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Dear OUSD Board,
I think this is an amazing program and where OUSD should be going. Please ensure fiscal responsibility with the program and harness the energy around climate action for amazing learning and research opportunities for our students.
I support this policy because it helps protect the environment and teachers students about climate change. it also makes schools more eco-friendly ad prepares our communities to deal with climate problems.
I think it's very important to teach youths about these important topics, like climate change and the water resselince, because these topics are a must know things for every single one.
so that they can make a difference in their city or environment.
I strongly agree that climate change is something that we all have to attack all together as a team and community because changing it isn't going to just happen overnight and It really isn't going to be easy. Attacking it as community is going to be much better rather than a few people trying to solve and fix this by themselves.
I am not so sure about No 4: Waste Reduction, as not all waste is recyclable nor compostable. Plus only 23% of landfill going is recyclable/compostable (according to Environmental Resilience Institute) so it wouldn't really make a big change. In my opinion of course :)
I think our climate is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed which is possible by educating the youth.
I want to strongly give my support to Phase 2 of the Climate Emergency Action Resolution. With the current state of our federal government, it is important that we take measures in our own cities and districts to protect the health of all, especially the BIPOC communities which have previously been neglected.
I think the curriculum integration is a good idea and is super important. Teaching about climate issues and informing students of the ways they themselves can live more sustainably is an excellent step towards the goal. Knowledge is key.
I strongly believe that climate change is something that everyone needs to tackle together. That means private corporations, federal governments, and state + local governments. Big change starts at a local level and with collective action it snowballs. OUSD adopting a more rigorous green policy could be the pebble that turns into an avalanche. With all of that said I deeply support the move for Phase Two of Climate Emergency Action Resolution.
While I do feel that the proposals are admirable and do have a decent focus on environmental sustainability, I'm worried about the vagueness of the policies. I feel that to improve the currently drafted proposals, clear exact numbers on say how much budget can be allocated to build more green space or how exactly school lunches would be made more sustainable. Perhaps within the proposals themselves, there can be suggestions on what exactly an individual school can do.
Hello school board members, My Name is Darby Hatfield I am a senior at Oakland Tech I also live in district 1. I wanted to give my support for the resolution of the phase two of the Emergency Climate Action Resolution. I wanted to espcially highlight the curriculum integration into all the schools in OUSD because not all schools or classes have the ability or resources to teach climate change/ its effects that we see everyday in the world. I also wanted to highlight water resilience policy and the facilities policy because I want better water quality and cleaner bathrooms and cleaner classrooms.by voting on this policy you will help the students understand the effects of climate change/ effects and hopefully better the future generations to advocate for there future.
I agree with the culture and values goal because with OUSD incorporating sustainability and climate justice into the District, it would positively impact it's schools. Knowing that climate change is a big deal in our world, making it known to OUSD would greatly impact climate justice.
I support section 4 on waste prevention. I think it will bring needed changes to the waste management in the city.
I completely agree with section 3 energy efficiency and clean energy because cutting out the usage of fossil fuels as a fuel source and replacing with clean energy would help reduce our carbon footprint and be an amazing step in the right direction!
I support curriculum integration because it is very important to educate the future generations on the issue of climate change, as we are the ones who will be forced to confront this issue and fight against it. Similarly, I also support waste management/prevention because many people contribute to poor waste sorting not because they do not care, but because they are not educated. By informing people of the impacts that poor waste sorting has and teaching them how to correctly sort waste, we can greatly reduce the impact of poor waste sorting that our schools have on Oakland. Finally, I support the creation of living schoolyards because not only do they improve the sustainability of school campuses, but they can also improve students' mental health and encourage them to care about the environment by showing them it's positive impacts.
I really love the Water Resilience goal that was created, I think it is very important to have a sufficient and safe amount of water that is available in schools. Also having available testing and management on water is important to me, i'm glad this topic has come into the conversation.
I support this policy because I believe sustainability is extremely important to preserving our natural capital in our society. 100% clean energy by 2030 sounds great to me!
Expand upon the Environmental & Climate Change Literacy (ECCL) (BP 6142.5) curriculum to develop a comprehensive understanding of sustainability, with the goal of identifying climate solutions with the inclusion of diverse perspectives, providing green jobs, career development opportunities, and collaboration opportunities for teachers, and expanding community and student environmental partnerships, and through Linked Learning Pathways.
Drive building energy efficiency by decreasing building energy use and energy conservation (BP 3511). Ensure a clean energy pathway through renewable energy production, clean energy procurement, and phasing out fossil fuel infrastructure district-wide in order to support the transition to 100% clean energy.