Meeting Time: June 15, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

G.-1 23-1512 A Report to the Facilities Committee, by Andrea Dawson, Chairperson, Measures B, J, and Y Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee, on the following matters: · Project Fact Sheet Template Revision, as approved at the Measures B, J, and Y Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee Meeting on May 31, 2023. · Budget to Actual Expenditures and Cash Flow Projections Template Revision, as approved at the Measures B, J, and Y Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee Meeting on May 31, 2023. · Amendment No. 2, Measure Y Spending Plan - May 2023, as discussed at the Measures B, J, and Y Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee Meeting on May 31, 2023.

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    andrea dawson over 1 year ago

    As Chair of the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee on behalf on CBOC I express appreciation to Staff for their clear and informative report to Board and CBOC on the Measure Y Spending Plan - Amendment #2. This report and staff's recommendation was key to the Board in approving the new revised spending plan.
    Good work.
    Andrea Dawson, CBOC Chair

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    DonnieBarcliftChildAbuser NutritionServicesFieldSupervisor over 1 year ago

    Please join the petition and investigation to terminate Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services in OUSD. He maliciously assaulted two white kids with a 2x4 lumber beam in 1980's and one of those two victims died on a drug overdose in 2009 the same year that Donnie Barclift (Donnell Burnell Barclift) got hired at OUSD in 2009.
    If you are a victim or know a victim of Mr Barclift's and want to join the investigation how Mr Barclift became expediently hired in 2009 without any tertiary education going from KFC to OUSD, please see the link above. It is clearly reverse race based discrimination, and a preplanned malicious revenge act against the kids he beat. After employed, he even posted videos of a black man beating another black man with a 2x4 lumber beam on his personal youtube channel, the same type he assaulted the two boys with. The Ombudsperson was notified and tried to hide it.