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Agenda Item

O.-1 23-0979 Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Board - April 26, 2023.

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    Annie Gottbehuet almost 2 years ago

    OUSD has put forward a strong offer, bringing Oakland teachers in-line to above neighboring districts. There would have been even more funds available for further increases and additional support had OEA not fought so hard to stop school closures/consolidations. Actions have consequences and stopping school closures reduced the available pool.
    Most important though is the impact to the students. This would be the 4th year without a full year in classrooms. Enough is enough. No strike.

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    Erin Proudfoot almost 2 years ago

    I 10000% support our teachers and they deserve a big raise.

    I oppose a strike at this time. We are not at an impasse with negotiations and I hope the adults on both sides can reach a compromise agreement that supports our teachers and balances our budget. And - don’t forget - keeps our kids IN SCHOOL with the academics and support services they so desperately need.

    I sincerely hope this “threat to strike” is simply a scare tactic from OEA. I would not support a strike at this time where both parties are at the bargaining table.

    PLEASE keep bargaining and good faith and come up with a new contract ASAP so we can finish this school year in GREAT spirits!

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    parent parent almost 2 years ago

    I oppose this strike. The constant fighting between OEA, the school board and OUSD leave us feeling like our kids are not the priority and suffer the most. Teachers deserve a fair wage, and students deserve the best education possible. Surrounding school districts seem to balance their budgets and provide solid education without the frequent threat of strikes. OUSD is dysfunctional, and sadly, our family will be leaving. Hopefully, our kids will be able to attend the final weeks of their school year, however.

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    Chantal Below almost 2 years ago

    I absolutely support teacher’s right to fair wages - their work is critical and they are vital to the lives of our children. I feel so grateful to all the teachers at our school and the proposed raises are much overdue and deserved. And - I don’t support a strike. Our kids have experienced so much learning loss and trauma through the disruptions of the pandemic and I feel strongly that grown ups on both sides of this issue need to find a solution that honors teachers and guarantees uninterrupted learning and stability for our children.

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    Shay Casey almost 2 years ago

    Teachers deserve wages equal or better than neighboring districts, of course. That said, I don’t see why a strike is needed at this time, after our kids have missed so much school time in the last two years. Union-backed candidates won a majority of seats on the school board in the last election. Why can they not negotiate with their own endorsed people?

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    Sarah Benatar almost 2 years ago

    I truly support our teachers and their right to a living wage. Given the proposed increases I oppose a strike and ask everyone to please put the students first!

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    Jess Beasley almost 2 years ago

    This kind of chaos needs to end. This is not a team sport. Another thing to think about: OEA spent countless money getting “their people” onto the board and they did it. They celebrated when they “flipped the board” So why is there is still a fight? Because all they care about is fighting. There is a place for professional activism, but it shouldn’t get so SOOOO entangled with the education of our kids. Please.

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    Pamela Schwartz almost 2 years ago

    I deeply support our teachers and also deeply oppose a strike. We cannot move forward as a community or a district with these tactics being used so frivolously. The OEA are completely off the rails.

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    Jessica Heywood almost 2 years ago

    Do NOT STRIKE. This is not fair to the kids.

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    Heather Eisner almost 2 years ago

    Whille I fully support our teachers getting the compensation they deserve, I absolutely do not support a strike at this time. From what I’ve seen, OUSD has offered a substantial raise and a salary structure for retaining teachers which is what the district needs most. Our kids have been through so much over the last 3 years and a strike right now will only harm them. They need to be in the classroom. An adult labor contract should not involve our kids and they should not have to suffer the consequences of these negotiations.

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    Patricia Johnson almost 2 years ago

    I oppose a strike. The district and OEA, all run by grown adults, should be able to find a reasonable compromise amid the scarce resources. I’m sick of trying to understand what’s going on, who is doing what or not doing that. Stand up for kids and compromise and DON’T STRIKE.

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    Ellie U almost 2 years ago

    There should absolutely not be a strike right now. Our kids have put up with enough disruption. The union is uninterested in them or their mental well being. It’s saddening and infuriating. They care so little for the kids and families of Oakland and only about power/winning a fight. Many parents do not support Regis action right now

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    Dina Frandsen almost 2 years ago

    It's so hard to put in words what I have witnessed over the last years from OEA. One disruption after another or making sure they lengthen the disruption for as long as possible - one chaotic protest after another- one threat after another .
    I may be one of a handful who speak up , but parents are quiet quitting OUSD . And believe me it's not because of OUSD staff or the Board. OEA and the professional activists create chaos.
    I've sat through presentations to parents for 3 years in a row now - with outright lies, mistruths and more trying to get OUSD parents to support things that in no way help kids. You, OEA, are the reason kids run for private schools (if they can), search out the charter school they can flee to, or just plain move out of Oakland. Quiet quitting. It's rampant. And I'm one of the only ones who will actually tell you and everyone why your actions are this point... disgusting.

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    Megan Bacigalupi almost 2 years ago

    Kids in Oakland are still recovering from being out of school for over a year. We have a second pandemic of learning loss, coupled with widening achievement gaps. 20% of Black and Brown students in Oakland read at grade level, less than half of all students. We have 36% of students chronically absent, a 21% increase from the last year for kids in OUSD not disrupted by a strike or pandemic (which you have to go back to 2017-18). Now is NOT the time to say to kids you won't be coming to school for days/weeks! Our kids need every day in their classrooms, especially students like my own who have IEPs. Do what's best for kids!

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    Keith Brown almost 2 years ago

    The Alameda Labor Council stands in solidarity with the Oakland Education Association and their demands for fair compensation, investments in the common good, and increased student services and mental health supports. Oakland educators deserve to be paid a fair wage, but currently, they're 23% below the average of other educators in the county. This can't go on. How can we expect to recruit and retain the best teachers by paying them less than others? Oakland students deserve great teachers and classified staff who stay in Oakland and bring stability to our classrooms. We demand OUSD negotiate in good faith and address the teacher retention crisis that threatens our children's future. Common Good demands must be addressed. Shouldn't we focus on investments that will benefit our children, parents, and community today and in the future? Let us stand together for our students, families, and educators. We urge the Superintendent and the Board to settle a fair contract now.

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    Gregory Kalkanis almost 2 years ago

    Please direct OUSD staff to engage in serious contract negotiations with the Oakland Education Association including the common good proposals. The forty-nine member OEA bargaining team talked at length with their colleagues to determine member concerns and collaborated to compile a list of contract demands that would meet the needs of OUSD employees and, more importantly, help Oakland students to thrive. The OEA bargaining team arrives at the bargaining sessions punctually and prepared to work constructively with District officials. Unfortunately, the District frequently fails to attend scheduled meetings and arrives with proposals limited to issues of compensation. The District compensation proposal leaves out those educators and staff who are not tenured thus creating a tiered salary schedule. Please direct OUSD staff to bargain all of the OEA issues and to provide a compensation proposal that enables all employees covered by the agreement to afford to continue to live here.