Meeting Time: March 09, 2023 at 7:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

23-0546A Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2223-0185A - Classified Employees Reduction in Force Due to Lack of Funds and/or Lack of Work (2023/24 Fiscal Year)

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    Zach Weinstein over 1 year ago

    No cuts, no mergers! As an Oakland resident I deeply oppose any attempt by the board to implement an austerity budget on the backs of workers who have sacrificed so much throughout the pandemic. There is no need for a hiring freeze or to pit workers against each other. OUSD has a bloated management and administration budget and underpaid workers compared to all surrounding school districts and any cuts should come straight from the bloated budget for administration and management. I urge the board to vote no

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    Laura Crowther over 1 year ago

    Chop from the top! No mergers, no cuts. Teachers deserve a cost of living adjustment. Keep teachers in Oakland!

    - D4 resident

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    andre spearman over 1 year ago

    Has the district done everything to avoid cutting these position including looking at Grant funds from Community Schools Grants of $66 million, other funding sources. ? Andre Spearman, SEIU 1021

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    Craig Gordon over 1 year ago

    Even if the District adds some "chops from the top," sacrificing a few token admin jobs, it does not justify cutting essential services and workers. Justifying the layoff of classified workers supposedly as a tradeoff for increasing increase teachers' pay is the same old disgusting divide-and-conquer politics we've seen in OUSD for decades. Board directors who stand with OUSD's students and workers must stand firm and vote no!