this school since TK, if I move locations it can be too far. My mom works really close to this school so it makes me feel safe.

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    JuanCarlos Lopez over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because close to my home and work. I have lived in this neighborhood for 20 years and my school has come to this school for 7 years. It would be too hard for me to be anywhere else.

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    Maria Us over 3 years ago

    Estoy a favor de que OUSD renueve el contrato de arrendamiento de varios años de Community School for Creative Education hasta 2026 con una opción para renovar la renovación pendiente de la carta en nuestra ubicación en 2111 International Blvd.

    Para mí es importante que la CSCE no cambie de ubicación porque me queda mas cerca.

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    alfredo rodriguez over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because its in the neighborhood, my kids love this school, and location is great for our family for drop off in the morning and pick up in the evening.

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    ashley bouskos over 3 years ago

    I am in support of OUSD renewing Community School for Creative Education’s multi-year lease until 2026 with an option to renew pending charter renewal at our 2111 International Blvd location.

    It is important to me that CSCE does not move location because this school is close to my house. it is the best school ever. my daughter loves coming here.