Meeting Time: March 12, 2025 at 4:00pm PDT


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Agenda Item

S.-3 24-2330 Approval by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Facilities Committee, of Amendment No. 3, revisions to the Measure Y Spending Plan, as of October 2024, as reflected in Exhibit A, attached and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth.

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    Jonathan MatesMuchin at March 11, 2025 at 9:57pm PDT

    Dear OUSD Board,
    I'm writing with mixed feelings about this proposal for Measure Y. I want to show appreciation and gratitude for maintaining $8.5 million for Skyline and Elmhurst to plan and prepare for the next bond measure, but I'm also disappointed that $3 million is being taken from these schools. I know that the Skyline and Elmhurst money is easy to take because there is no project on the horizon, but there is so much need for Skyline (and Elmhurst). As a Skyline parent, we see every day how Skyline has been left behind as a "hills school" that doesn't need the support of OUSD, but that is completely erroneous. Skyline serves all of Oakland and deserves the retrofits that all the other high schools have gotten or will get via this measure. Skyline has amazing programs and deserves better. Please maintain the $8.5 million so the future Skyline student, faculty and staff can enjoy the beautiful environment of Skyline and enhance their learning.

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    VietLy Gonzalez at March 11, 2025 at 7:56pm PDT

    Dear Board, I'm writing with the utmost support for the staff recommendation at the 3/12 Board meeting for shovel ready projects for new buildings at Skyline and Elmhurst. I am the proud Principal at Elmhurst. The campus has a rich history that started in 1908. Generations of families have come through each phase of the campus. The community is vibrant, the staff are committed, and the students will keep coming with energy to learn. Our campus facilities need to reflect the beauty and strength of its people. Far too often, staff have come to me with a list of complaints about the inequitable physical conditions. Some have considered quitting because of the rodent infestation and/or the unbearable scorching classroom temperatures. We need to do better for our students so that they can fully direct their focus to learning. We need to do better for our teachers, who deserve at the bare minimum a rodent-free and healthy work environment. I strongly encourage committing to these resources.