Meeting Time: August 28, 2024 at 4:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

N.-1 24-1939 Initial Public Hearing by the Board of Education on Education for Change - Learning Without Limits Charter School - Petition and Charter (Renewal) - Grades TK-5 - Ju1y 1, 2025 - June 30, 2030, pursuant to Education Code Section 47605.

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    Plinio Hernandez 22 days ago

    I’m big on institution knowledge and when I started at LWL I worked with individuals who where connected to Jefferson because their children attended Jefferson and they were a family instrumental in the creation of LWL. We stand on the shoulder of those who came before us. As a Dean of culture I know that I am a direct link to the last, a direct link to the community and the future. My job iOS to create a culture where children are proud of their school and community as well as respectful and responsible student who stand on the shoulders of those who came before them

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    Kim Davis 22 days ago

    It is time for this board to act as a responsible authorizer and hold charter schools to account for serving ALL students well. Charter schools are not like public schools, with their operation governed by the education code. According to the California Charter school Association "In exchange for operational freedom and flexibility, charter schools are subject to higher levels of accountability than traditional public schools." Education Code requires charter schools not to outscore the public schools in their town, they must make progress toward meeting STATE standards, yet both of the charter schools presenting tonight focus on being better on state indicators than their neighbors. That is not the appropriate standard, they are measured against the state averages. And while they are exempt from some laws, they cannot exclude higher need populations in order to reach those standards. For every charter school, look at performance compared to state, and ensure they are serving ALL kids.

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    Jan Malvin 22 days ago

    Statewide, 11% of K-12 students are enrolled in charter schools. Oakland’s public school age students in charters far exceeds that at 31%. In fact, Oakland’s share of students in charter schools is greater than six large urban school districts in California: LA (28%), San Diego (17%), San Jose (14%), Sac. City (13%), San Francisco (13%), and Fresno (11%). California law requires that charters serve all students, including English learners and students with disabilities, along with a racial and ethnic balance that mirrors the school district. As authorizers the Board must consider during the charter renewal process disparities with OUSD in enrollment of student groups such as foster youth, newcomers, and students with extensive support needs. With almost one in three school-age students in charters, the Board should demand that the charter school proves it is neither sanctioning nor increasing school-based segregation. Demand to see independently validated facts, not just future plans.

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    Kristen Ford 23 days ago

    Please allow me to give public comment