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I am writing in regards to the measure n and H funding. I am the mother of an autistic 14 year old who has been learning online for almost 5 years, because there's no safe place for them. Already enduring physical and emotional trauma, with ongoing learning loss, our hope fully Lies within the YAP program. I am relying on the District to FULLY Fund this program, as too many students have already suffered trauma due to school closures, and have never recovered, and the young Adult program is their final hope in trying to become as productive as possible. i am concerned that charter schools that don't support our most vulnerable students, continue to get funding ahead of the Adult school, in particular, specifically American Indian charter. this was the same school that came in and kicked out my son and his entire school family, and he's suffered because of that. PLEASE stop Putting Charters ahead of our most vulnerable students, and give them ALL the support that they deserve.
I am concerned that, once again, the Board has agendized many Measure N/H Commission items benefitting other schools, but not the Young Adult Program (YAP). YAP has had an OUSD school code since 2023 and a California State School Code since 2009. YAP students have generated ADA for the district all these years and not seen a benefit from the measure I voted for because it provided Career and College support FOR ALL. The Measure N/H Commission posted a budget (with over $1.2 million in Contingency/Reserve Funding. Please direct them to fully fund YAP for the current year and provide compensation for these years of non-funding. Every week that goes by is another week current YAP students could and should benefit from the additional Linked Learning programming these funds are designed to support.
Welcome new and returning board members! I understand and appreciate that you are grappling with very challenging budget issues right now, but in the the spirit of walking and chewing gum at the same time can you please come to an agreement with your labor partners and finalize a calendar for the 25-26 academic year? Is there anything we can do as parents to help move this process along? While a 3 year calendar would be the dream, I’m sure most families and staff members would be thrilled with a 1 year calendar if it were reliably approved and published each fall.
When will we get next year’s school calendar? OEA says that OUSD is holding it up, last I heard the school board said the unions hadn’t responded to a proposal. Get together and finalize it, PLEASE. Parents and staff (I’m both!!) need to know! It’s imperative for childcare planning. It shouldn’t take this long. We need the calendar finalized by NOVEMBER. Please!!!
We need information about the ousd start of school - it's absolutely absurd that a decision related to when school starts has to be made afresh every year, and that that decision takes so long.