Meeting Time: April 10, 2024 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

Q.-2 23-2704A Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0020 - Equity Impact Analysis Metrics for the Initiation of School Changes Per Education Code 41329. (Proposed Bachelor-Brouhard Amendment)

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    Sheila Haynes 11 months ago

    I just must speak on the Ongoing impact of 1912, the school closures, mergers that have impacted our BLack Students with Disabilities at the highest rates. Due to the safety risks, with lack of supports, I Have had to Choose safety over Academics, having my 13 year old autistic son learn from Home. He has been learning from home for more than 4 years. The District is Obligated to Protect our Most Vulnerable Students and provide a most nurturing environment with PRofessionally trained staff, and Mandate A reinforcement of Love and Joy. Our Students Can Only Thrive in a the Most Joyful and Loving Environment, It's Time for the district to Repair Decades of Harm caused as a result of these School Closures. If you Protect our Most Vulnerable Students with Disabilities, then ALL Students will Benefit, and it will Make it Better for EVERYONE. PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS,

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    Lena Anthony 11 months ago

    I support Resolution No. 2324-0020. As a parent with a child that has an IEP I believe that school program changes and closures should be done in a legal and ethical way. OUSD should be in compliance with the California Constitution Article 1, Section 7 and AB 1912