Meeting Time: December 11, 2024 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C1.-1 24-2934 Public Comment On Closed Session Items - December 11, 2024.

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    Diosa Diaz 3 months ago

    The work our TSA does at ICS is immense. School intervention and teacher support, cost, ilt, school culture and ours has a memory of an elephant and remembers all the details of every kid that ever crossed her path.
    She is vital to ICS and academic progress.

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    Sheila Haynes 3 months ago

    Although this item is just being introduced at the end of this meeting, I am writing to Express a Strong SUpport of the plan to make schools safer and my joyful through music and proper language use, while protecting our most vulnerable black students and students of colour with disabilities. It's Critical OUSD make a stand NOW, to Committ to protecting our most vulnerable students while providing ongoing consistent services they can depend on and count on for the sake of their development. I would like to Personally Thank, President Davis, Vice President Hutchinson, The Very Special Music therapist, Ms. Barsotti, MR. Rydeen and Mr. Porter, as well as the parent leaders in both committees I serve on supporting this plan. Our kids so much need this, so I'm hoping the district will take steps to make this a REality! :)

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    Sheila Haynes 3 months ago

    Although this item is just being introduced at the end of this meeting, I am writing to Express a Strong SUpport of the plan to make schools safer and my joyful through music and proper language use, while protecting our most vulnerable black students and students of colour with disabilities. It's Critical OUSD make a stand NOW, to Committ to protecting our most vulnerable students while providing ongoing consistent services they can depend on and count on for the sake of their development. I would like to Personally Thank, President Davis, Vice President Hutchinson, The Very Special Music therapist, Ms. Barsotti, MR. Rydeen and Mr. Porter, as well as the parent leaders in both committees I serve on supporting this plan. Our kids so much need this, so I'm hoping the district will take steps to make this a REality! :)

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    Sheila Haynes 3 months ago

    Although this item is just being introduced at the end of this meeting, I am writing to Express a Strong SUpport of the plan to make schools safer and my joyful through music and proper language use, while protecting our most vulnerable black students and students of colour with disabilities. It's Critical OUSD make a stand NOW, to Committ to protecting our most vulnerable students while providing ongoing consistent services they can depend on and count on for the sake of their development. I would like to Personally Thank, President Davis, Vice President Hutchinson, The Very Special Music therapist, Ms. Barsotti, MR. Rydeen and Mr. Porter, as well as the parent leaders in both committees I serve on supporting this plan. Our kids so much need this, so I'm hoping the district will take steps to make this a REality! :)

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    Sheila Haynes 3 months ago

    Although this item is just being introduced at the end of this meeting, I am writing to Express a Strong SUpport of the plan to make schools safer and my joyful through music and proper language use, while protecting our most vulnerable black students and students of colour with disabilities. It's Critical OUSD make a stand NOW, to Committ to protecting our most vulnerable students while providing ongoing consistent services they can depend on and count on for the sake of their development. I would like to Personally Thank, President Davis, Vice President Hutchinson, The Very Special Music therapist, Ms. Barsotti, MR. Rydeen and Mr. Porter, as well as the parent leaders in both committees I serve on supporting this plan. Our kids so much need this, so I'm hoping the district will take steps to make this a REality! :)

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    Sheila Haynes 3 months ago

    Although this item is just being introduced at the end of this meeting, I am writing to Express a Strong SUpport of the plan to make schools safer and my joyful through music and proper language use, while protecting our most vulnerable black students and students of colour with disabilities. It's Critical OUSD make a stand NOW, to Committ to protecting our most vulnerable students while providing ongoing consistent services they can depend on and count on for the sake of their development. I would like to Personally Thank, President Davis, Vice President Hutchinson, The Very Special Music therapist, Ms. Barsotti, MR. Rydeen and Mr. Porter, as well as the parent leaders in both committees I serve on supporting this plan. Our kids so much need this, so I'm hoping the district will take steps to make this a REality! :)

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    Liz Grewal 3 months ago

    TSAs provide support that cannot be replaced by APs or asking teachers to take on the labor of supporting one another in a meaningful way that actually allows educators to improve their craft. The flexibly in schedule allows TSAs to show up and support. Asking them to teach classes, takes time away from supporting teachers and prevents observations from happening. I am asking that you protect TSAs in the OUSD budget. We need to keep supports for new teachers if we want to keep teachers in Oakland.

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    Liz Grewal 3 months ago

    TSAs provide support that cannot be replaced by APs or asking teachers to take on the labor of supporting one another in a meaningful way that actually allows educators to improve their craft. The flexibly in schedule allows TSAs to show up and support. Asking them to teach classes, takes time away from supporting teachers and prevents observations from happening. I am asking that you protect TSAs in the OUSD budget. We need to keep supports for new teachers if we want to keep teachers in Oakland.

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    Patricia Arabia 3 months ago

    I oppose the Board cutting TSA contract months. This is an inefficient & damaging way to budget, you'll lose academic rigor & student engagement & teacher retention. I taught & directed Mandela law academy at Fremont Hi for 20 years & now in retirement I volunteer with League of Women Voters traveling from school to school. I confirm based on my experience schools are far more successful that have full time, 11/12 month TSAs. TSAs provide the work needed in enrichment such as dual enrollment, voter education (as you have mandated following the state mandate), career academies, and teacher training and team building. You have been asked repeatedly by your student directors to visit the schools, I promise you will see proof that the secret of rigor, teacher retention and student attendance lies in plenty of knowledgeable, trained adults on campus and supporting throat the year. Cut your consults and your 6 figure downtown admin, very many are taking you for a ride.