T.-3 23-0167 Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 2, Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and CWS Construction Group, Inc., Novato, CA, for additional construction services which consists of PCO #8 - Install of new aggregate base rock in shot put area. PCO #11 - Concrete blocking main sewer line of south restroom, removed portion with concrete and replaced. PCO# 12 -Removal of existing floor drains in existing restrooms (4) and install trap primers at each floor drain. PCO #13 -Repair/patch existing concrete floor to complete installation of trap primers. PCO II 14 - Traffic rated lids (4) for drain boxes on turf field, as well as one replacement drain box which completely collapsed, for the Castlemont High School Field and Bleachers Replacement Project, in the amount of $49,147.06, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Agreement from $8,619,585.71 to $8,668,732.77. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.