Meeting Time: May 08, 2024 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

O.-1 24-1038 Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - May 8, 2024.

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    Phoebe Sauter 10 months ago

    Give Kevin Sun his job back!

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    Sonya Karabel 10 months ago

    Please rescind Kevin Sun's non-reelection! This non-reelection appears to be retaliation for their political beliefs and union activities. I grew up in the next town over, in Berkeley, with teachers who supported my critical thinking and engagement with the world around me, and I think this is a vital part of education.

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    Farah Hamade 10 months ago

    I strongly urge the board to rescind Kevin Sun's non-reelection! Teachers should not be retaliated against for educating and organizing on the topic of Palestine. With teacher retention already low, this retaliation only hurts schools and students by discouraging and excluding wonderful teachers that care about justice for all.

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    Rosa V 10 months ago

    I am submitting a comment in support of Kevin. I grew up in the Oakland school system learning from teachers like Kevin who expanded my knowledge of the world that was beyond the walls. Teachers are vital to our children and to mentoring their sense of justice, history and capability to imagine a world where ppl are equal and human rights is not a radical idea. Kevin is exceptional they are dedicated, professional and knows the community they teach. The community that right now is being harassed by agitators these agitators are trying to place fear into teachers and students to not speak up to ignore injustices and to pretend that a whole community doesn’t exist. Kevin has an exemplary record, not one negative remark with his skills as a teacher but is now faced with retaliation for daring to teach his community of students. Retaliation for organizing as a union member. we need more Kevin’s teaching our children to believe that community is actually inclusive not just keywords. Rosita

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    Bahaar Tadjbakhsh 10 months ago

    When I heard Kevin was terminated from their teaching position, I was appalled. It appears as retaliation for their beliefs, rather than their skills and conduct as a teacher. They know the community and how the school works. Their removal from this position is retaliation for organizing, and I believe Kevin should be offered a position back ASAP!

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    Maya Stevens 10 months ago

    As one of Teacher Sun's coworkers at Oakland High, I have seen their commitment to their students. Their non-reelection letter came as a big surprise to many of us, especially because their department colleagues have consistently spoken highly of them. Teacher Sun cares deeply about their students and is committed to providing their students with excellent instruction. A non-reelection letter for a first-year teacher, after our school failed to follow through on proper evaluation procedures (for many of us, not just Kevin), is unconscionable. It seems clear to me that this non-reelection is not based on job performance, and is instead a retaliatory action for Kevin's work organizing and educating for Palestinian solidarity.

    If OUSD were actually committed to supporting new teachers, as they so boldly claim, they would put more resources into supporting and retaining them, instead of taking advantage of a broken system to silence activists. Rescind Kevin's non-reelection!!

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    Kelsey R 10 months ago

    Kevin Sun's commitment to truth, justice, and collective action is exactly what Oakland youth should be learning from their teachers and the students are lucky to have Kevin as part of their school community. Their record shows what a passionate and dedicated educator they are. Kevin should not be retaliated against for their organizing, as it punishes students who appreciate them as a teacher and sends the wrong message to OUSD students and community members. If you not only don't vocally and clearly stand against genocide but go so far as to punish those with the moral clarity to organize against genocide - what a disgraceful and sobering move. As an Oakland resident, I urge you to reverse the non-reelection.

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    Jules Menyhart 10 months ago

    This is messed up!! A teacher should not be punished for speaking out against a genocide & ethnic cleansing!!! Teachers should not have to be scared to protest against genocide. Shame on this institution, I believe in Kevin Sun as an educator more than anyone involved in this decision. Children should learn to believe in a world where they can fight not just for their own freedom, but for the freedom of everyone across the world. Kevin Sun clearly stands for the children of the world, hoping to prevent more deaths in Palestine. I hope you can reconsider and invite Kevin Sun back to teach.

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    Melissa P 10 months ago

    The non reelection of teacher Kevin Sun is clear retaliation and is bad for their students, their coworkers, their school and OUSD. It’s wrong and unfair and sends a horrible message to students and our community that a great teacher can be fired for exercising their right to freedom of speech. As a concerned Bay Area resident I urge the board to reverse this decision.

