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Agenda Item
L.-115 24-2118 Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Measures N and H Commission, of a 2024-2025 Education Improvement Plan/Budget modification for Skyline High School to reduce the following three line items from their Visual and Performing Arts Academy Plan: (1) $4,620.00 Teacher Salaries Stipends: Extended Contracts for the VAPA Academy Teachers/ Certificated Staff to attend Collaboration & Professional Development Time by $1,000.00 to $3,620.00, (2) $3,000.00 Teacher Substitutes by $1,000.00 to $2,000.00, (3) $5,500.00 Materials and Supplies by $3,000.00 to $2,500.00, and establishing a new strategic action for $5,000.00 Contract with Youth Together to process and pay out internship stipends for students in the Visual and Performing Arts Pathway, as stated in the justification section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of the Budget Modification Form.