Meeting Time: February 06, 2025 at 6:00pm PST
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    Bolor Enkhbat about 1 month ago

    We spent a continuous amount of time and effort to find a suitable solution to our son’s school situation along with online program.
    Finally, we found Jefferson’s present online class is very helpful that gives him unique learning opportunity. He spends an hour and half to 2 hours and half with great interest , pays attention without any difficulty. His fragile brain is started developing and losing this opportunity is going to cause him tremendous discomfort and difficulty with finding an another teacher to start with.
    We, as parents appreciate if this present online class stays available for Jefferson!

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    Richelle Lacey about 1 month ago

    Keep Sojourner Truth Elementary School OPEN for the 2025-2026 school year and beyond!!! I oppose the proposed closure/consolidation of Sojourner Truth Elementary School (ES). I teach the Moderate/Extensive Support Needs Self Contained Program at SJT for grades K-8 and have a very unique view of what SJT has been offering to the community since the 2021-22 SY.

    The closure of the ES program at SJT would have a drastic impact on the students in my class as well as the rest of this unique learning community. These students have extensive needs that make an in person learning a danger to their fragile health. Most would have to be placed in Home Hospital reducing their weekly instructional minutes by half and segregating them away from their same age peers~ placing them in a more restrictive learning environment than their current virtual classroom placement.

    SJT offers the continuum of services for ALL students of ALL abilities K-12 rarely seen.

    Support keeping SJT ES OPEN!!!

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    Ryan Smith about 1 month ago

    Closing Sojourner Truth elementary is against our student’s best interests. We have our own school site code, separate from middle and high school. We are our own school and you are violating the School Board policy.
    Most of my students' families have told me they will not continue with OUSD if you close our program. They know there are other public virtual schools. Losing 107 students at the school site that costs the district the least to operate, would be a foolish mistake.
    We teachers pay for our own internet, computers, and energy. We are the cheapest per student rate that the district has. This program provides a vital public service. LAUSD and San Diego are expanding their virtual programs, they advertise heavily for it, attracting hundreds of homeschooling, home hospital and other families. Shrinking OUSD’s only virtual program is a step backward. Our petition with 170 signatures proves that the public wants and values this program. Please listen to the community you serve.

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    Alicia Acosta about 1 month ago

    We would like the Sojourner Truth School to continue giving online classes and give that option to families who want that option Please.

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    TwelveMonth CSM about 1 month ago

    I oppose the proposed budget cuts targeting 12mos. Community Schools Managers. Why is one type of UAOS member targeted to have their pay cut when the entire membership includes principals, assistant principals, 11 mos. CSMs and 12 mos. CSMs? Proposed budget cuts targeting a few members of UAOS is unjust. The UAOS contract OUSD school board approved and that was ratified last school year won initiatives that benefit all UAOS members, but the proposed budget cuts target only one type of member- 12 CSMs, who will be the only members that lose what was won. Principals and assistant principals intentionally take July off. The district allocates a monthly "cell phone" stipend to 12 mos. CSMs. This is district financial data that recognizes that support services, which include access to CSMs, doesn't stop when the school year ends. Vote no! to proposed budget cuts of 12 mos. CSMs! Our families deserve access to an admin. all year round- a 12 mos. CSM classified administrator!

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    Jamia Harding about 1 month ago

    Hello I want to present a recommendation to add more equipment to Special Education Department for Burbank elementary and if not all schools to help make the environment more flourishing for the children and their needs.