Meeting Time: December 18, 2024 at 6:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

24-3138 Board of Education Orientation with Board Members-Elect - Rachel Latta and Patrice Berry: ? Welcoming Remarks ? Board Community Building ? Effective Governance: Roles and Responsibilities ? Ethics and Conflicts of Interest ? Board Committees ? Closing and Next Steps

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    Sheila Haynes 3 months ago

    Welcome to the new Board Members,
    I am the Author of the Save our Future Resolution, which we are hoping can move forward, and be implemented, I also serve on the black suspensions and CAC committees. I'm also asking you to support ALL of our Committees request, including working with the commissioners to fund YAP to the maximum. The YAP program will be my sons final hope, as he continues to learn on line due to safety reasons. He was a victim of school closures, and i also ask that you find a way to not harm any further students.
    SInce i couldn't come in person, Just needed to check in, say hi & ask that the resolution move forward.
    Our children deserve to be in joyFULL environments, while feeling as Safe as possible. The future of their lives are at serious stake, without change and now.
    I appreciate your commitment to supporting us families and look forward to further engagements.
    Many Blessings and happy new year to you and your families. ~Sincerely,