Meeting Time: September 19, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

G.-3 24-1123 Approval by the Board of Education upon recommendation by the Facilities Committee, of an Award of Bid, rejection of all other Bids, if any, and a Lease-Leaseback Contract by and between the District and Cahill Contractors LLC, Oakland, California, for the latter to provide preconstruction and construction services for the Fremont High School Modernization Project, with work scheduled to commence on September 25, 2024, and anticipated to last until June 30, 2025. Not to exceed the amount of $200,000.00.

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    Joann white at September 19, 2024 at 6:37pm PDT

    I support cte hub ive lived in oakland all my life and this hub would help the community. I attand the adult school in oakland. please approve it.

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    Andrea Dawson at September 19, 2024 at 4:35pm PDT

    I support the CTE hub and moving forward on the process now. As a member of the citizens bond oversight committee. I, for many years now have followed all the iterations of the 1025/Dewey site potential uses.
    This is a good plan and good timing to realign the Bond Measures spending plan ad needed to free up funds now for the CTE.
    Leaving this building vacant and unattended has cost the district hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure. It has been disgraceful.
    There are options for realigning funding:
    One being redirecting Bond funds that are currently earmarked for solar projects. Current CA law does not make it the most viable to offset the District’s PGE bill in a timely financial manner.
    Move forward - Take the steps to make this a CTE hub to serve students/youth. They deserve it!
    Andrea Dawson - CBOC member

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    lesley ramirez at September 18, 2024 at 12:28pm PDT

    I believe the services CTE tay hub has to offer would benefit Dewey students, one main reason I believe this is because CTE tay hub offers housing to those who unfortunately don't have the best housing situation as to right now. CTE tay hub offering housing is a huge thing and offers security and stability to students who often aren't able to attend their classes due to housing problems/homelessness. Not only that but they also help people develop their skills and knowledge they need for a variety of careers they may be interested in.