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Agenda Item

P.-1 21-2378 Superintendent's Report - October 13, 2021. Highlights from Schools ? Stories from schools Covid Safety Protocols ? Testing Implementation ? Vaccine Implementation Sojourner Truth Distance Learning Update ? Attendance & Services Custodial Services ? Updates ? Flea Issues Enrollment & Attendance ? Enrollment Counts ? Attendance Numbers

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    Ruth Fallenbaum over 3 years ago

    As a parent of a former OUSD student, I was thrilled to read of the board approval of a plan for Reparations for Black Students. I would like to know what progress has been made in the work of this long overdue project. Especially in the wake of the worst (we hope) of COVID's impact, it seems critical to address the tragic effects of differential advantages in housing, education, health care due to racism. Thank you!.
    Ruth Fallenbaum

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    Kelly Thompson over 3 years ago

    I am a concerned resident in the City of Oakland that wants Superintendent Johnson-Trammel to make headway and give regular updates on the 5 priority areas of the Reparations for Black Students Resolution, outlined below as follows:
    • Appropriating funds for Unhoused Students
    • Quarterly Report on the Status of Black Students
    • Delayed Establishment of the Black Students and Thriving Families Taskforce
    • Conducting Anti-Racist Training for Board of Education
    • Safe Reopening of School

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    Jami Wardlow over 3 years ago

    I expect an update on the status of Black students in OUSD public schools. Specifically, we need a report on the following five priority areas:

    Appropriating funds for Unhoused Students

    Quarterly Report on the Status of Black Students

    Delayed Establishment of the Black Students and Thriving Families Taskforce

    Conducting Anti-Racist Training for Board of Education

    Safe Reopening of School

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    Michael Jones over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the BSRR's project, especially its terms of accountability. Restorative Justice needs full funding as well as / as an aspect of Mental Health supports. Implementation and action are what I expect to see; Board Member Hutchinson, for example, has called for an accounting of finances in light of manifest student wellness needs. We're all in this together, and we all need to see the money move to measure up to BSRR's calls for accountability.

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    Jawharah McClinton over 3 years ago

    I deeply support the BSRR
    HOUSE HOMELESS STUDENTS NOW I've been on board since day one and I will remain on board until we all iron it out get it up and running in a city where the urban Flatlands are drying up financially & educationally this Investment I know this will turn the tide along with Childcare and Early Education support and at this juncture we're going to need some Mental Health Services thank goodness you only have to deal with the educational part so let's get on our nickel and honor the ones who put you in office we entrust our children with in your educational know how now we need your moral compass to direct the path we know the needs. we did the footwork now all you have to do is implement it we're behind you 100% I believe the children are our future we tell them to "Dream Big" now let's give them the resources to live out those dreams thank you for listening my name is Jeral McClinton my friends call me Jawharah...
    I look forward to today's board meeting. 1 LoVe

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    Claudia Leung over 3 years ago

    We need the Superintendent to address the School Board's handling of 5 priority areas of the Reparations Resolution:
    Appropriating funds for Unhoused Students
    Quarterly Report on the Status of Black Students
    Delayed Establishment of the Black Students and Thriving Families Taskforce
    Conducting Anti-Racist Training for Board of Education
    Safe Reopening of Schools

    Please report on the Status of ALL Black Students in OUSD public schools including the five priority areas listed above.

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    Jonathan Fast over 3 years ago

    Hello, I am writing because I support Reparations for Black Students. Please provide an update on the status of Black Students in OUSD public schools. The people deserve an update on the handling of 5 priority areas of the Reparations Resolution:
    1. Appropriating funds for Unhoused Students
    2. Quarterly Report on the Status of Black Students
    3. Delayed Establishment of the Black Students and Thriving Families Taskforce
    4. Conducting Anti-Racist Training for Board of Education
    5. Safe Reopening of School

    Thank you!

    Jon Fast

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    Ellen Dahlke over 3 years ago

    I'm wondering about the status of Black students in our schools, as per the request of the Black Organizing Project. I'd also like to hear Kyla speak to the rash of sexual violence that we're seeing at our school, Oakland Tech.

