Meeting Time: December 09, 2024 at 6:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

H.-2 24-2354 Initial Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Leadership Public Schools - Oakland R & D Campus ("LPS Oakland") - Petition and Charter (Renewal) - Grades 9 -12, for the term Ju1y 1, 2025 to June 30, 2027, pursuant to Education Code Section 47605.

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    Estefani Contreras 3 months ago

    My name is Estefani Contreras, I am an LPS Oakland alumni and have been working at LPS Oakland for 6 years. LPS has taught me a lot not only as a student but as a staff member. I have been lucky enough to give back to the community that I grew up in. We need to keep our legacy going, it would be devastating to see our school gone. Our school has come a long way with the help of our administration team and the rest of my colleagues. We have created a supportive and safe environment for our students and families.

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    Lina Andersen 3 months ago

    My name is Lina Andersen and I am the Director of People and Culture for Leadership Public Schools, who oversees LPS Oakland R&D, along with a school in Hayward and Richmond. I have been with LPS for over 5 years and the dedication that that the staff and organization have to Oakland R&D's continued success is unmatched. Through covid and several leadership transitions, the staff continue to be committed to serving East Oakland. We continue to be dedicated to the BIPOC first-gen college going students and the community and am hopeful that we can continue to serve.

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    Maite Hernandez 3 months ago

    Dear Board, my name is Pengpeng Jiang. I am the Principal at Leadership Public Schools (LPS) Oakland. As a National Board Certified Teacher and a graduate of the UC Berkeley Principal Leadership Program, I have had the privilege of leading in several Blue Ribbon schools. Despite numerous opportunities elsewhere, I chose to stay here because I believe in the potential of this school and its students.
    As a team, we’ve faced challenges but have remained steadfast. Many of us have had other opportunities, but we chose to stay because we deeply care about our students. These students have endured instability, and they deserve the chance to graduate from the school they chose.
    This school has a rich legacy, a masterpiece of history, and we want to make it shine again.
    In Chinese, there’s a saying: "It takes one night to burn a house, but years to build one." Please approve our charter renewal. We have united team in place, and we need the time to continue this vital work together.

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    Chanthip Phongkhamsavath 3 months ago

    My name is Chanthip Phongkhamsavath and I am the Chief Business Officer for the Leadership Public Schools network of three high schools supporting students in Oakland, Richmond and Hayward. Over the course of the past four years, I have supported the dedicated staff of the LPS Oakland R&D campus create a family environment supporting our students. The staff are committed to the learning and growth of all students, working with them to foster creativity, dedication, and developing the skills to pursue their college and career goals. The staff has worked to create a pathway program that was developed out of the interest of the students and the demand of jobs in the region. The construction of the new College and Career building highlights LPS' commitment to the LPS Oakland R&D campus and the greater East Oakland population.

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    EBEU EastBayEducatorsUnited 3 months ago

    EBEU stands behind the dedicated classified and certificated staff members of LPS Oakland who are committed to student success as well as our determined student voices as they fight to keep LPS Oakland open.

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    Ellen DiGiacomo 3 months ago

    As the Director of Technology at LPS for the past 15 + years I can strongly state that LPS Oakland R&D Staff & Teachers are committed to the success of their students. We have worked hard ensuring that every student and staff member has equitable access to the technology needed in and out of their classroom. I continue to be impressed at how hard everyone works to achieve their learning goals and potential college & career readiness. Some recent highlights this year have been the new College&Career Center, Large Maker Space Classrooms, Digital Media programs, and modernization of all classrooms. Increasing academic scores are challenging in today's environment and I can see how committed our teachers and counselors are to making that happen here at LPS Oakland R&D. Renewing our Charter has my vote!

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    Safiyah Zaidan 3 months ago

    Hello, my name is Safiyah Zaidan, and I am the Senior HR Analyst and Superintendent/CEO Coordinator at Leadership Public Schools. I have been with LPS for the past two and a half years and have witnessed the incredible dedication and effort demonstrated by both staff and students. The Oakland R&D team consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that every student receives a high-quality education and the necessary support to succeed. Despite challenges faced by the pandemic, the Oakland R&D staff have continued to show up each day and commit to our mission.

