Meeting Time: May 18, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

H.-1 23-1290 Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Facilities Committee - Up To 30 Minutes - May 18, 2023.

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    Josh Cline almost 2 years ago

    Please help Sequoia get the facilities that it needs to properly serve our youngest SDC students.

    This school year, a K-2 SDC class was added to Sequoia to match the existing 3-5 SDC class. This is great for students and families that can remain at our school for all of their elementary years and experience the stability that general education students and families take for granted. Unfortunately, district enrollment policies have allowed Sequoia to become “over-utilized” with no room to grow. The K-2 SDC classroom was put in the existing teacher-room/bookroom which is only 435 sq ft! In comparison, the 3-5 SDC portable is much larger at 735 sq ft and the K and 1 general education classrooms are twice the size at over 850 sq ft.

    Sequoia needs an additional portable so that these students can have adequate and appropriate learning space that all other Sequoia students enjoy.