Meeting Time: November 05, 2024 at 5:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

F.-1 24-2162 Continued discussion by the Measures N and H Commission of the history of Young Adult Program and Measure N.

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    Sheila Haynes 4 months ago

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DO ALl that you Can to FULLY FUND the YAP PRogram. As it relates to My Autistic Son, who just moved on to high school, and has been learning online for more than 4 years, My Hope is FULLY Depending on the services he needs at the Adult school Level. Due to the DIstricts inactions with failure to keep him safe, as a victim of School Closures, the Trauma is Longstanding, and he must Recover at some point! Please Help him and all of our most vulnerable students. Many Blessings to ALL.

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    Carol Delton 4 months ago

    Thank you for the continuing investigation. I wonder why YAP having a California state school number since 2009, which I learned from the earlier Commission meetings, was not referenced in the reporting so far. Understanding that some material has yet to be retrieved, I would like to point out that the May 2015 email correspondence clearly omits YAP. Understanding that YAP wasn’t internally assigned an OUSD school site code until 2023-24, I wonder why I didn’t see outreach emails to YAP to apply for funding. Previous schools received not only an email invitation, but a specific application, with followup support in applying. YAP deserves the same. Even if further retrospective funding is not (or not yet) available, YAP should have had an application provided for 2023-24 and deserves immediate full funding for the current year. In 2017, expedited full funding was provided to seven schools through a Board amendment. I hope the Commission can promptly remedy the situation.