Meeting Time: September 19, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT


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Agenda Item

G.-4 24-1968 Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Facilities Committee, of Resolution No. 2425-0176 - Intent to Consider Joint Occupancy Development Proposals for the Former OUSD Administration Buildings at 1025 Second Avenue.

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    Quincy Russell at September 18, 2024 at 8:39pm PDT

    Hello School Board Directors and Superintendent, my name is Quincy Russell, I am 16 and am the district 3 representative for the Oakland Youth Commission, There have been failed attempts to make large profits by building market rate housing on the property at 1025, and on the East 12th parcel. The CTE TAY Hub will have 100% affordable housing for TAY which has many accessible funding sources and is a priority of the State of CA. If the city of Oakland and Oakland Unified School District seriously wants to improve or fix the saddening state of homelessness, it starts with the creation of the CTE-HUB. The CTE-HUB will reduce the total amount of homelessness in the city and will allow for more transitional aged youth to live freely and safely off the streets of Oakland. Thank you for your continued support of the CTE TAY Hub at 1025 2nd Ave inclusion in the Measure Y spending Plan.

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    Samira Tambu at September 18, 2024 at 8:04pm PDT

    My name is Samira I am in 8th grade at CCPA. I do want that building to be fixed and safe ASAP because my mom works there.

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    Jazelle Eastman at September 18, 2024 at 1:12pm PDT

    I think this could be great because it could really help so many young people in the community.

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    Ana Faumotu at September 18, 2024 at 12:59pm PDT

    It could helps the young people here in Oakland, providing high demand of careers and access to internships that will put you in a position to succeed.

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    surian faaui at September 18, 2024 at 12:52pm PDT

    I support the CTE-TAY hub because they are willing to help and provide houses after we graduate from school so that way it could be easier for us to get a house or somewhere to stay. I also think it's a good idea because you don't have to stay with your parents anymore you can just go out and do your own thing.

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    akosita hafoka at September 18, 2024 at 12:49pm PDT

    Help young folks get a house.

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    rechginy sok at September 18, 2024 at 12:32pm PDT

    My name is G and I am a student at Dewey Academy and i find this important because we need these resources to help us in the future. This would help many people because with this resource we can get the help that some people need. I support this because i need to know as many things that would help me in the future, it could be about jobs, trade school, college or just basic necessity like housing and just a place where it is safe for us students to rely on.

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    Cheyemme Lauc at September 18, 2024 at 12:32pm PDT

    My name is Cheyemme, I'm a student from Dewey. I support this because the CTE TAY Hub can help students at Dewey Academy by teaching them important job skills that they can use in the future. It offers career exploration opportunities like internships to help students learn about different jobs.

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    corian rossyates at September 18, 2024 at 12:30pm PDT

    Hi Im a student at dewey academy and i support this proposal because the building is not being used for anything and it could be used for the cte tay hub

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    sharnell branch at September 18, 2024 at 12:30pm PDT

    hi I'm a student at Dewey I think this would help a lot of kids like me not just at Dewey but in Oakland period.

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    Amin Alawdi at September 18, 2024 at 12:26pm PDT

    if our young people can stay in Oakland and not be forced out because
    of the cost of living, they can stay here and raise their families and their children which leads to increased
    enrollment in OUSD schools. Oakland natives are more likely to enroll their children in OUSD than transplants
    to Oakland.

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    Anthony Brown at September 18, 2024 at 12:25pm PDT

    Hello as a student of Dewey Academy I believe that this center would be very helpful to me before and after gradution and would assist me in the transition to adult life

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    Ahmed Alarqaban at September 18, 2024 at 12:21pm PDT

    I wanna see students and disconnected students succeed anything that opposes that is clearly a threat.

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    Elder Rodriguez at September 18, 2024 at 11:00am PDT

    Hi im Elder,Im a 12th grader from Dewey academy I support this because the school if across of and abandoned building and I think the building could be redone just to help homeless people to have somewhere to sleep.

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    israel dillon at September 18, 2024 at 10:51am PDT

    I support this because I know what its like to not feel like I have all the necessary tools and programs needed to succeed and thrive in school I believe that this will help out a lot of students in the future especially knowing that they have a reliable recourse to get affordable housing and not have to worry about how they're going to get through when they get out of school & having a fair chance to get a good degree without having to pay an arm and a leg I believe that this would really change a lot in our community and not leave students so hopeless after they get out of school

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    ronald armour at September 18, 2024 at 10:50am PDT

    help all the young people try to get a house.

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    Kaylund Jackson at September 18, 2024 at 10:32am PDT

    My name is Ms. K, I am a Para-Educator at Dewey Academy.
    I am in FAVOR of the CTE TAY HUB because I believe that students need continued support through the critical ages of 17-24.
    I believe that the CTE HUB can be a pipeline to successfully post-secondary completion.
    This building is also a safety HAZARD because it is always on fire, it promotes unsafe activity within the abandon building.

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    Mo Surrell at September 18, 2024 at 10:27am PDT

    My name is Mo, I am a 12th grade at Dewey Academy. Across the street from the abandoned building. The abandoned building is a safety concern, the building is scary and there is a lot of people in there that can kidnap and keep kids in there. Also the building can be redone and used to help homeless youth and give services to youth that need help.