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Agenda Item

T.-22 23-1464 Approval by the Board of Education of General Services Agreement by and between the District and ACC Environmental Consultants, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide environmental services and consulting services which consist of conducting a situ soil sampling, assessing shallow soils for lead and arsenic, and soil waste characterization prior to the proposed asphalt replacement, advancement of up to four (4) soil borings to approximately 1.0 ft bogs, or refusal, via a hand auger, and other services as further described in the April 26, 2023 proposal, which is attached as Exhibit A to the Agreement, incorporated herein by refence as though fully set forth, for the Esperanza at Stonehurst Elementary School Site Improvements Project, in the not-to-exceed additional amount of $7,962.90, which includes a not-to-exceed amount of $723.90 for additional services, with the work scheduled to commence on June 29, 2023, and anticipated to last until September 1, 2023.