Meeting Time: November 07, 2024 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

D.-1 24-2745 Ratification by the Budget and Finance Committee of its Regular Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2024, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.

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    DonnieBarcliftIsAMalicious AndViolentChildAssaulter 4 months ago
    Please go to the above link to petition to terminate the employee Mr Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services (last in Stockton). He relocated from San Bernardino County to Stockton and then got employed at OUSD, contrary to his public article stating he came from North Carolina. In the '80s he severely beat two 11 year old white kids with a 2'x4'. One of them died from a drug overdose at 36, the same year Mr B. got hired at OUSD. After at OUSD Mr B. uploaded to his youtube channel videos of adult black males assaulting each other with 2'x4's. This man had zero tertiary education or interest in it before employed at OUSD. His interest in OUSD was only to stalk his victims which moved to Bay Area as adults. The Ombudsperson was informed of this, but he only protected Mr B. who then removed the videos. The full corruption for Mr B. to get employed and remain at OUSD must be investigated.