Meeting Time: November 18, 2020 at 5:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

H.-1 20-2017 Decision Public Hearing: Adoption by the Board of Education of Staff Report - Recommendations/Findings - Approving Education for Change Public Schools - Achieve Academy - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades TK-5 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal).

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    Angelica Gomez over 4 years ago

    I support Achieve Charter Renewal. I am a parent of a Special Needs Child who was in OUSD before and the support, protocol, and staff of Achieve is what made me decide this was the correct school my son would succeed in. This school has supported our entire family in the transition process and have been more than accommodating to serve our family and several others in these difficult times. We love Achieve and hope we can continue to build this family up!

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    Carolyn Chung over 4 years ago

    I support the renewal of Achieve's charter renewal because it is a school that does the work and implements changes to provide high quality education for students and their families. Not only does Achieve hire staff to support language needs (such as Mam and Arabic), but it hires parents. The Family Resource Center hosts parent-child programs for families of kids 0-5 onsite. Program participants feel at home inside the walls of Achieve, are invited to participate in school-wide events, access resources for our families, and go on to become TK-5 students and parent volunteers. In some cases, parent volunteers become educators, taking an active role in reading intervention and strengthening the school-family connection. It shows that Achieve invests in the community by hiring parents, training them, and providing support in the family’s native language.

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    Michelle Cho over 4 years ago

    Please renew Achieve's charter -- Oakland families benefit greatly from their program and I hope Achieve students can continue their growth and progress.

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    Maya WoodsCadiz over 4 years ago

    As a a long time past educator with Oakland Unified, a founding member of EFC, a past OUSD student and parent, and a multigenerational Oaklander, I recommend the renewal of Education for Change's charter. Parents deserve a choice in their child's education.

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    Sheridan Crisostomo over 4 years ago

    Achieve Academy is more than just a school, it is a place where the community works together to help the Fruitvale as a whole, by offering wrap around services such as preschool, food bank, and health services. Most importantly, it is a place where students and families come first. Achieve teaches an engaging, culturally relevant, and rigorous curriculum to ALL students. Administration is also dedicated to training and supporting staff development in academia with a social justice lens. Many teachers also, have their children attend Achieve Academy which only speaks to the amazing staff and rigorous curriculum we have at Achieve. I am in support of renewing Achieve’s 5 year renewal and I hope you will continue to also support Achieve during these tumultuous times.

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    Wanda S over 4 years ago

    Achieve is a GREAT school and is doing Great things for its student's and community! Please renew the Charter Contract for 5 more years!

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    Porchea Azziylah over 4 years ago

    Achieve is a very helpful and caring school my child has done much better than any school she has been in and truthfully I need them for the help and support they have been giving me and I appreciate it . Have gave a lot of support and attention to her

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    Susana Nathen over 4 years ago

    Achive is a great school has help my son grades go up and gives him with alot of support. The teacher help my son so much in learning and becoming a better student.

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    Raquel Perez over 4 years ago

    Por que me gusta esta escuela y sus maestros. Me gusta por que los maestros y el personal son muy dedicados los maestros le ponen empeño en sacar a los niños a delante el personal es muy amable y ayuda en lo que se necesita necesitamos esta escuela espero y siga en función en vez de cerrar escuelas denles las ayudas que necesitan.

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    Victoria Pablo over 4 years ago

    Ami me gusta achieve porque mis niñas les gusta ir en esa escuela. Y porque es una escuela donde se enseñan a estudiar a nuestros hijos. Por eso a mi me gustaria que la escuela siguiera. Esta cerca donde vivo y me gusta porque desde que mis hijos enttraron en esa escuela ya aprendieron. A leer y escribir. Las maestras son muy trabajadoras amables.

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    Elmer Mendoza over 4 years ago

    Es eficiente, maestros muy profecionles, y los resultados se han reflejado en mi hija ha mejorado mucho. Siempre estan atentos de mi hija por la enseñanza por ejemplo el apoyo logístico ha sido excelente a mi hija le proporcionaron computadora y material para trabajar en la casa.

