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Agenda Item

M.-1 23-0446 Comments By Collective Bargaining Units - March 8, 2023.

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    Frustrated Parent about 2 years ago

    We the parents are tired of the OEA Leaders games. You did a 1 days strike last year to fight against school closures, you got that. You fervently lobbied to stop the budget changes voted on last week- you got that. Now you and your leaders make commenst like "OUSD is not agreeing to our demands". Well - money does not grow on trees. You can't fight for fiscally irrepsonsible move, -win those fights and then expect to get raises, and more. We understand that you love to organize. We understand that you love the fight. We are tired of our kids being pawns in your game, your fight.
    Fiscal responsibility is part of making school districts great for all OUSD kids. Without it you hurt the kids. In fact- you are hurting your own rank and file.
    STOP fighting absolutely everyhing and start teaching kids to read.