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    Staci Smith 3 months ago

    My name is Staci Smith. I work for Kingmakers of Oakland. I am the Director of Culturally Responsive Curriculum and Pedagogy.We have been contracted by LPS R&D to implement Culturally Responsive Pedagogy to improve the staff in supporting the diverse culturally backgrounds of their student population. The school has acknowledged that since most of the teaching staff's background is different from their Brown and Black students, this support will bridge the gaps to better engage students and families. The administrative team and staff have been open to our conversations and reviewing their current practices with a willingness to shift.

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    Alex Gonzalez 3 months ago

    I am a senior at LPS Oakland. I think this is a great school because it supports its students prepare to life after high school and college. I have noticed that at other schools, students have to apply to college by themselves, yes they might have help from teachers or counselors, but at LPS, this is a priority. We have workshops and presentations from professionals who work for UCs to help us with essays, scholarships, personal questions, etc. I feel very lucky to be part of a school that takes it very seriously when it comes to prepare its students for a better future. I would like if my fellow underclassmen could enjoy the same opportunity when they get to be seniors. For this, I recommend that LPS remains open, so future generations of students can have the same opportunities to achieve their goals.

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    David Figueroa 3 months ago

    My name is David Figueroa I am a senior at LPS Oakland. During the years that i've been at LPS its tought me to become a better person and made me want to further persue my education. I want to thank all the staff who were very helpful during the years that I was at LPS

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    Dani Jimenez 3 months ago

    This is my second year teaching oak Leadership Public School, Oakland R&D. After my first year I looked forward to returning because of the amazing staff, students, and school culture present at LPS. LPS has provided me with amazing one on one coaching that has really elevated my teaching. I have been able to provide my students with skills I have gained from my training, geared towards increasing academic mastery and working towards building upon our classroom culture. The communities we build within our classrooms and our school are important to our students. It is a very tight community here at LPS, one that I am very thankful to be a part of.

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    Israel Gonzalez 3 months ago

    My son is a senior at LPS high school, this school has supported us in many ways. They are very comprehensive and is a safer school compared to others. They have supported my alumni with everything he need to graduate.

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    Mayra Arreola 3 months ago

    Hello, my daughter goes to lps Oakland. I am the parent of Valeria Arreola, I would like for the school to stay open because it has good events , a good learning system and my daughter loves to go to school to see her friends, counselors and her favorite teachers. She finds that school very amazing and I would like for the school to stay open so my daughter could graduate from a school she enjoys going to. To have the opportunity to spend her last years with people she loves and cares for.

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    santos martin 3 months ago

    I like the school lps because I feel my student its more secure there.

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    Martha Rebeca 3 months ago

    That my son is in 9th grade and it’s hard to get my child into a safe and secure school so we choose LPs Highschool and that we do not want to switch my child to another school

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    maria pablo 3 months ago

    Yo soy mama de alumni aqui en LPS Oakland y yo Creo que debe de quedar abierto porque es pequena y cuide mas a los ninos.

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    Edy Chavez 3 months ago

    My name is Edy Chavez and I am an 11th grader at LPS Oakland. I have been here since my freshman year. This school has been really nice. The staff and students have supported me in every way possible. One thing I really like about LPS is the help I get from the counselors and the family meetings. They are always fun and help foster community. Staff makes sure the environment is positive for students. LPS needs to remain open for students here can remain and receive the benefits that LPS offers.

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    Yonah Radousky 3 months ago

    My name is Yonah Radousky, and this is my second year teaching science at LPS Oakland. The community and culture I have had the privilege of observing and joining is unique and deserves the opportunity to continue via charter renewal. The small environment allows strong teacher student connections, and makes sure each person gets the individualized attention they might need at school. The academic options and number of school programs are only increasing, and I am excited to watch LPS keep building on its strong foundations.

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    Kokou Katamani 3 months ago

    Hello, my name is Kokou Katamani. Because of a very long years of efforts and dedication invested, I think the school should be given a chance to exit. This is my 14 years going into my 15 years still working as a tech coordinator in the school. Looking back, I truly believe that a lot of good changes have come around now: new building, new technology etc. We have a lot room to improve all that we have not been able to do before. All these long years have thought me a true commitment to oneself and to service to the students in the face of some hard difficulties some of which being: COVID, Immigration, Violence, Academics , Technology, Culture etc that we have to battle everyday in order to give chance to a student to have an education and survive in America.

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    JaFani Wolfe 3 months ago

    Hello my name is Ja’Fani Wolfe I’m in 11th grade and I like this school because the teachers are very supportive they make sure us students always feel safe. As someone who lives in the community, I feel LPS provides choice for students like me who want a smaller school with individual attention.