Meeting Time: February 28, 2023 at 6:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C1. Public Comment on Closed Session Items

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    Yarrow Greaney about 2 years ago

    I live in District 3 and I oppose these cuts and mergers. This proposal hurts our students and our communities. It will drive down retention and it will deprioritize student wellbeing and success. These support staff are absolutely critical for our students. Vote No on this monstrous proposal.

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    Steen Redor about 2 years ago

    How will firing staff and merging schools possibly promote retention when all that will do is increase the workload and class size of teachers and support staff who are already over-worked and under-compensated? How would this at all prioritize student academic success? And of course, true to form, OUSD has decided to impede community input and discussion on the matter by notifying us about the special meeting just one day before the meeting. The continued lack of transparency and blatant disregard for our voices is incredibly disrespectful to all the educators and families in OUSD, not to mention undemocratic. Trying to spin cuts as being in the best interest of teachers and students is insulting to all our efforts and our profession. Let's be real: the teachers and support staff who work with students every single day know best how to prioritize students' academic success, and the solution is definitely NOT cuts or closures. Listen to us. Vote NO!

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    Heather Quinones about 2 years ago

    I oppose these cuts. Please find the money elsewhere and give the community time to discuss a way forward for OUSD.
    Cutting support staff is no way to improve retention.

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    Mayra Alvarado about 2 years ago

    NO CUTS, NO CLOSURES!!! It is ridiculous that we are thinking about continuing to cut from school sites without sufficient community engagement and closing off public speaking on Zoom so that you can't comment unless you registered beforehand.

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    Craig Gordon about 2 years ago

    No school mergers! Vote NO. Will this "new" school board will do exactly what the "old" board did? Using the same excuses?

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    Timothy Josephs about 2 years ago

    As an Oakland resident, I oppose any cuts to our schools. Our students deserve more investment, not less. Shame on you for trying to ram this proposal down our throats with such short notice.

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    Channing Martinez about 2 years ago

    I am channing Martinez, Director of Organizing of the Labor Community strategy Center. I'm calling in to stand with BOP and the community of Oakland. Across the state and nation we have watched as BOP, and community, have worked tirelessly to transform the school culture and climate as we know it, fighting for adequate investment and resourcing. This district again, has an opportunity to be the blueprint for districts across the globe, by taking the lead and direction of the community and community stakeholders and adhering to their demands to stop any further cuts to essential resources. It’s time to put your money where your mouth is and invest into the community you claim to serve. Invest into students and families. Invest in critical positions that foster healthy, thriving schools. The world is watching and following Oakland. In LA we also defunded the LA School Police in invested more than $100 Million into the Black Student Achievement Program. Oakland has been key to our success

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    Simon Brown about 2 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident in District 4, and as a resident and educator I strongly oppose cuts to support staff and freezes to new hires. These staff are absolutely critical to students' education, and their learning will suffer from this proposal. Understaffing is already a severe problem and this will only make it worse. If cuts need to be made, let them be from administrators' salaries that dwarf those of essential support staff.

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    Jen Ellen about 2 years ago

    Please, please do not cut support staff. My daughter goes to school in Oakland in a moderate-severe special needs class and she requires a 1:1 level of support. Cutting *any* of the paras in her class would mean that she would no longer be safe in the classroom and we would be forced to pull her from school. Please do not cut any staff!!!

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    Juan Canham about 2 years ago


    I strongly oppose these cuts, at a time when schools are struggling with behavior because kids have not been able to fully socialize for the last few years, it seems like a recipe for disaster:

    1. Cut support staff
    2. Have more unruly behavior
    3. Have a negative impact on performance
    4. Have more wealthier parents pull their kids from OUSD due to 3 & 4
    5. Get less funding
    6. Goto 1

    I live in district 4

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    Isaac Harris about 2 years ago

    I am a resident and teacher in District 2. I strongly oppose cutting the roles of people I work with and rely on every day. Our case managers, paraprofessionals, and support staff are crucial to the success of our students. We are the wealthiest state in the wealthiest nation on Earth. How are we being denied the resources our students need and deserve. People cannot afford to lose their jobs during record inflation. Please say NO to cuts and layoffs.

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    Andrew Bodo about 2 years ago

    Cut some salaries at the top! NO LAYOFFS!

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    Ari Marcantonio about 2 years ago

    It is cowardly and shameful of the superintendent and board president Hutchinson to consider laying off educators and freezing hiring at a time when our kids need more resources and staff than ever. Do the right thing and vote this resolution down. The future of our kids is in your hands.

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    Daria MarcantonioKieffer about 2 years ago

    As a resident of district 6 and teacher in OUSD I strongly oppose these cuts. These positions are essential for our schools. We should be fighting to expand services, not cut them. Our children deserve better.

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    Maureen Loughran about 2 years ago

    No hiring freeze. Don’t cut 100 support staff.

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    Alex Acua about 2 years ago

    My name is Alex Acuña and I live in Oakland district 5. I stand with Oakland students and urge you to vote NO on the resolution to cut staff, freeze hiring, and merge schools. Oakland students and workers deserve good public education, access to services (especially post-COVID!) and good paying jobs. Not cuts!

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    Samantha Corwith about 2 years ago

    I am a resident of Oakland District 5. I stand with Oakland schools and strongly urge you to vote NO on the resolution to cut staff, freeze hiring, and merge schools. Oakland students and workers deserve good public education and jobs, not cuts!

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    Emily M about 2 years ago

    My name is Emily and I live in Oakland district 3. I stand with Oakland schools and urge you to vote NO on the resolution to cut staff, freeze hiring, and merge schools. Oakland students and workers deserve good public education and jobs, not cuts.

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    Rebecca Teevan about 2 years ago

    As a resident of Oakland District 1 who loves this city, I urge you to vote NO on any measures that will cut vital staff from schools, freeze hiring, merge schools, or otherwise strip support from the public schools that hold our communities together. Don't balance the budget on the backs of our city's children and at the expense of hardworking teachers and school staff; cut some of the unnecessary 6-figure salaried positions from the district's top-heavy administration, and funnel that money into strengthening our schools rather than undermining them! Please vote NO and show the people of Oakland that you represent them, not private enterprise and charter school interests. Chop from the top!

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    Dante Popple about 2 years ago

    DO NOT cut school funding and staff positions. DUH!! Jesus christ.
    If you're running out of money, but the police budget.