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Agenda Item
L.-91 24-2861 Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Melissa Early Education LLC, Dublin, CA, for the latter to facilitate six part Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at three early education school sites with staff, with educators to explore trauma-informed practices, build shared knowledge, share their experiences, and engage in researched-based practices; work with the site coach to model and to eventually co-plan and co-facilitate the PLCs, to increase sustainability of the program, for the period of October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, in the additional amount of $19,375.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $61,500.00 to $80,875.00. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.