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    Lupita Partida over 4 years ago

    Achieve academy is a great school located in the heart of the Fruitvale area and closing it down would only have a negative scholastic impact in the fruitvale community. Truancy rates would most likely increase due to financially statues that affect families’ transportation means. Achieve academy has been extremely beneficial for my children’s education as the staff comes in community everyday and every time we have needed support. I’m my personal experience with other schools, Achieve has been the greatest school my kids have attended.

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    Rudy Alcala over 4 years ago

    Achieve schools and staff have provided consistent and focused education for both students and parents during this difficult period. They have been extremely accommodating and have ensured the children have materials and consistent learning curriculum. She enjoys school, homework and interaction. She is extremely shy to speak to others and her teachers provide communication options to keep her learning and engaged.

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    Francisco Castro over 4 years ago

    Primeramente por es de mucha alluda para nuestros hijos(@)y por q es donde esllos comensaran el futuro de su éxito y por q la en senanza es muy eficas de parte de todos sus maestro . Les suplicamos por favor q sigan apollando las la lludas nesesarias para q esta escuela siga asciendo su trabajo hoy y por muchos ańos mas Por q si en senansa es eficaz y de mucha alluda para nuestro hijos les suplicamos q sigan apollando esta escuela y dando los aportes para sigan acuiendo muy bien lo q saben aser q es enseñar

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    Jaqueline Zamora over 4 years ago

    Achieve es una escuela que la comunidad de Fruitvale la necesita abierta, esta escuela es multicultural, comprende a los estudiantes, cualquiera sea su etnia, o raza, hay respeto para todos, tienen buenos programas para los niños con Dificultades, ademas que está en una ubicación Excelente para los vecinos de Fruitvale . El personal es muy amable, y apoyan mucho a la comunidad, sabe las necesidades del vecindario y además tienen siempre traductores que es muy esencial para los; hispanos, árabes, y otras etnias de La comunidad Guatemalteca.

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    Jocelyn Fermin over 4 years ago

    They are a wonderful school and have the instructor and a pretty good Curriculum plan level of every student grade level and a get learning system wonder staff members to support student and also to the community Which I love my daughter's been in the school since TK and now she's a second grader excited to reach the level provider to her future as a achiever They support her Through lschool and help through most of her difficult times in life They provide help to only the children but also reach out to the families as well I loved place in the feel of every staff member there the very a loving compassionate and ready to teach to each child's level so they can understand the best thing in life Is to learn achieve and discover all things possible. What the best support level for not only child also to reach out to the community

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    Leonel Rodriguez over 4 years ago

    Achive is the only school around the fruitvale area that makes me feel safe of having my children attend because its not near main streets causing all that extra safety stress. I attended Achieve when it used to be Hawthorne back when I was a kid. My oldest son graduated last year from Achieve and my daughter is there in 2nd grade. I have had nothing but great experiences there. It just makes my kids feel safe about going to school. This school is a gem 💎 please keep it open.

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    Maria Luzmaria over 4 years ago

    Achueve provides varios opportunities for students to grow in a diverse space. Teacher and student relacionado, from what I see with my daughter is wonderful, I always hear positive things from her. I don't think I can find this at another school. As I mentioned before, she has a great connection with her teachers. She seems very engaged and excited to learn!

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    Gabriela Gutierrez over 4 years ago

    They help me more i learn more if Achieve Thank u Achieve. Because they give computer and a lot of thing that help in achieve we can make help. Ayudan mucho a la persona.

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    Cristal Manrrique over 4 years ago

    I like that all the staff from achieve is welcoming and always willing ti help you with anything. My son loves attending Achieve he feels safe and loves learning new things. I think Achieve is a good school because the teachers are always willing to help you with anything and also the school has a lot of resources for all the families.