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Agenda Item
S.-6 25-0492 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0084 - Directing Alternative Budget Adjustments for School Years 2024-2025, 2025-2026 & 2026-2027.
My name is Jimmy Barbuto. I teach Newcomers at Skyline and live/ vote in District 7. Please keep cuts away from our students, especially our most vulnerable students. Please consider ensuring we have funding for our late arriving newcomers, ELD electives, FTE to support our newcomer students at this time and that our programs remain intact during this very difficult time for our students, staff, and families. OUSD's programs for newcomers are a major source of stability for our immigrant communities and we must both weather this storm and continue to find new ways to improve the educational experience for Newcomers.
Our students desperately need more mental health supports. Since 2017, California has seen a 20% increase in adolescent suicides. Anxiety and Depression rates have increased by 70%. Fully a third of California teens have experienced some form of serious psychological distress. We can and must do more to address the ongoing student mental health crisis. Our students deserve the stability that mental health supports can provide, and schools should not have to choose between funding student wellbeing and the resources needed for learning.
OUSD needs to evaluate its budget to determine how it is actually supporting students! More funding should go directly to supporting students and not to paying contractors inflated rates and central office staff unreasonable salaries.
Please adopt the alternative budget adjustments! OUSD needs to invest in students and the staff that serve them
Please adopt the alternative budget adjustments. Our students are counting on you!
Please adopt the alternate budget so that we can reign in superfluous spending on contacts and keep much needed stips at our sites!!!
I am a parent and a teacher in OUSD. Please keep these cuts away from students . We need STIP subs at school sites.
My name is Jimmy Barbuto. I teach Newcomers at Skyline and live/ vote in District 7. Please keep cuts away from our students, especially our most vulnerable students. Please consider ensuring we have funding for our late arriving newcomers, ELD electives, FTE to support our newcomer students at this time and that our programs remain intact during this very difficult time for our students, staff, and families. OUSD's programs for newcomers are a major source of stability for our immigrant communities and we must both weather this storm and continue to find new ways to improve the educational experience for Newcomers.
Our students desperately need more mental health supports. Since 2017, California has seen a 20% increase in adolescent suicides. Anxiety and Depression rates have increased by 70%. Fully a third of California teens have experienced some form of serious psychological distress. We can and must do more to address the ongoing student mental health crisis. Our students deserve the stability that mental health supports can provide, and schools should not have to choose between funding student wellbeing and the resources needed for learning.
OUSD needs to evaluate its budget to determine how it is actually supporting students! More funding should go directly to supporting students and not to paying contractors inflated rates and central office staff unreasonable salaries.