Why isn’t full funding for YAP for 2024-25 on your agenda? Two weeks ago, you heard how other schools were welcomed to apply for Parcel Tax funding, yet YAP wasn’t, even after OUSD decided to formally assigned a school site number beginning in the 2024-25 school year. You heard that other schools received support to apply but YAP didn’t. You heard that the YAP principal submitted an application for full funding for 2024-25, and it was not accepted. What’s different about YAP whose students count as 12th graders for the purpose of generating OUSD ADA? They are all members of a protected class under that California State constitution, a group explicitly mentioned in the text of Measure N. Please solicit and accept a resubmission of the YAP application for full funding for 2024-25. Every week that goes by is another week current YAP students could and should benefit from the additional Linked Learning programming these funds are designed to support.
Why isn’t full funding for YAP for 2024-25 on your agenda? Two weeks ago, you heard how other schools were welcomed to apply for Parcel Tax funding, yet YAP wasn’t, even after OUSD decided to formally assigned a school site number beginning in the 2024-25 school year. You heard that other schools received support to apply but YAP didn’t. You heard that the YAP principal submitted an application for full funding for 2024-25, and it was not accepted. What’s different about YAP whose students count as 12th graders for the purpose of generating OUSD ADA? They are all members of a protected class under that California State constitution, a group explicitly mentioned in the text of Measure N. Please solicit and accept a resubmission of the YAP application for full funding for 2024-25. Every week that goes by is another week current YAP students could and should benefit from the additional Linked Learning programming these funds are designed to support.