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Agenda Item

R.-6 23-1691 Approval by the Board of Education of the Employment Agreement by and between District and Jenine Lindsey, for latter to serve as Interim General Counsel, for the term July 1, 2023 through January 1, 2024, with a base salary of $213,955 plus additional pay of $9,600, District paid benefits of $35,737 and other fringe benefits of $35,394 for 2023-24, some of which increase annually.* ______ *Disclosure of salary and fringe benefits, for term, is pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(c)(3).

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    Joanna Davis about 1 year ago

    OUSD Central Admin pay is disproportionally high, both relative to the total budget and compared to other districts.
    In bargaining, OEA asked the OUSD bargaining team: Why was OUSD compensation so much higher than other districts’ in 2021? (most recent data available) For example, the top 20 earners in OUSD ranged from $233 to $525K incl. benefits. We were told by OUSD that the extra pay must have been from payouts of accrued unused vacation hours, paid for with Covid funds. I have sent these compensation data via email to the board directors to look at more carefully. It is astounding that, after seeing teacher salary data showing OEA educator salaries to be so much lower than that of other districts', OUSD’s first counter offer was an insulting 4.5% which included additional hours of work.
    Please scrutinize these contracts through the lens of parity and fairness: to the students, families and staff of OUSD, and also to taxpayers. Please address this structural problem.

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    Jackie Shonerd about 1 year ago

    This combined position (general counsel and chief governance officer) is unnecessary and should be eliminated for many reasons, including budget savings and the need for public transparency regarding district and board actions. Fremont USD does not have even an internal general counsel and spends way less on legal fees. The community should have been involved in discussing the need for this interim appointment instead of rushing it through. The Board needs to step back and evaluate this position, which didn't even exist until it was created for a specific person, Josh Daniels. If you are serious about balancing the budget, this position should be the first to go.

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    CANRA DonnieBarcliftFieldSupervisorNutritionServices about 1 year ago

    Under the CANRA legal responsibility to report known or reasonably suspected child abuse or neglect I hereby report Mr Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services for the brutal flogging of two children in the '80s with a 2x4 lumber beam which led to the accidental drug overdose of one of those victims the same year Mr Barclift was hired by OUSD, and I report him for uploading flogging videos to his public youtube channel of a black man flogging another black man unconscious while employed at OUSD, which was reported to the Ombudsperson but he, Mr Valenzuela, covered up to save Mr Barclift's job and the OUSD reputation.

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    Pauline Russell Silva about 1 year ago

    While I support a pay increase for increased duties, I oppose using ESSR funds for this position. The purpose of ESSR funds is to address pandemic learning loss and invest in infrastructure and programs to open and operate safely I don't see how this position meets the goals.