Meeting Time:
January 14, 2025 at 5:00pm PST
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YAP needs and deserves full funding this year as well as any other compensatory funding for *years* of going without the N and H funds to which they were legally entitled. Anything other than an immediate means of correcting would constitute a breach of duty of this commission.
I want to echo Ms Delton's comments, it is unconscionable that this matter has not been agendized and funding allocated to Young Adult Program. Fix this problem now.
It is truly disappointing that, once again, allocating YAP full funding for the 2024-25 school year is not on the agenda, despite the director having resubmitted the application, despite YAP having a state school code since 2009 and a district school code since 2023, despite a clear showing from district documents that YAP never got the notice and support that other schools did when this parcel tax funding became available. Your financials show that you have the means to make it right, yet YAP students are excluded from the benefit of funding designated Career and College for ALL. Please take this bright spot in funding availability and finally treat YAP with the respect you have given other schools.