Meeting Time: August 28, 2024 at 4:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

N.-2 24-1940 Initial Public Hearing by the Board of Education on Aspire Public Schools - Lionel Wilson College Preparatory Academy - Petition and Charter (Renewal) - Grades 6-12 - Ju1y 1, 2025 - June 30, 2030, pursuant to Education Code Section 47605.

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    Michelle Mason 21 days ago

    Aspire Public Schools - Lionel Wilson College Prep (LWP) is a phenomenal school that represents, prepares, and embraces all members of our Oakland community. I have firsthand witnessed and benefited from the intentional, inclusive, equitable, and innovative practices LWP provides scholars and families. Students at LWP engage in rigorous education preparing them for life changing post secondary opportunities and choices. LWP is a place where all individuals are welcomed and empowered to make a mark in history through learning and community. LWP is transformative and necessary for Oakland.

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    Ms Lawrence 21 days ago

    Lionel Wilson Prep is a community school, its core values represent the students, families and community it serves.

    Therefore, renewal should be the only option that exists for an educational institute that upholds strong academic standards, concerns with social emotional wellness, and values the input of Parents/Guardians.

    LWP serves grades 6-12, its staff is doing amazing work that deserves the time to cultivate, so that students may flourish into the amazing citizens we would like for our community now and in the future.

    Thank you for taking the time to read and consider. Take care!

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    Donnie Penelton 21 days ago

    I've worked in many different sectors of education, public, private and now charter. Schools, when having oversight and adhering to guidelines set forth by districts holds them accountable. Renewing the charter and having a reasonable set of expectations is the key to this. Closing down schools and displacing students and families who need the opportunities is counter to the ideals of education rights and freedoms that our forebears have fought for in this country and is an anti-choice practice. Charter schools means being held to higher standards as there are more levels of authority to navigate and collaboration practices with school districts and officials that need to be adhered to in order to initiate, maintain and renew charter schools for families, students, educators and administration.

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    Emma Clark 21 days ago

    The values of this school community founded in culturally responsive education and restorative justice partnered with the education they provide make them essential to the community.

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    Jan Malvin 21 days ago

    Statewide, 11% of K-12 students are enrolled in charter schools. Oakland’s public school age students in charters far exceeds that at 31%. In fact, Oakland’s share of students in charter schools is greater than six large urban school districts in California: LA (28%), San Diego (17%), San Jose (14%), Sac. City (13%), San Francisco (13%), and Fresno (11%). California law requires that charters serve all students, including English learners and students with disabilities, along with a racial and ethnic balance that mirrors the school district. As authorizers the Board must consider during the charter renewal process disparities with OUSD in enrollment of student groups such as foster youth, newcomers, and students with extensive support needs. With almost one in three school-age students in charters, the Board should demand that the charter school proves it is neither sanctioning nor increasing school-based segregation. Demand to see independently validated facts, not just future plans.