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    A K over 3 years ago

    Oakland students and families deserve an update on the Status of Black Students in OUSD public schools. OUSD Superintendent, Kyla Johnson-Trammell promised an update on this at today's meeting, yet it is not on the agenda. This must be addressed and given the space it needs at this meeting!

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    Kimberly Gila over 3 years ago

    I support Reparations for Black Students in Oakland, California. Please sign this bill into law. Black Students are far behind their white privilegde counterparts.

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    Shani WadeSneed over 3 years ago

    I am shocked to learn Ms. Johnson-Trammel has failed to address the most pressing needs of our Black students whose academic performance is among the worst in the district, and ought not be. What are our schools for if children continually fare according to their demographic context? Well off children remaining well off while children from struggling home lives continue to struggle? This is not the way it's supposed to be. EVERY SINGLE public school in Oakland needs to be thriving. Just like EVERY SINGLE neighborhood in Oakland needs to be thriving. It is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE for our Black students to be at the bottom of the academic ladder in this district! The superintendent has an unique opportunity to bring this issue to the forefront of her administration and do the work that will make a lasting impact on the lives of so many. Our children deserve better.

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    T Dickinson over 3 years ago

    I support the OUSD's Black Students and Families Thriving Task Force on Reparations. OUSD needs to meet their five demands this semester, beginning in October. It's essential to put into action remedies for all demands. It's vital to immediately allocate funds for unhoused students.

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    Coron Brinson over 3 years ago

    On September 30th, the same day Black Students and Families Thriving Taskforce first convened, the Core Leaders of the Reparations for Black Students Campaign met with the incumbent OUSD Superintendent, Kyla Johnson-Trammell. During this meeting the Core Leaders discussed accountability with the Superintendent in handling of 5 priority areas of the Reparations Resolution:

    Appropriating funds for Unhoused Students

    Quarterly Report on the Status of Black Students

    Delayed Establishment of the Black Students and Thriving Families Taskforce

    Conducting Anti-Racist Training for Board of Education

    Safe Reopening of School


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    Ismael Armendariz over 3 years ago

    I join in the calls made by the Reparations for Black Students Campaign for an update on the status of Black students in OUSD public schools, including the following five priority areas:
    - Appropriating funds for Unhoused Students
    - Quarterly Report on the Status of Black Students
    - Delayed Establishment of the Black Students and Thriving Families Taskforce
    - Conducting Anti-Racist Training for Board of Education
    - Safe Reopening of School

    Please address these in the Superintendent's Report. Thank you

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    Clara Jaeckel over 3 years ago

    I join in the calls made by the Reparations for Black Students Campaign for an update on the status of Black students in OUSD public schools, including the following five priority areas:
    - Appropriating funds for Unhoused Students
    - Quarterly Report on the Status of Black Students
    - Delayed Establishment of the Black Students and Thriving Families Taskforce
    - Conducting Anti-Racist Training for Board of Education
    - Safe Reopening of School

    Please address these in the the Superintendent's Report. Thank you.

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    Colleen Rau over 3 years ago

    As an OUSD parent and teacher I want to see accountability in the handling of 5 priority areas of the Reparations Resolution.

    The community deserves an update on the Status of Black Students in OUSD schools.

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    Kate Sbani over 3 years ago

    Please release a report on the status of Black students immediately. It is especially troubling that relief funds are not currently being directed to supporting unhoused students. What is OUSDs plan to house these families? How can we say we are a community schools district and hold equity as a value when we aren’t making sure the basic needs of our kids are being met?

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    Felicity Buxton over 3 years ago

    Please update the Status of Black Students in OUSD public schools!

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    Chloe Hawkey over 3 years ago

    I’d like to report my frustration and disappointment with superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell for her failure to include an update on the status of Black students in OUSD in this report. This is an urgent and vital issue, and the board is letting the city’s students down by its failure to act.

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    Jessea Greenman over 3 years ago

    I urge that you soon complete and submit to the public a comprehensive report on the status of black students in OUSD. Also begin preparing analogous reports for Latinx students, Asian-American students, and Native American students.