Meeting Time: February 14, 2024 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Ximena Montes about 1 year ago

    My name is Ximena Montes. I understand that budget cuts are necessary but reducing funds for student services goes against the best interests of our students. The Office of Equity and it’s staff provide invaluable support for students and families while promoting and advancing the academic success of students of color. According to 23-24 OUSD dashboard 49% of students speak a different language at home and 31.9% are English language learners. Reducing resources and eliminating key translation services will negatively impact the most vulnerable members of our school community and could potentially set back all the progress made in the years since the pandemic. Additionally, the proposed cuts will disproportionately affect staff members of color since they are the ones providing key services. Staff diversity and representation is a critical component in the academic success of students of color.

    Thank you for your time.

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    Karla Guerra about 1 year ago

    Item Q. Unfinished Business

    The Unity Council comments on the proposed major cuts to the OUSD 2024-25 budget impacting the Latino Student Achievement (LSA) initiative and the Office of Equity.

    We respectfully ask the OUSD Board of Education to fully fund and expand or at least maintain Latino Student Achievement program and the Office of Equity as is & restore the LSA, AAMA, AAFE, and AAPISA Targeted Student Achievement Specialist, Site Facilitator and Teacher positions back in the Office of Equity.

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    Allan Santiago about 1 year ago

    My name is Allan Santiago. I am a caregiver for a student at Bret Harte Middle School in District 4. With the support of the Latino Student Achievement initiative and the Office of Equity, I feel more empowered to advocate for my student. At Bret Harte, the help of our District Family Engagement Specialist and our Targeted Specialist has become essential. Without these resources, progress made over the years will start to fall apart. Regular training programs can empower staff with the skills needed to interpret and apply data effectively, but also to establish empathy and rapport with Latinx students. The workshops provided by LSA facilitate meaningful discussions that bridges progress. There must be quality assurance by qualified staff to monitor that progress. The Office of Equity is 100% POC from Oakland, most of whom are SEIU service positions that work directly with community. Their efforts are incremental and cannot afford setbacks.