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    Jonah Lounds 10 months ago

    Rescind Kevin Sun's non-reelection! Kevin is an exemplary figure, not only in their commitment to and care for students but also in their passion to work in every capacity towards building a safe and equitable world for our youth. As a first-year teacher, Kevin received no professional support from administration and no formal evaluation this year, and yet they have been denied a second year of employment in the district. As part of Teacher Sun's work in organizing a meeting for Bay Area Labor for Palestine, a coalition that includes the Oakland Education Association, they submitted a reservation for space at Westlake Middle School on 2/5/24, a reservation which was initially approved by the District only to be canceled mere hours before the meeting. That cancellation of this reservation was a clear enough political move against teachers' organizing efforts, but to then fire the teacher who made the reservation is beyond the pale (and illegal). Rescind Teacher Sun's non-reelection.

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    Jocelyn G 10 months ago

    OUSD Teacher Kevin Sun. They are a good teacher & OUSD has no reason to dismiss them. They are beloved by their students. They have the support of unions around the Bay. OUSD is clearly discriminating against them because they made the space reservation for the “Bay Area Labor for Palestine” meeting. Teacher Sun is being dismissed for Rea’s that have both to do with their excellent performance, which was never evaluated. Clearly this is a political move on the part of OUSD to repress anti-war activism and retaliate against union activity to placate right wing extremists, many of whom are not even part of our local community, who are harassing and doxxing educators. These extremists do NOT represent me as a Jewish community member. Many Jewish people, parents, educators and labor unionists, are strongly opposed to this bullying and infringement on free speech. OUSD has given no concrete reasons for Teacher Sun’s non-reelection. Multiple labor unions are watching closely.

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    Simon Brown 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident and as a teacher, I strongly urge the board to reverse the termination of Kevin Sun. Teacher support and retention is critically important for students, and firing a dedicated teacher for no reason but political activism for Palestine is an affront to students and workers in the district.

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    Vee Soro 10 months ago

    I’m appalled by the discriminatory termination of Kevin Sun, whose only “crime” was doing his job as a teacher, ie, educating about Palestine, which all teachers should be doing to encourage a fully rounded student body. Kevin is a good teacher who has earned the respect of their peers and students (evidenced by many testimonials submitted to a petition). They were never evaluated and have had no complaints. His termination is an outrage.

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    Nathaniel Bourell 10 months ago

    As a parent I am very concerned to hear that the district's actions have created a perception that teachers can be retaliated against for exercising their first amendment rights, even on their own time! I don't want my kids education to be by teachers who are reasonably fearful that raising any mildly controversial issue could get them fired.

    A good education requires that teachers must not surrender their free speech rights when they take their job. I think we should encourage teachers to be active in our community.

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    Jameson Rush 10 months ago

    Kevin Sun is a welcoming and caring teacher and a person of strong moral integrity. OUSD's penalizing and dropping of an exceptional teacher is not only an act of profound cowardice, but also foolish given the statewide shortage of qualified teachers and the difficulty the district has retaining quality educators!

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    Thomas Wooding 10 months ago

    As an OUSD educator, I urge the OUSD board to rescind Kevin's non-reelection. Kevin and I work in the CS department and their dedication to excellence shines in the classroom. They plan and deliver wonderful lessons daily. It is a shame to see this decision and hurts our community.

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    Matt Segall 10 months ago

    As a concerned Oakland community member and resident, I urge the district to rescind Kevin Sun’s non re-election. It seems clear that Sun was not re elected in retaliation to hosting a Palestinian advocacy event, not their job performance. This sets an alarming precedent and does not align with the values of public education.

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    Jacob Fowler 10 months ago

    Teacher Sun is an amazing educator who is beloved by their students and repsected by their peers. There is currently a crisis in OUSD of firing first year teachers without a proper evaluation cycle. What's more, this firing is illegal retaliation for organizing in support of Palestine. The board should rescind Teacher Sun's firing, invest in young teachers, and protect free speech.

    -Jacob Fowler, OUSD teacher

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    Yarrow Greaney 10 months ago

    As a concerned community member and Oakland resident, I was very upset to see that teacher Kevin Sun was non-re-elected right after being involved in a Labor for Palestine workshop which was sponsored by OEA. Sun was not provided with a proper evaluation. This seems like retaliation. I strongly encourage the district to rescind Teacher Kevin Sun's non-re-election.

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    Thomas Chester 10 months ago

    As a concerned Oakland community member, I urge the OUSD Board to rescind Teacher Kevin Sun's non-reelection. Kevin's dismissal appears to be a case of retaliation rather than a reflection of job performance. Kevin was never formally evaluated and has received significant support from students and the community. The cancellation of his pre-approved meeting under political pressure suggests an unjust basis for his firing. Such actions not only challenge the fairness of our school system but also threaten the principles of free speech and solidarity. It is crucial that the district addresses these issues transparently and fairly.