Meeting Time: December 11, 2024 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

L.-97 24-2886 Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Safe Passages, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide AmeriCorps members for the 2024-2025 academic school year to support media academy classroom academic supports and mentors for expanded learning, with key responsibilities including working cooperatively with media teachers to support students; provide support to media teachers and set up work areas to display and operate, audio and visual equipment, distribute papers and supplies, and support the digital media that can thrive to be a video, website, infographic, podcast, or social media post; communicate expectations, provide guidance, and show an active interest in student progress while striving to develop a rapport and serve as positive role models for students and others at Oakland International High School, for the period of November 25, 2024, through May 26, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00.