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Agenda Item

T.-1 23-0550 Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2022-2023 by and between the District and 510Media, Oakland, CA, for the latter to facilitate focus groups and listening sessions composed of families who did not enroll in OUSD schools and/or left OUSD schools for competing systems; compile these insights and learnings and use them to plan a targeted media campaign designed to improve enrollment both short-term and long-term; provide deliverables including a summary of insights and a plan for the media campaign, via the Student Assignment Department, for the period of January 4, 2023 through June 30, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $132,000.00.

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    Sarah Thompson almost 2 years ago

    We KNOW the reasons. Families, for the most part, are not sitting quietly on why they are choosing not to enroll their kids in OUSD. The enrollment office ITSELF could engage in such research if necessary. At a time when we are looking at wildly disrupting the access of children with intellectual disabilities to the communities with which they have made deep connections, when we are knocking down our RJ facilitators to half time to balance the budget, when teachers continue to buy their own pencils and deal with broken THIS a thing to spend this amount of money on???? Oh wait, most likely, if it started in January and runs out June 30th, a great deal of this money has already been spent.