Meeting Time: November 18, 2020 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

H.-3 20-2019 Decision Public Hearing: Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0125 - Approving Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023 (2 Year Renewal) and Written Findings In Support Thereof.

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    Maria Palafox over 4 years ago

    I support the school because all of our kids deserve a chance at a good education.

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    Sal Perez over 4 years ago

    It’s a lot of people that will remember all those that vote against, and I will said this. In a future will remember all those that stand with us and supported. And will remember all those who didn’t.
    Make the positive change for all the family’s and kid's, we shouldn’t be talking about to close schools. We should be talking about open more schools.

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    Malaya FernandezSmith over 4 years ago

    I am a 4th grader at Lodestar. Please renew Lodestar's charter. I like how students get extra help and support in their education. I also like that it a diverse school with families that are from different cultures.

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    Molly Soto over 4 years ago

    Please let Lodestar stay open.We need this school in our community. Lodestar helps the community come together. Our children need this learning in their community.

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    Kay Fernandez Smith over 4 years ago

    I wholeheartedly support renewing Lodestar's charter. I am a parent of a Black Lodestar student and we have been so impressed and grateful for Lodestar's commitment to high-quality learning and student development as well as the school's values of diversity, inclusion, and culture. We have seen our daughter grow in her own agency, social-emotional confidence, and pride in her culture and community. We are part of the Lodestar family and believe that our daughter and all families who want to choose Lodestar should continue to have that option. We urge you to give Lodestar more time to implement their model and allow them to serve the socio-economically diverse students in our community. Thank you.

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    Polly Huang over 4 years ago

    I am a kindergarten teacher at Lodestar and have been working here since its opening. I love the Lodestar community and appreciate the thoughtful and intentional planning that the leadership team and staff make each year to ensure that students, families, and staff feel seen, supported, and get what they need. Going into distance learning (and throughout), it is clear that our community has/and always is at the center of all plans. Thank you for considering Lodestar's charter renewal!

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    maria Quintero over 4 years ago

    Hola mi nombre es maria Quintero soy mamá de 3 niños uno que está en kínder en 4 grado y 7 grado es su primer año de mis niños en esta escuela están muy emocionados por poder asistir en persona y conocerla no cierren esta escuela tiene muy buenos maestros terapistas ya q mi hijo pequeño la recibe seria muy feo para mi niño si la serrarán ya que el iba anterior mente a epic y fue serrada seria muy frustrante para el ojalá que la puedan mantener abierta Gracias

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    MARIA CASTILLO over 4 years ago

    Hola, mi nombre es Maria Castillo y mi hijo es un estudiante en Lodestar de sexto grado. El esta muy contento de estar en esta escuela. Es su primer año en Lodestar y el esta encantado. Seria mucho mejor si fuera a la escuela en persona pero en este momento no se puede. Yo como madre me preocupo por la educación y ami me gustan mucho las escuelas charters porqué tienen menos estudiantes y les ponen más atención que en las públicas. Hasta el momento yo como madre estoy muy contenta en la lodestar. Los maestros están al pendiente de mi hijo en cualquier cosa que el necesite escolarmente y personalmente. A mi me mantienen en comunicación cuando mi hijo no a entregado tarea. Por favor no cierren esta escuela . No quiero que mi hijo se sienta frustrado por ir a otra escuela. Muchas gracias
    Maria Castillo

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    SusanAlbert Camarillo over 4 years ago

    As grand parents of a Lodestar kindergartener, we write to urge you to support their charter renewal! Lodestar is an exceptional learning environment and a unique school community giving children the best opportunity to thrive as young scholars. This is exactly the kind of school we need in Oakland for our children. We thank you in advance for your support!

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    Lillian Ortiz over 4 years ago

    I am a proud parent and teacher at Lodestar. Lodestar creates a nurturing community that actively engages our young children with rigorous, fun, relevant, and loving authentic educational experiences. The development of character, leadership skills, and community responsibility is at the heart of Lodestar's commitment. I urge you to vote in favor of Lodestar's charter renewal. Thank you.

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    Christian Martinez over 4 years ago

    As a former student from Lodestar I support the renewal of the school because it's a very good good school, great teacher and a wonderful staff that helps everyone

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    Malaya FernandezSmith over 4 years ago

    This comment is in support of renewing Lodestar's charter. I am a parent of a Black Lodestar student and we have been so impressed and thankful for Lodestar's commitment to her learning and development as well as the school's intentionality on diversity and culture. We have seen our daughter grow in her own agency, social-emotional confidence, and pride in her culture and community. We are part of the Lodestar family and believe that our daughter and all families who want to choose Lodestar should continue to have that option. Thank you!

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    Rosa DeSousa over 4 years ago

    Please renew Lodestar!!💖 I'm a founding student and I know they will do amazing if their renewed!💚🌟💚🌟💚

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    Vi Le over 4 years ago

    Thank you to the Office of Charter School and the Superintendent for the positive recommendation to renew Lodestar's charter. I am a proud founding parent and staff member of Lodestar. COVID impacted our community in unreal ways, but I am proud of the ways our community supported one another emotionally, academically, and with essential needs. Our students continue to engage in autentic and equity-centered learning, explore and celebrate their identities, use their agency to guide learning, and reflect on integrity. I know this first hand with my own children who love who they are and who they may become, love their friends, and truly love their teachers. We know there is still much work to do to ensure every child has the opportunity to pursue college and a career of THEIR CHOICE, but without a doubt, Lodestar has proven we deserve the opportunity to continue this important work. I call on the Board to do right by Lodestar families and renew Lodestar's charter.

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    Eliana Martinez over 4 years ago

    I'm a first grader at Lodestar I love my teachers I want my school to remain open please renew

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    Yanira Wandera over 4 years ago

    We are a founding Lodestar family with 3 beautiful Blacktin@ students. Lodestar aligns with our values as a family. We trust Lodestar to always show up with both rigor, relevance and strong relationships. We appreciate OUSD staff for a positive recommendation for approval given the strong indicators of growth, teacher professional development supports and for the diversity of the students that our school serves. Lodestar educators, students and families have a bright future in the horizon. We urge you to vote in favor of our charter renewal to allow our community to keep shining.

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    Eimlee Leon over 4 years ago

    I support Lodestar because they help me with everything like if I need help with something. They go out of the way so I can better understand it, for kid with autism like me it difficult to understand some stuff but Lodestar does an amazing job of helping me and helping my sister with autism. It would be a shame if you had to close down the school it's a very good school for my education and my future.

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    Roxana Leon over 4 years ago

    I want the school to stay open so I continue learning an just worry about going to college. Lodestar is helping meI move forward because I need a bit more help and Lodestar help kids like me who are in the autism spectrum to move forward and not stay behind. This is a school that care for me and all if my peers

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    Marquel Coats over 4 years ago

    I am a founding parent of a Lodestar Charter School student. I am thankful for the relationships my son has gained over the years. He has a bond with not only his peers but his teachers and other Lodestar staff. “It takes a village to raise a child.” Lodestar has been that village for my son and family. Teachers and staff are always willing to go above and beyond to support him academically, socially and emotionally. One support that Lodestar has, which has worked well for my son, is math or reading groups that are rigorous and challenge him. From his experience, he said he likes Lodestar because the school is welcoming, helpful, lets you use technology to work independently and they teach you where you can understand. Lodestar has done right by our family and we fully support the charter renewal.

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    s s over 4 years ago

    love the school keep them open